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Hello, dear Veteran Unix Admins! I'm running Devuan Jessie on my x86_64 laptop, but can't seem to find the refracta scripts that are now part of Devuan (see … ce-042017). I installed Devuan several months ago while it was still in beta, but I've kept it fully updated.
Does anybody know where the refracta scripts can be found on my system (or which package needs to be installed to get them)? I've searched my system files and all packages available for installation but nothing contains the string 'refracta'.
Last edited by GNUser (2017-05-17 19:15:59)
I think they are in the experimental repo, also can be found at Refracta sourceforge.
Try this in your sources.list file:
deb experimental main New Vuu-do isos uploaded February 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded. Now a Vuu-do-mate-mini as well.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too! 100% no-vuu-do.
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!
Yes, I found the "refractasnapshot" and "refractainstaller" packages in the experimental repo. Would not have guessed it. Thank you very much, greenjeans.
@GNUser . . . Even though many of us have been using refracta tools for a long time, software new to Devuan starts in experimental works up to -proposed and then when thoroughly tested moves up to the current release.
@golinux: Got it. I'm a refugee from Debian, so that workflow sounds familiar. Thank you.
Hot damn,
I started hacking around trying to get refracta into my main Debian installation while the forum was down.
To do so, and even though I had the wonderful vuu-do and used refracta successfully I gave @MiyoLinux a try.
This is not a proper installation and I wish I knew they were in experimental (which I never tried).
I looked up all the dependencies and rec's/conflicts, and made a cp/mkdir script to copy all 3 pkgs. Then I
went through the list of dependencies and installed anything I was missing.
I noticed that in Miyo Gawk was missing, but I neither knew what it does and how essential it is.
Maybe I should do the proper installation of the experimental version and see if there is a
Later: It worked like a devuan charm
Last edited by fungus (2017-08-06 15:16:44)
Hot damn,
I started hacking around trying to get refracta into my main Debian installation while the forum was down.
To do so, and even though I had the wonderful vuu-do and used refracta successfully I gave @MiyoLinux a try.
This is not a proper installation and I wish I knew they were in experimental (which I never tried).
I looked up all the dependencies and rec's/conflicts, and made a cp/mkdir script to copy all 3 pkgs. Then I
went through the list of dependencies and installed anything I was missing.
I noticed that in Miyo Gawk was missing, but I neither knew what it does and how essential it is.Maybe I should do the proper installation of the experimental version and see if there is a
difference.Later: It worked like a devuan charm
The Refracta tools are in Miyo, but they're old versions.
It only has the Refractasnapshot base (no gui). It does have the Refracta Installer base and gui, but I have the gui set as NoDisplay=true in /usr/share/applications
I meant to add that to the release notes, but I forgot. Sorry...
I'm working on new releases, so your post will help remind me to add that to the release notes. Thank you for that. I'll make a note to remind myself to add it to the notes.
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
If you install refracta tools from the deb packages, do it one of the easy ways. Forget about chasing down the dependencies. (You'll need a network connection or use the dvd as a source of packages for this to work.)
dpkg -i refracta*.deb
apt-get -f install
gdebi refracta*.deb
Miyo probably has mawk installed instead of gawk. I think mawk is the default that gets installed, or maybe that's what you get if you just install the standard utilities. Refractasnapshot and refractainstaller would not work without some version of awk.
I think miyo deserves to become the official Devuan-Openbox installation image.
But why has the obmenu-generator vanished from upstream (ascii-ceres-didn't check on experimental)?
Is it because a newer version has dependencies that are no longer there?
It is an essential part of vuu-do/miyo which gets messed up in ascii/ceres
Well, obmenu-generator was never in the repos. I installed it from a .deb when I built Miyo.
One of these days, I hope to find time to build it with the latest version though and package it. For now though, the present version still works great on Jessie, Ascii, and Ceres...apart from having to reinstall it when upgrading from one to the next.
I am including a copy of the obmenu-generator .deb (in the upcoming releases) so that users will have it handy if they do upgrade.
Thanks for the kind words about Miyo, but they're undeserved.
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
I'm working on new releases
Awesome news! Can't wait to see 'em, was playing with 32 bit Miyo all day yesterday.
One of these days, I hope to find time to build it with the latest version though and package it. For now though, the present version still works great on Jessie, Ascii, and Ceres...apart from having to reinstall it when upgrading from one to the next.
Been testing the new .99 version of the obmenu-generator script for a week or so, seems to function perfectly, still have not tested to see if it survives the ascii upgrade though.
Last edited by greenjeans (2017-08-07 21:03:42) New Vuu-do isos uploaded February 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded. Now a Vuu-do-mate-mini as well.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too! 100% no-vuu-do.
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!
How can I add Ctrl C Ctrl X Ctrl V in the generator menu?
It doesn't make much sense in openbox but in LXDE when you want to ctrl click a bunch of files and move them in a subfolder for example, if you have the
generator active you can't cut and paste stuff.
Insignificant little things but just in case you readily have an answer.
PS You two, have created a generator monster
Last edited by fungus (2017-08-07 22:28:44)
How can I add Ctrl C Ctrl X Ctrl V in the generator menu?
