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Greetings to all!
November 27 is a very special day. It is the day that the Veteran Unix Admin collective announced their intention to fork Debian! The original announcement that was sent to the DNG mailing list is preserved on and in the dng archives: … 3a.en.html
Additional insights can be found in some of the issues that were preserved from our old github:
Do take a walk down memory lane or if you are newer to Devuan, familiarize yourself with the creative "electricity" that has energized and sustained this project for a decade and consider offering your talents to support Devuan going forward. It has been a truly amazing journey!
May the fork be with us for many years to come!
Yes, Devuan is a very good project. Long live Devuan!
Woo-hoo! Happy Birthday to Devuan and all the VUA's and admins and mods and every body who has contributed to this amazing project.
It doesn't get said near enough, but I love you guys, really appreciate everything you do, Devuan has been a part of my everyday life for some 8 years now, and still is. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!
Hadn't realised it had been that long!
Systemd was the cause, & I'm so glad that the devs forked it to Devuan, long may it outlive Debian!
Heartfelt thanks to all who make it possible for us mere users to continue using Linux without systemd....
Long live Devuan! Admittedly, I'm not very active here but I have a special place for this project in my heart. Congrats and thank you to everyone involved who keeps it running and moving forward.
Great many thanks to the Devuan team!
"May the fork be with us..."
Happy birthday Devuan! Thank you.
pic from 1993, new guitar day.
Congratulations and thanks for 10 years of this great distro option that I use since almost those 10 years
A decade ago, we embarked on an audacious journey, resolved to “not go gentle into that good night” and fiercely defend our freedom of choice.
Today, the reality is stark: the Linux landscape has been increasingly commercialized, compromising its core values and spirit.
But amidst this transformation, a few beacons of true community-driven development remain—among them Devuan. 🖖🏼
As we celebrate our 10th anniversary we withness the importance of our effort for genuine, grassroots development over glossy, corporate-controlled solutions. Together, we’ve proven that a thriving, independent community can indeed shape the future.
Here’s to many more years of forking for freedom! 🥂
E-Mail: J @
GPG fingerprint: 6113 D89C A825 C5CE DD02 C872 73B3 5DA5 4ACB 7D10
Congratulations and deep gratitude to all the good Devuan folk! I got on board with Jessie back in the day, and here I am coming to you from Daedalus. Long Live Devuan!
congratulations, i just knew devuan back in december of 2020 but it instantly became my daily driver and distro of choice after years of hopping between flavours of debian, ubuntu, linux mint and even giving arch, void and artix a try i found the experience i wanted with devuan on the testing suite, a distro that was free of systemd like in the days of ubuntu 10.04 and debian squeeze but with reasonably up to date software.
let's hope for another 10 years of devuan!
Happy birthday to Devuan and all the supportive community.
Congratulations to VUA for your willingness and effort to create Devuan.
I hope the spirit of Devuan expressed so eloquently by @jaromill will live a long time.
(ps: a dozen of old issues links are dead)
Last edited by chomwitt (2024-11-28 22:16:53)
Devuan(Chimaera)(Daedalus) DS+WM: XorgX11server+StumpVM
I'll soon be 74. I don't need to work. But thanks to Devuan I'm still able to enjoy it. And I'll be doing this as long as I can.
Very many happy returns to all involved.
Big Thanks to everyone that made possible Devuan, and everyone that are supporting this awesome distro !
Thanks, to everyone that give support on this very forum ❤️
May the fork be with you Devuan !
Linux noob, plz be kind
Congratulations to all who had a hand in making Devuan the great distro it is... thank you!
Thank you for your effort and time
hello to all
I don't frequent this forum often, but I wanted to congratulate all of you both for having the courage to fork, for your reasons (which I strongly agree with) and also because you continue to put so much effort into it.
I also wanted to encourage you to keep it up, Devuan is a distro that is important to be around and, in my own small way, I contribute by suggesting it whenever I get the chance.
Happy Birthday Devuan.
A belated congratulations from me as well -
--==[[ Happy 10th anniversay ]]==--
November 27th is also my birthday. Devuan was announced when I turned 34, and now I'm 44 (aw man... gettin' old.)
I've also made a donation today to celebrate this anniversay - and encourage others who have not donated in a while to do the same :-)
@einpoklum . . . Haven't seen you in a very long time. Welcome back and thanks for the financial support.
Haven't seen you in a very long time.
That means I've not had any problems to complain about with Excalibur :-)
Also, I've been busy organizing demonstrations here in Haifa against this horrific war that Israel has been waging on Gaza (and Lebanon, and Yemen, and the West Bank). And failing to make any difference mostly.
Last edited by einpoklum (2025-01-27 19:43:27)
Pages: 1