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#1 2017-04-07 17:28:08

Registered: 2017-03-11
Posts: 79  

Reporting bugs in devuan

Hi all,

just to let you know that Devuan's Bug Tracking System (BTS) is now online at:

In order to post a bug report, you need to install the "reportbug" tool found in jessie-proposed.
So just add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

  deb jessie-proposed main


  # apt-get update
  # apt-get install reportbug -t jessie-proposed

If you want to report a bug on the package PKG you just type:

 $ reportbug PKG 

and the tool will guide you through the process.




#2 2017-06-10 18:54:41

Registered: 2017-06-10
Posts: 1  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

I've just had a look at the new bug tracker... but it doesn't mention how to subscribe to any bugs? Also I'm the upower and udisks2 maintainer, but I bet if someone reports a bug against these here rather than on Gitlab, I won't get emailed?

You might want to HTTP -> HTTPS in your links.


#3 2017-06-11 13:48:09

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

seems the bugtracking system are "alone" i report two bugs but the proble here are that the reports are realted to "Debian" due the packages involved still refers Debian and due that does not install yet correctly...

of couorse nobody has tested devuan far away from only install on destop... and "arm toys"


#4 2017-06-11 15:25:30

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,403  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

mckaygerhard wrote:

of couorse nobody has tested devuan far away from only install on destop... and "arm toys"

I'm not quite understanding what you're trying to say.  But Devuan is running much more than desktops and "arm toys".  All of Dyne's infrastructure is on Devuan and this board is also.  If you'd read the reviews on Distrowatch or comments on irc, you'd know that many servers have been upgraded to Devuan. And I guess you missed this . . .


#5 2017-06-11 15:52:01

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

golinux wrote:
mckaygerhard wrote:

of couorse nobody has tested devuan far away from only install on destop... and "arm toys"

I'm not quite understanding what you're trying to say.  But Devuan is running much more than desktops and "arm toys".  All of Dyne's infrastructure is on Devuan and this board is also.  If you'd read the reviews on Distrowatch or comments on irc, you'd know that many servers have been upgraded to Devuan. And I guess you missed this . . .

i like devuan.. many packages that still fail are bugfree in devuan, but see this: and there's more but i'm tyred to consult to "nothing" before send a bug report...

by example, in debian there's a debian-i18n package, so in devuan to report a locale problem agains wicht package must be?

the info its full of controversy due constants changes: the forum was talk and then now its devgalaxy.. the bug reporting toll was down nd there's seems parallel bug reportin tool as main page said (one in git other in and the devel list have not so great activity … 00.en.html

i mean, for a distro that derived from another with great activity, that covers so many arch (devuan seems cover same arch like debian does) there's so few activity...

i ask in for two isues.. laketer the issues have a reporting tolls but there's no response for that issue ... no activity for reported issues i have many Debian based servrs that want to migrate to Devuan but start to find some missing things and i want to contribute to mitigate it

Last edited by mckaygerhard (2017-06-11 15:53:10)


#6 2019-02-08 22:44:53

Registered: 2017-07-02
Posts: 315  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

even though official docs say to report bugs to, i've seen bug reports all over the devuan ecosystem (= bugs.d.o, git.d.o, this forum, dng list, irc maybe(?).), and noticed some debian bugs also originating from devuan.

so, what's the correct way to report bugs?  and what's the deal with bugs reported in those other community channels?

been kind of confused about this, would be nice if that was clarified if possible.



#7 2019-02-09 12:32:17

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 342  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

xinomilo wrote:

even though official docs say to report bugs to, i've seen bug reports all over the devuan ecosystem (= bugs.d.o, git.d.o, this forum, dng list, irc maybe(?).), and noticed some debian bugs also originating from devuan.

so, what's the correct way to report bugs?  and what's the deal with bugs reported in those other community channels?

been kind of confused about this, would be nice if that was clarified if possible.


You and me both (confused, that is). Also, are there different places to report bugs in ascii (stable) vs. beowulf (testing)?