It doesn't make much sense in openbox but in LXDE when you want to ctrl click a bunch of files and move them in a subfolder for example, if you have the
generator active you can't cut and paste stuff.Insignificant little things but just in case you readily have an answer.
Not sure what's going on entirely, are you saying that when you right-click after ctrl-selecting all the things you want while in your file manager, that it's pulling up the generator menu instead of the regular right-click context menu that's supposed to come up when you click within the file manager? New Vuu-do isos uploaded February 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded. Now a Vuu-do-mate-mini as well.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too! 100% no-vuu-do.
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!
No, but don't worry about it, I'll get used to it.
The fm works fine, but on LXDE (where you can have openbox menus) the desktop works like a fm.
I use a common folder for desktop for all installations, and that is where I arrange everything I am working on. With the basic desktop menu right-click gives you the options of ^C ^X ^V on files and folders. When I have obmenu or ob-generator on I lose that ability. Small thing really, I just thought that maybe you may know a way around it in making that menu-item. Dragging files to a subfolder of the desktop folder works the same and also doing it with keys ^C ^X ^V also works.
Anyway, don't waste any time on this, work on the i386 project, and keep it gnome free.
You vuu-do chile you!
Maybe we should get together and produce a guitar/music distro out of Devuan. Tuning, Recording, Editing, Publishing, Broadcasting. X-road-Vuu-do-chile Devuan or De-Mojo-vuan
MiyoLinux wrote:I'm working on new releases
Awesome news! Can't wait to see 'em, was playing with 32 bit Miyo all day yesterday.
MiyoLinux wrote:One of these days, I hope to find time to build it with the latest version though and package it. For now though, the present version still works great on Jessie, Ascii, and Ceres...apart from having to reinstall it when upgrading from one to the next.
Been testing the new .99 version of the obmenu-generator script for a week or so, seems to function perfectly, still have not tested to see if it survives the ascii upgrade though.
It'll have a bit of a twist on Openbox.
Hopefully, it will help folks new to Openbox adapt with the default desktop, but experienced users who want a "classic Openbox" experience can easily change it. That's all I'm gonna stinkin' say. LOL!
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
You asked in irc about the differences between refractainstaller 9.2.1 and 9.2.2. Changes are mostly related to the uefi installer.
refractainstaller-gui (9.2.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Wrapper script tests for efi and selects correct installer.
* Better instructions at chroot terminal.
* Look for 'EFI System' in fdisk output, not just 'EFI'
* Simple install gets pre/post install scripts.
* Require text-entry if two EFI partitions are present.
One other change is that if you try to run the bios installer in a uefi environment, it complains and exits. (If you need to change this, you can comment out one line in the script)
well today I am working on a 32bit ascii iso - syslog-ng & eudev installed
got 'experimental' loaded in sources.list
and tried :: [notice I didn't do apt-get -t experimental packagename
devuan@ascii32:~$ sudo apt-get install refractasnapshot refractainstaller
[sudo] password for devuan:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package refractainstaller is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
refractainstaller-gui refractainstaller-base
Package refractasnapshot is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
refractasnapshot-base refractasnapshot-gui
E: Package 'refractasnapshot' has no installation candidate
E: Package 'refractainstaller' has no installation candidate
I don't like having 2-3 steps of repositories open in any single instance as it is an accident waiting to happen.
When I used experimental I used it alone by commenting out all others. I had no problem installing any of the above. Then I commented it out and brought back the regular distribution repositories. Unless there was a temporary problem with the repository.
Install all four packages (or just the -base packages). If you install the -gui packages, you also need yad, which is not in jessie repos.
You can get that at … _packages/ (either version will work in jessie. The later version will work in ascii.)
apt-cache search refracta
refractainstaller-base - tool to install a running live-CD to hard drive.
refractainstaller-gui - tool to install a running live-CD to hard drive.
refractasnapshot-base - tool to create a live-CD from the running system
refractasnapshot-gui - tool to create a live-CD from the running system
If you comment out all but experimental, you won't get any dependencies.
You are right, I forgot I had them to begin with and during a careless upgrade from jessie to ascii refracta was dropped, so this is how I got them back. In miyo one of the four was missing.
Yad exists in ascii right? Wouldn't it work in jessie if he updated to ascii install only yad and return to jessie and reupdate.
Just stay away from autoremove as it will all be gone again, right?
thanks @fsmithred - I never had to manually install yad
it must have come in with the 4 refracta installs
[I left my 'ascii' repositories and just added the 'experimental'
(for the eudev load)]
root@ascii32:~# apt-cache policy yad
Installed: 0.38.2-1
Candidate: 0.38.2-1
Version table:
*** 0.38.2-1 500
500 ascii/main i386 Packagest
Yad is in ascii, and you can install it from the repo, but that one uses gtk3. If that works for you, fine. But if you find that buttons you want to click are off-screen, use the package I made for gtk2. Even though it's for jessie, it works on ascii.
For the desktop-live isos, I just installed yad and refracta tools from deb packages.
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