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The Xfce devs have started work on the unstable version 4.15 in preparation for their 4.16 milestone. They are beginning to use client-side decorations for some of the main Xfce applications.
I personally feel that CSD turns Xfce into a Gnome knock-off. While I appreciate GTK because it makes more sense to me than QT (the underlying libs for KDE), if following GTK means dropping window manager control of window control functions and moving to client-side decorations, I guess I'll move on.
Eh, I was moving on to a more minimal Fluxbox (and less dbus) anyway.
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It might not be as bad as you make it out to be. If firefox is anything to go by in regards to csd then the customization of compact toolbars and modes might be worthwhile. There will be a period of ugliness though i doubt xfce would want to be a clone of gnome, would be very unoriginal.
Last edited by HevyDevy (2020-01-20 14:56:18)
With any luck, the gtk3-nocsd package will continue to work.
We have a gtk3-nocsd package?! A few months ago I spent a little bit of time drooling over gtk3-mushrooms but gave up because I have a large fleet of systems and I don't want to do one-offs.
This gtk3-nocsd thing is inspiring! Thanks.
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bgstack15 . . . the gtk3-nocsd was created to eliminate the disappearing scrollbars in the Clearlooks-Phenix-* theming for ascii and beowulf. Looks like it is still here but check to make sure that it hasn't been tweaked since I posted that in this thread. Maybe fsmithred will stop by with the latest update.
So related to undoing more poor choices made by the GTK3 toolkit, I prefer my scrollbars to be as solid as I am. Thank you for the nooverlayscrollbars thing. I didn't see such a file in the clearlooks-phenix-cinnabar-theme or gtk3-nocsd packages.
I don't mind dropping something in a ~/.profile for myself; that's easy enough. I just didn't want to have to build a package like the gtk3-mushrooms thing earlier. So I don't necessarily need a fancy Xsessions.d/ file, I can just implement the shell variables for myself.
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the gtk3-nocsd was created to eliminate the disappearing scrollbars in the Clearlooks-Phenix-* theming for ascii and beowulf.
I think fsmithred is referring to this package rather than your linked script.
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
I worked that out on the Xfce forums. Have gotten some great help there undoing some GTK3 nastiness, The gtk3-nocsd package is in the Devuan repos.
HoaS . . . I posted that thread to make all the moving parts available for testing/use before Clearlooks-Phenix-Cinnabar was packaged.
Seems like the people who took over Xfce have no clue what its user base consists of.
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