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Found firmware folder to be empty on beta2. Not empty on beta1. I do not get wifi device detected on new release where it was detected automatically on alpha and beta1. Is this intentional? Not a problem for me but I bet it is for some.
Last edited by catprints (2016-12-01 15:27:46)
"The obstacle is the path."
I am probably one of those who may struggle, I am about to install Devuan on an Asus laptop, are there any general points that you could give as to how you went about resolving the Wi-Fi issue? This will surely help me!
I have not seen a word ,so far, about anyone having trouble installing but I have been using devuan since alpha without doing an install that was not fairly easy. The wifi was fairly automatic during install. But with the beta 2 I could not get my kinivo wd320 usb network device to work. I'm just a desktop user but if you have a problem like mine you could probably get beta1 of the netinstall cd and try that.
I hope it is just my screw up and not the beta2 installer. The devuan distro is a rock solid distro on my desktop. Please let me know how it goes for you. Good luck!!
By the way, I tried the cd,the netinstall and the dvd-all stuck at eth0 detection.(beta2 only)
"The obstacle is the path."
@iamwhatiam . . . Perhaps you could open an issue in git here
142 now registered on this forum (at the moment)and I'm the only one with this complaint about beta2 makes me wonder if it really is an issue. I do not really know how to file an issue on git. perhaps I'll try.
I tried and it was painless-thanks Golinux.
Last edited by catprints (2016-12-02 00:43:08)
"The obstacle is the path."
I can replicate this problem. I installed the Beta1 x86_64 DVD ISO and had the wlan0 interface recognized and correctly configured. After wiping the partition and reinstalling Beta2 x86_64 CD ISO, the wlan0 interface is not recognized or configured.
A quick inspection from the console shows a disparity: there is NO /lib/firmware directory but there is /hd-media/lib/firmware. Copying /hd-media/lib/firmware to /lib did not solve the problem, but I also did not try to unload/load/reload kernel modules.
Lenovo t530 with Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 (iwlwifi)
(Issue reported to as Issue #91 probably related to #90).
Last edited by cpoakes (2016-12-02 10:55:16)
cpoakes: Thanks for posting above. I was almost doubting my sanity.
"The obstacle is the path."
I follow irc (#devuan) and dng daily but I prefer the forum interaction.
"The obstacle is the path."
I ran into this today installing from the DVD image and tried to work around it with
cp /cdrom/firmware/* /target/lib/firmware/
chroot /target
dpkg -i /lib/firmware/firmware-realtek*.deb
then tried to get the installer to see the wireless interface. It wouldn't do it, so I just finished the install.
On reboot, I found that I needed to install wicd, so I plugged in a wire, added wicd, and the wireless interface is working.
Last edited by fsmithred (2016-12-05 16:41:57)
Thanks to you and @cpoakes for detailed reports. I haven't reproduced nor investigated in depth, but at first glance it seems there is something wrong with the installer upstream. We haven't touched anything regarding firmware at install in Devuan AFAIK. We'll reproduce this and test to fix, indeed adding an issue on gitlab is way to go for now, tagging it for the RC milestone.
E-Mail: J @
GPG fingerprint: 6113 D89C A825 C5CE DD02 C872 73B3 5DA5 4ACB 7D10
Last night I installed beta2 using the dvd; it installed okay, but on reboot, there was no networking tools for the wireless. Actually, after the install, I disconnected the lan cable and rebooted, and subsequently re-plugged the lan connection. Okay, so I rebooted, and low and behold, the lan auto-connected. Then I looked for some wireless tools, and could not find wicd, or simple-netaid installed. In fact, neither was available from the repos. So my question is: Is there some other repo than the (four) suggested in the sources.list? By the way, I did the install from a usb stick, rather than a dvd, so as to get a faster install. Perhaps that has some bearing on this issue? Perhaps wicd has a dependency on libsystemd0?
Also, prior to this bare metal install, I attempted to upgrade an old wheezy mate install, following the instructions on this site. It was sort of successful, except that even with pinning systemd, and libsystemd0, systemd kept on getting installed. No problem..I had made a clonezilla of the wheezy install, just in case.