#8 2019-02-09 14:03:04

Registered: 2017-03-11
Posts: 79  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

I confirm that nothing has changed: bugs should be filed at, using reportbug. That's the only way to actually keep track of all the outstanding bugs. You are still free to report on DNG, or on this forum, but don't be surprised if the report goes "forgotten". The way to report bugs in Devuan is by using `reportbug`, as explained in the first post of this thread.




#9 2019-02-13 17:52:51

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,240  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

I am trying to submit bug reports from an ASCII installation.

reportbug from Devuan is installed, reportbug/stable,stable,now 7.1.6+devuan2.1 all  [installiert]. When trying to use it, it consequently crashes when selecting a topic from the list shown when you enter other as package name. The list presented is Debian stuff anyhow.

Also tried reportbug-ng/stable,stable 2.1. Also wants to send stuff to Debian, not to Devuan????? Mail prepared in Evolution:, 

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

--- Please fill out the fields below. ---

   Package name: Devuan Beowulf netinstall
        Version: Feb. 07 2017
Upstream Author: [NAME <>]
            URL: []
        License: [GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT/X, etc.]
    Description: [DESCRIPTION]

The default configuration is not correct obviously. How can this be fixed?

Thanks, Rolf


#10 2019-02-13 22:02:53

Registered: 2017-03-11
Posts: 79  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

rolfie wrote:

I am trying to submit bug reports from an ASCII installation.

reportbug from Devuan is installed, reportbug/stable,stable,now 7.1.6+devuan2.1 all  [installiert]. When trying to use it, it consequently crashes when selecting a topic from the list shown when you enter other as package name. The list presented is Debian stuff anyhow.

Also tried reportbug-ng/stable,stable 2.1. Also wants to send stuff to Debian, not to Devuan????? Mail prepared in Evolution:, 

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

--- Please fill out the fields below. ---

   Package name: Devuan Beowulf netinstall
        Version: Feb. 07 2017
Upstream Author: [NAME <>]
            URL: []
        License: [GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT/X, etc.]
    Description: [DESCRIPTION]

The default configuration is not correct obviously. How can this be fixed?

Thanks, Rolf

Please report the exact error message you see. If it's something related to reportbug not being able to retrieve existing bug reports via http, we know it already, and we are not fixing it any time soon. Just ignore it, say "No", and continue. Also, the only way to submit bug reports to is via email, so you need a working email account.




#11 2019-02-13 22:52:47

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,240  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

I have got 2 to 3 issues.

Topic1 related to reportbug 7.1.6+devuan2.1:
The program simply crashes without error on my Mate Desktop 1.16.2 on my ASCII when selecting a category from the presented list, when pressing the button "Weiter" in German, possibly "Next" in English.

When called from a user terminal, I get this oputput:

reportbug --exit-prompt --ui gtk2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportbug/", line 1120, in get_reports
    result = get_cgi_reports(package, timeout, system, http_proxy, archived,
NameError: name 'get_cgi_reports' is not defined

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportbug/ui/", line 1050, in sync_pre_operation
    http_proxy=http_proxy, archived=archived, source=source)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportbug/", line 1123, in get_reports
    raise NoNetwork

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 2235, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 1108, in main
    return iface.user_interface()
  File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 1722, in user_interface
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportbug/ui/", line 1766, in func
    args, kwargs = op.sync_pre_operation(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportbug/ui/", line 1052, in sync_pre_operation
    error_dialog("Unable to connect to %s BTS." % sysinfo['name'])
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportbug/ui/", line 138, in error_dialog
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportbug/ui/", line 93, in _assert_context
    (_describe_context(really), _describe_context(expected)))
AssertionError: Function should be called in <MainContext of reportbug thread> but was called in <MainContext of UI thread>

Topic2, valid for reportbug and reportbug-ng:
Unfortunately I do not know how at add a screenshot to show what strikes me most (I get Debian stuff instead of Devuan related).

Topic3: reportbug-ng wants to send a mail to: This is not right.



#12 2019-02-13 23:04:01

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,403  

Re: Reporting bugs in devuan

Did you not see this in KatolaZ post above yours?

Also, the only way to submit bug reports to is via email, so you need a working email account.

Try this method.


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