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#151 2024-06-15 13:32:36

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

I made a payment a few days ago but the process hung. I supposed that it was a glitch in the client area, so I did phone my provider and they told me that they would send me an invoice via email. The fact is that I never received that invoice; nevertheless, my website continued working on following days. This is why I supposed that the payment process did succeed. I'll have to ask my provider again on monday. Thanks for the information, prospero!

The good news is that today I got a tiny version of vdev working for the devuan installer. The challange is to build a vdev-udeb mini-package focused to d-i.

Hello Ralph smile

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#152 2024-06-16 22:03:42

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

I believe the iso images needed some time off, so they decided to take brief offline holidays.

Anyway, I had already downloaded the latest (2024.06.01) iso the other week, so I can confirm that the XFCE-runit amd64 image rocks, as usual.

Last edited by prospero (2024-06-16 22:06:53)


#153 2024-11-03 03:23:07

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

Does the gnuinos flavor of debian-installer load any non-free firmware? If so, that would probably be a bug to fix.

It has been reported that (some versions of) this script may be broken, leading to non-free firmware being loaded and installed no matter what the user chooses: …


#154 2024-12-17 18:24:44

From: North Carolina, USA
Registered: 2023-12-26
Posts: 11  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

The release files appear to be expired/invalid in the apt repo since the site went down.


#155 2024-12-18 09:57:20

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

That was a small glitch from some time ago, the repo currently works fine for me.


#156 2024-12-19 23:25:02

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

prospero wrote:

Does the gnuinos flavor of debian-installer load any non-free firmware? If so, that would probably be a bug to fix.

It has been reported that (some versions of) this script may be broken, leading to non-free firmware being loaded and installed no matter what the user chooses: …

Hi prospero, the gnuinos flavor of debian-installer doesn't load any non-free firmware. But thanks anyway for the link to the

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#157 2024-12-19 23:30:30

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

Btw, I'm updating the iso images with the last version of vdev that speeds up the boot process:

Last edited by aitor (2024-12-19 23:37:20)

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#158 2024-12-19 23:34:23

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

The kernel has been updated as well.

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#159 2024-12-20 17:39:01

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

aitor wrote:

the gnuinos flavor of debian-installer doesn't load any non-free firmware

Thanks for confirming. I thought the linux-libre kernel would most probably not load any of that anyway, but after the Debian policy change these matters have become a source of confusion.

And thank you for the new images.


#160 2024-12-29 14:02:51

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

prospero wrote:

Thanks for confirming. I thought the linux-libre kernel would most probably not load any of that anyway, but after the Debian policy change these matters have become a source of confusion.

You can verify this by the following way (you need to install check-dfsg-status):

# check-dfsg-status -s
No non-free or contrib packages installed on gnuinos!  You have completed the first step to enlightenment.

Bear in mind that the forced use of in APT's sources.list during the installation makes sure not installing non-free firmware just because sections like contrib, non-free or non-free-firmware don't exist in this archive (only main, main/debian-installer...). As a result, the bad behaviour of hw-detect has no harmful side effects in the gnuinos-installer.

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#161 2024-12-30 15:49:50

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

I've modified hw-detect though (not tested yet): … /hw-detect

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#162 2025-01-02 20:49:51

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

aitor wrote:

# check-dfsg-status -s

Thank you very much for that hint. I am using -q instead, and enjoying the silence.

Indeed the non-free firmware is still kept in a separate Debian repo, even after the policy change, so whether the Debian installer now installs it by default is of no immediate concern to gnuinos users. Thank you for looking into hw-detect, and thank you again for your work on gnuinos, I really appreciate being able to tinker on a rather lightweight OS in all freedoms, init included.


#163 2025-01-03 12:46:15

Registered: 2023-04-04
Posts: 200  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

Having both privacy and a libre distro will be complicated.

Libre distros usually have security problems since they refuse to built the kernel with the microcode update feature (which is GPL). But the microcode isn't (but the CPU runs microcode anyways, just a older in secure version) Without updates microcode lots of CPUs have severely security problems.