If you installed without a mirror, then no mirror will be in sources.list. You would need to plug in your install media to add programs, or else you need to add some sources. Uncomment the lines for jessie-security and jessie-updates in /etc/apt/sources.list and add
deb jessie main
and then
apt-get update
Then you should be able to install from the repo.
To get a wired connection when you plug the ethernet cable in after you've booted, as root, run
dhclient eth0
Thanks, fsmithred;
I did uncomment those four lines in the sources.list, and then apt-get update. I will add the mirror line, but wonder if that will change anything, since I could install from the (main?) repo.
Thanks for the tip wrt getting a dhcp lan address. I will try that this evening when we get back home. My wife and I are going out the dinner and then to a Christmas concert this evening.
Best regards,
Bob wicd systemd encumbered?
wicd does not require systemd or libsystemd0.
Has anyone tried unloading the wifi modules (if they are loaded) then load them after the firmware files are in place?
Last edited by stickman (2016-12-05 05:36:14)
I added the source line you suggested and am happy to report that all is well. Will be spending all day tomorrow playing.
Again, thanks.
Best regards,
I can confirm this too, my wifi was not detected on beta2 whereas it was on beta1. This leaves the system networkless after an install. I followed the steps above to get online and setup the correct mirror, fairly straightforward for the experienced de(bi|vu)an user but certainly not a good start for the novice or newcomer or the NETINST.
Looking at issue #90 and #91 I see neither have had any attention or been tagged for the RC.
I tried to tag them but I don't think I have permission? All I managed to do was add one as a "Todo" but I'm not really sure what this means!? Now I only have the option to mark it "Done". Is this a personal Todo list or am I messing up the job status?
Just wanted to make sure this gets the attention it needs, I'd hate it to be overlooked for the RC.
I have no experience as to "tagging". For the RC or anything else. How to tag?
"The obstacle is the path."
@bobemoe @iamwhatiam . . . The best thing I can think of would be to call @CenturionDan in a response to that issue. I doubt he has time to trawl through git to find issues and that would bring it to his attention. I have just done that for both those issues. As to tags/labels . . . you need permissions to create them and actually, I haven't found them that effective.
Thanks Golinux. I,m sure the devs are busy with many many things. Since I have Devuan already, working perfectly, I can afford to be patient.
"The obstacle is the path."
what are the chipsets of your wireless pens ?
you can get that information on terminal by using the command
or for more information
lsusb -vv
Here it is an example of an rtl8187 wireless usb device using that command
for kinivo wd320 the website provide linux drivers in case the OS does not detect the chipset .
all you have to do in case that devuan does not have the driver for that chipset is opening a terminal and apply these commands :
tar -xjvf 2011_0719_RT3070_RT3370_RT5370_RT5372_Linux_STA_V2.5.0.3_DPO.bz2
cd 2011_0719_RT3070_RT3370_RT5370_RT5372_Linux_STA_V2.5.0.3_DPO
make && make install
but for what i could check from the package , it looks that device is using an ralink chipset , and for that you just need to :
apt-get install firmware-ralink
I have serious doubts that devuan does not have you guys drivers , because if devuan does not have them , then debian jessie does not have them too .
try these commands
depmod -a
this will insert the driver (if exists) to your device
this will show you all modules loaded in your system
modinfo xxxx
this will show you more information on a specific driver
example in my case : modinfo rtl8187
I did not check other posts on this topic because i am in an hurry , i will check tomorrow .
Ok , finally got some time to read all the posts here .
Intel advanced-N 6205 wireless driver is compiled on the package "firmware-iwlwifi"
device drivers list from this package
This way , you only need to do this :
apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi
Do this with your wifi pen disconnected , and after the instalation of the package you should connect your wifi pen to be detected .
Al you all may know , a DVD install and a CD install have many differences in packages inside the distro .
The best way from now on is to when installing devuan from a CD , to have the wifi pen connected , so the OS on install detect it and download the appropriate driver .
Common firmwares like realtek and ralink should be there by default because those are the most used wifi chipsets everywhere .
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