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I've just gotten updated kmod, lvm2 and dmsetup and as a result, initfamfs-tools triggers failed because of mass migration from /sbin to /usr/sbin in those packages.
Will devuan continue using separate /bin /sbin or should we expect global merge like in fedora?
Look at here for some reading about the ongoing issues.
I left Daedalus on my main workstation w/o usrmerge, works fine so far. For a test I have merged Chimaera and Daedalus on my travelling laptop, so far also fine.
Where did you get these updates, testing?
@phaoost . . . If you want to run ceres aka sid . . . you get to keep all the pieces.
It's ok, I can manage that. I was wondering if devuan has plans to keep /sbin split from /usr/sbin and if I can help on this path
It is almost certain that it cannot be avoided. Extensive discussion on the dng mail list.
I ran into the same problem a few days ago. The upgrade to 6.6.9 kernel and adding the usrmerge package (I forget which order I did them) broke it. I could still boot the 6.5 kernel, but I couldn't get to the desktop. Some files for lvm2 and dmsetup were missing. In several stages, I reinstalled lvm2 dmsetup, xorg, xserver-xorg* (whatever was installed) and xinit, but I still couldn't use startx or lightdm. I reinstalled elogind libpam-elogind and policykit-1-gnome and that fixed it. (at least I think the last thing I did fixed it.)
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