Security is nessesary for privacy.


#164 2025-01-03 13:50:02

Registered: 2023-11-27
Posts: 276  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

Security is necessary for privacy.

agreed. so where to go from here?

Last edited by stargate-sg1-cheyenne-mtn (2025-01-03 13:50:34)

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Do unto others as you would have them do instantaneously back to you!


#165 2025-01-03 13:55:22

Registered: 2023-04-04
Posts: 200  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

agreed. so where to go from here?

The solution is to contact the developer and wait for his explanation. And to be honest, such projects, although they seem attractive, do not inspire confidence in me...


#166 2025-01-06 16:03:51

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

stopAl wrote:

Security is nessesary for privacy.

Security is complicated. Paraphrasing the Arch wiki, you can never make a system 100% secure unless you unplug the machine from all networks, turn it off, lock it in a safe, smother it in concrete and never use it.

stopAl wrote:

Without updates microcode lots of CPUs have severely security problems.

The contents of the non-free part (i.e, the CPU-vendor-provided "opaque" update data) are unknown to debian. Why should I need to install them if the vendor doesn't tell me what bugs they're fixing? Debian argues that it's very difficult to know for sure whether you need a microcode update or not, but it is not safe at all to just ignore them or you could experience one of those unexplainable and infrequent issues.

stopAl wrote:

Having both privacy and a libre distro will be complicated.

"Privacy is complicated". I find this a less misleading sentence smile

For what it's worth, I've never install any microcode update (whatever the company) and I never had any problems. However, it doesn't mean that I am not discouraged. But rather I would prefer to give a try to some of the existing libre bootloaders. The current controversy around them left me somewhat confused though.

Last edited by aitor (2025-01-06 17:24:47)

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#167 2025-01-07 02:40:03

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 990  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre


The goal of privacy/security in any tech I feel like is to get as close to 100% as is feasible without needing to disconnect from the internet.

More or less, that would be whatever is 90+%

100% is impossible of course.

Security doesn't per-say is more about malware as a whole being blocked not just spyware. Privacy however is mostly about spyware being blocked.

As far as microcode updates go, hardware wise? is fine imo.

Software wise? too excessive. Don't need both.

But yeah, both privacy and security do have overlapping areas. I think 95+% security is possible, with OpenBSD
Linux probably 95% period.

Everything else falls way short probably unless it doesn't connect to the internet.

But yeah some of what has been said here is mostly accurate.

Last edited by zapper (2025-01-07 02:40:38)

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
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#168 2025-01-11 00:49:41

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

Some seem to believe that throwing ever more non-free microcode to solve a problem created by non-free microcode is a good idea. Others argue that there is indeed no basis to trust that the same people who produced insecure microcode in the first place are magically going to make it secure, since the newer microcode is as non-free as the older, and likewise unavailable for public scrutiny. Applying the appropriate mitigations, which does not involve injecting any extra non-free microcode, may thus sound like a better idea.

aitor wrote:

The current controversy around them left me somewhat confused though.

I also find a bit confusing that a software project called "libre*" would decide to distribute non-free bits. The libre bootloader controversy will probably ease in time and eventually become an archeological artefact. Meanwhile, GNU Boot offers a de-confusing option for those who are looking for a full commitment to software freedom.


#169 2025-01-22 18:24:23

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

The 2025-01-18 iso image installed fine, thanks for the update. I did not have time to investigate further, but the previous one seemed to stall on network configuration during text install on a VM. All is well with the current image.

Upgrading an install from the 2024-06-01 iso also went smoothly - it had been partly reluctant at some point in the previous week, but any residual reluctance is now gone. Thank you!


#170 2025-01-30 08:17:24

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 990  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

Meanwhile, GNU Boot offers a de-confusing option for those who are looking for a full commitment to software freedom.

This makes me kind of sad as gnu boot will definitely lag behind libreboot and canoeboot. I get some people don't like her policies including drama outside of development as well as allowing non-free blobs, but is security worth taking a potential nosedive just to feel pleasure?

