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This may only come in i386 "32-bit" for now, but that works on much "64-bit" computers.
Makes a great baseline for evaluating whether prospective hardware will play nicely.
Judging by the backgrounds initially available, there's at least one merry soul contributing to it.
May they endure and prosper.
Very great project
I really hope the maintainer of this project brings in devuan 9 at some point.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
Here's a test iso made from ascii that aitor just uploaded. This one will not boot into a live session, but if you could test the installer and report, it would be helpful. Thanks.
Here's a test iso made from ascii that aitor just uploaded. This one will not boot into a live session, but if you could test the installer and report, it would be helpful. Thanks.
Hmm... sure I can try it if you want. tell me though, does this image appear in qemu form? If it does, or if you can tell me how to convert it to qemu form, I will test it gladly.
I hope it will work for arm in the future btw, eoma68-a20 as my reason of course c201 chromebook asus is also a good reason. not as good though.
there may be others though, but for me, eoma68 needs this.
64 bit processors will be supported in the future though right?
Last edited by zapper (2017-08-01 15:00:11)
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
fsmithred wrote:Here's a test iso made from ascii that aitor just uploaded. This one will not boot into a live session, but if you could test the installer and report, it would be helpful. Thanks.
Hmm... sure I can try it if you want. tell me though, does this image appear in qemu form? If it does, or if you can tell me how to convert it to qemu form, I will test it gladly.
This is what I do:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 name-of.img 100g
In the directory where you made your image put your iso and:
sudo kvm -m (amount of memory for VM, i.e. 2048) -cdrom (name of image, i.e., gnuinos.iso) -boot d name-of.img
To start the image after install do:
sudo kvm -m (amount of memory for VM, i.e. 2048) name-of.img
My English is still a work in progress; no offense was intended.
Login screen says Debian 8; I saw no shutdown/restart/suspend/etc options on it
Installer insists on adding bootloader (but respects redirection to partition), starts copying files without warning O_o
Good: Lxde, Customize Look & Feel; light & dark themes respected by Synaptic
I'm not familiar with simpleNetAid; only-connection "ens35" failed to (find device,) connect
¿Does this assume an internet connection will be present and active on boot?
Last edited by Somewhat Reticent (2017-08-01 16:09:10)
zapper wrote:fsmithred wrote:Here's a test iso made from ascii that aitor just uploaded. This one will not boot into a live session, but if you could test the installer and report, it would be helpful. Thanks.
Hmm... sure I can try it if you want. tell me though, does this image appear in qemu form? If it does, or if you can tell me how to convert it to qemu form, I will test it gladly.
This is what I do:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 name-of.img 100g
In the directory where you made your image put your iso and:
sudo kvm -m (amount of memory for VM, i.e. 2048) -cdrom (name of image, i.e., gnuinos.iso) -boot d name-of.img
To start the image after install do:
sudo kvm -m (amount of memory for VM, i.e. 2048) name-of.img
This helps enormously. thank you! I really appreciate it.
Oh, by the way, any idea if, GNUinOS has the devuan ascii packages or not? Just curious when or if, I am still in the process of using qemu. I will let you know my findings...
Last edited by zapper (2017-08-01 22:42:12)
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
Login screen says Debian 8; I saw no shutdown/restart/suspend/etc options on it
Installer insists on adding bootloader (but respects redirection to partition), starts copying files without warning O_o
Good:Lxde, Customize Look & Feel; light & dark themes respected by Synaptic
I'm not familiar with simpleNetAid; only-connection "ens35" failed to (find device,) connect
¿Does this assume an internet connection will be present and active on boot?
For me, it makes a bunch of errors, and eventually drops to busybox.
also blk-update request fails
missing modules /cat/proc/modules
/dev/mapper/gnuinos--vg-root does not exist dropping to a shell!
ps I use libreboot so I am curious if that is why this happened...
Last edited by zapper (2017-08-02 00:02:15)
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
…/dev/mapper/gnuinos--vg-root does not exist …
(just guessing, after quick search)
… kernel issue?
… initramfs without lvm support?
I just (added it to a USB flash device that boots with GrUB4dOS, and) ran it live.
(vm envy)
zapper wrote:…/dev/mapper/gnuinos--vg-root does not exist …
(just guessing, after quick search)
… kernel issue?
… initramfs without lvm support?
I just (added it to a USB flash device that boots with GrUB4dOS, and) ran it live.
(vm envy)
I also tried the jessie image of gnuinos didn't have that problem although,
Gnuinos still has some freedom issues, such as firefox having pocket enabled...
and that it has firefox and not a derivative like icecat or even waterfox which still wouldn't be completely free due to the eme being visible and a nonfree repository aka mozilla addons.
