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If you're interested in this... the title says, it's a simple countdown timer that I made for myself and my work. You can adjust the times in the code for your own needs. They're pretty self-explanatory.
After choosing a timer, you can close the window.
Dependencies: bash yad papirus-icon-theme
If you don't have papirus-icons, the icons may not show up on the GUI due to how they are named. You can change it in the code if needed. Just replace clock-applet-symbolic with your chosen icon's name in the code.
This is what the GUI looks like (on my systems). Click on a timer and close the window. The timer will still count down and sound off when it's finished despite closing the window.
If using alsa-only ( shown in the code below), you must use a .wav sound file. If using pulseaudio, you can use just about any type of sound file.
If you're using pulseaudio, replace aplay with paplay (adjust the code to your needs). I know nothing about pipewire, so I'm not sure what would be needed for that.
I didn't make a desktop.file for it; I just have the script in my file manager and execute it when needed. Sorry.
In the code below, you will also need to replace the path to the sound file that you want to use for the alarm.
Warning!!! Whatever sound file you choose, it will play the entire sound file. So, you might want to choose a file that's only a few seconds long.
The code...
#!/usr/bin/env bash
yad --form --columns=1 --width=260 --borders=5 --title="Timer" --no-buttons --height=250 --width=270 --window-icon="/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Light/24x24/panel/alarm-clock-panel.svg" --center --text-align=center --text="
Choose a countdown timer.
" \
--field=" 1 Minute!clock-applet-symbolic":fbtn "bash -c 'sleep 1m ; aplay /home/tap/Music/acdc.wav'" \
--field=" 3 Minutes!clock-applet-symbolic":fbtn "bash -c 'sleep 3m ; aplay /home/tap/Music/acdc.wav'" \
--field=" 15 Minutes!clock-applet-symbolic":fbtn "bash -c 'sleep 15m ; aplay /home/tap/Music/acdc.wav'" \
--field=" 30 Minutes!clock-applet-symbolic":fbtn "bash -c 'sleep 30m ; aplay /home/tap/Music/acdc.wav'" \
--field=" 45 Minutes!clock-applet-symbolic":fbtn "bash -c 'sleep 45m ; aplay /home/tap/Music/acdc.wav'" \
--field=" 60 Minutes!clock-applet-symbolic":fbtn "bash -c 'sleep 60m ; aplay /home/tap/Music/acdc.wav'" \
You are too clever!
Thanks, but I won't remember what I did tomorrow...
Memory is just detritus that clogs the mind . . . there is only the present moment . . .
Memory is just detritus that clogs the mind
If I were to use that word, I'd pillage and plunder it and make it detritusimus
Nice script!!! Thank You!
If you want a different theme/look you can add this at the top of the script:
export GTK_THEME="Clearlooks-Phenix-Sapphire"
Of course, chosen theme is up to taste. Or no taste.
I've modified the yad script a bit, to also pop-op a countdown timer, so as to know when it's finished.
But, I can not get the code to pass a variable to the next script. I've tried a bunch of stuff like several different kinds of single AND double quotes. I've tried to define the variable TIME and and then read it in in the next script, but it all seems to be above my pay grade (or IQ rather).
My altered code:
--field=" 3 Minutes!/home/USER/alarm_96_icon.png":fbtn "bash -c '/home/USER/bin/newtimerwindow3 & sleep 3m ; aplay /home/USER/alarm-1000.wav'" \
...end snip.
I would like to pass the variable TIME to this script:
##script to open new countdown from newtimer script (yad)
xterm -fa 'Monospace' -fs 48 -geometry 20x4 -e 'bash -c "/home/USER/bin/countdowntimer 3"
Instead of "..countdowntimer 3", I've tested "..countdowntimer $TIME" - no luck.
As you see, it's all very crude, but fun and maybe even a bit functional.
Crude example:
--field=" 3 Minutes!/home/USER/alarm_96_icon.png":fbtn "bash -c 'TIME=3 & /home/USER/bin/newtimerwindow & sleep 3m ; aplay /home/USER/alarm-1000.wav'" \
In the receiving script I use $TIME , but it throws everything off, and nothing opens or happens. Like this:
cat bin/countdowntimer
## min="$1"
while [ $hour -ge 0 ]; do
while [ $min -ge 0 ]; do
while [ $sec -ge 0 ]; do
echo -ne "$hour:$min:$sec\033[0K\r"
let "sec=sec-1"
sleep 1
let "min=min-1"
let "hour=hour-1"
Last edited by swanson (2024-02-05 10:57:39)
I think the problem is you put a '&' on the command line between setting the variable and executing your script. I tested it myself. I created a minimal test script:
xterm -e "bash -c \"echo $TIME; read\""
Then I ran it like this:
$ TIME=3
and it opened an xterm window and printed the number '3'.
Then I ran it your way, like this:
$ TIME=3 &
And it opened an empty window. I think when you insert a '&' it breaks up the simple command and makes it into two commands, so the variable is no longer set in the environment for the second command. It shouldn't be a problem to take out the '&' because setting a variable is non-blocking.
@stultumanto ahh, thank you! Now I've got something to do this snowy day too!
Philosopher Amnesiac wrote:
Warning!!! Whatever sound file you choose, it will play the entire sound file. So, you might want to choose a file that's only a few seconds long.
I learned a new bash command today - 'trap' . And to make the sound stop playing when you close the timer window you can add:
trap 'killall aplay' EXIT
at the beginning of the original script.
the oneliner
user@host ~ % sleep 60 ; echo "\a" &
should do, whatever you need
60 is time in seconds so put 3600 for an hour
with the & you can close the terminal
Last edited by bai4Iej2need (2024-07-21 15:42:25)
The devil, you know, is better than the angel, you don't know. by a British Citizen, I don't know too good.
One generation abandons the enterprises of another like stranded vessels. By Henry David Thoreau, WALDEN, Economy. Line 236 (Gutenberg text Version)
broken by design : … bug=958390
Pages: 1