It just seems like a megalomaniac reason to refuse canoeboot or libreboot based on this.

Canoeboot however is what gnuboot aims to be.  The only difference? More updates. 

All I am saying is that no hardware that libreboot, coreboot, canoeboot, or similar is 100% free. 

Just keep this all in mind.  Also, the microcode that starts in the system even if its not updated is still non-free. The only difference of updating it, is that it could be better or it could be worse.

Anywho just some thoughts I really hope people will take to heart. Although I have seen disappointment on this before.

So... meh.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#171 2025-01-30 09:50:55

Registered: 2020-03-16
Posts: 132  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

@zapper, your post #167, is something akin to guesswork and you seem to view security and privacy as factors which can be measured in %. This not the case.  Saying something like "I have achieved 95% security on my system" is more or less the same as saying you don't know how secure it actually is, but fingers crossed.

You could have "95%" of "security" and that 5% you neglected could be by far the worst flaw with a known exploit, hence the logical fallacy in that approach.

Microcode updates are released by the vendor of the CPU to fix flaws in the CPU. If you don't install them, the system is potentially vulnerable. If you're concerned about privacy, well you already went out and bought an x86 PC which is designed for MS Windows and Windows users and contains dubious tech such as the IME.

The x86 platform is one that uses a lot of system firmware, much of that closed source like the hardware itself. Most of that firmware, as I and many others have advised countless times over the years, is already flashed to the device itself. Getting rid of superfluous firmware provided with the Linux kernel, or disabling e.g. an integrated Broadcom netextreme device so as to dispose of the firmware, will only give you some "feel good". It's not tackling the real problem.

"Open hardware" is a nice ideal, but being realistic about it, that's a long way off and niche non x86  hardware is too expensive for most people. I remember years ago, there were hopes with platforms such as Raspberry Pi, but that turned into a Broadcom firmware based disaster. Who remembers their "we have taken the decision to trust Microsoft" statement?

Maintainers of Linux distributions can't do much about firmware, if hardware vendors designed their products in that way and said maintainers want to support the platform in question.

Last edited by blackhole (2025-01-30 10:00:43)


#172 2025-01-30 16:18:25

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

previously wrote:

The 2025-01-18 iso image installed fine, thanks for the update. I did not have time to investigate further, but the previous one seemed to stall on network configuration during text install on a VM. All is well with the current image.

Upgrading an install from the 2024-06-01 iso also went smoothly - it had been partly reluctant at some point in the previous week, but any residual reluctance is now gone. Thank you!

apt update works fine on the older system, but I am currently getting error messages complaining about GPG on the newer one.

UPDATE: problem gone after reboot, both systems are now updated and fully upgraded. The error I was getting was related to the content of /var/lib/apt/lists:

Splitting up /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.gnuinos.org_merged_dists_daedalus_InRelease into data and signature failed

DENOUEMENT: The lack of space that triggered the error was caused by a ridiculously undersized root partition. An easy thing to miss.

Last edited by prospero (2025-02-06 00:09:22)


#173 2025-02-05 23:11:37

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 990  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

@blackhole it was a guess yes 95% was that.

my point was merely that gnuboot will DEFINITELY LAG way behind canoeboot. That was the point and both are basically doing the same mission.

Blobs in hardware in my opinion are also fine as long as they don't do anything remotely troublesome.

Thus libreboot is also good.

Stock bios is the real enemy here.

Freedom issues are not  100% solvable

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#174 2025-02-06 03:46:44

Registered: 2023-03-26
Posts: 47  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

While trying to use the XFCE menu to start GUI programs requiring root privileges, I eventually awakened to what had been mentioned there almost half a year ago:

Installing policykit-1-gnome, as suggested in that post, brought up the password prompt, which is fine for the time being and for my usage, but maybe some alternative tweak is brewing in the gnuinos cauldron?


#175 Today 00:31:06

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: GNUinOS - Libre

@prospero: I did work on a graphical interface for SUDO_ASKPASS in the past, but I stopped working on it time ago.

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


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