I guess my point is, gnuinos needs some work. Still I am hopeful that this or gnueretics will produce something worth while in the future.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
I wonder when amd64 beta version of ascii will be out for GNUINOS...
or for that matter a lot of things...
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
The delay in GNUinos made me opt for Hyperbola GNU / Linux-Libre
The delay in GNUinos made me opt for Hyperbola GNU / Linux-Libre
@pekman . . .Was wondering why you haven't been around lately. I went to your forum, saw the change but didn't quite grok what was happening til now.
BTW, tried clicking the above link and got this:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). (Error code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap)
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
I thought it was a firejail thing but got something similar on chromium w/o firejail.
Here's a test iso made from ascii that aitor just uploaded. This one will not boot into a live session, but if you could test the installer and report, it would be helpful. Thanks.
The Installer:
It installed fine using the "just hit return" method. Only thing I would add from what's already been said is:
The Rest:
No Browser.
I couldn't connect to install one via eth0 or my libre wifi dongles . I know the onboard wifi is non-free but eth0 always works. It did see the cards and after scanning saw the router (the firmware was in place) but no connection.
after fiddling I did get Simple-Netaid to say it was connected by using a static ip "ifconfig eth0 10.0.011" I noticed it was on localhost before. When I tried to test the connection with ping I got "Temporary failure in name resolution"
Hope this helps
The delay in GNUinos made me opt for Hyperbola GNU / Linux-Libre
Hi pekman,
This delay deserves an explanation: my coworker is a bit lazy!
Be patient, i'm working on the live-sdk
Last edited by aitor (2017-10-01 09:04:28)
If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)
The delay in GNUinos made me opt for Hyperbola GNU / Linux-Libre
Guess who also did the same thing,
I too have opted for hyperbola for many, many reasons.
Free Software
Those reasons...
and also quicker updates to packages. And really... I don't need any package manager like octopi or synaptic.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
Hi not sure if this would be the right place to ask but what is the login and password for the live session of the beowulf iso found here:
I get to the slim login and have tried the usual suspects like root / toor and live / user
Last edited by HevyDevy (2020-05-25 12:06:24)
^ any tips on the above? Website for Gnuinos is spanish and translates ok but seems lacking in further details. Revamp is my guess.
Hi Hevydevy,
I did install it instead of login. No idea about login name and password so I did so. The installer is like Star so it is debian installer.
It is based on lxde with openbox so a bit different configuration.
Is it helfule?!
I'm uploading new images of gnuinos:
Here you are a screenshot: … _scrot.png
Gnuinos is using runit as init system.
If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)
thanks yohno and aitor, will give it another spin.
I'm uploading new images of gnuinos:
Here you are a screenshot: … _scrot.png
Gnuinos is using runit as init system.
Read in some other post that you were the author/creator of gnuinos. Thanks for a job well done, to you and anyone else involved. Devuan has become my primary distro on 5 machines and gnuinos the best of the derivatives I have tried. Since I discovered gnuinos I have downloaded and installed all x86_64 version beginning with ascii. With the exception of the 1st -06 ob release, they have all been good and even that one was corrected by an updated release. Keep up the good work.
What particularly attracted me to gnuinos was the stated goal of FSF recognition and use of the runit init. My preferred desktop is xfce with whisker menu but I have also added lxde and mate with brisk menu. Your ob release is the most complete ob implementation I have tried, save perhaps Slackel7.3. Everything is FAST and just works with few hiccups - a tribute to your work and the solid devuan base upon which it is built. Again, keep up the good work - long live devuan and gnuinos.
Hi aitor, i tried the iso for ob amd64 today and could not get crypto disks working from the graphical installer, just would not proceed and had no info on the error, just could not continue. It did install ok without crypto. I tried a few different ways to encrypt but if the guided full disk encryption is not working then something is wrong in my opinion. Just thought i would let you know.
Last edited by HevyDevy (2020-08-13 14:36:01)
I'm uploading new images of gnuinos:
Here you are a screenshot: … _scrot.png
Gnuinos is using runit as init system.
Is it using both runit and runit-init?
I love that combo and am using it on my x230 thinkpad, and yes it is faster than openrc.
I would love to see Gnuinos be like a deblobbed devuan like trisquel is for ubuntu, only ten thousand fold better. trisquel still has a lot of freedom issues, rust, java and redhat's bs services.
That being said, trisquel was still better than ubuntu. Let's hope GNUinos can be better than even devuan is on its own.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!