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#1 2017-08-22 19:34:13

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

Just posted on [SOLVED] where are the Refracta (tool) scripts about new package names

{did an Ascii 32bit creation} installed all 4 Refracta tools and had this warning/error  not sure how important it is.
I will try and do the refracta snapshot  and update
Setting up live-tools (1:20151214+nmu1) ...
update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults
update-rc.d: warning: start runlevel arguments (none) do not match live-tools Default-Start values (S)
Setting up live-boot-initramfs-tools (1:20170112) ...
update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
Setting up syslinux-common (3:6.03+dfsg-14.1) ...
Setting up libgtkmm-2.4-1v5:i386 (1:2.24.5-1) ...
Setting up xorriso (1.4.6-1+b1) ...
Setting up uuid-runtime (2.28-1+devuan3) ...
Adding group `uuidd' (GID 119) ...
Warning: The home dir /run/uuidd you specified can't be accessed: No such file or directory
Adding system user `uuidd' (UID 113) ...
Adding new user `uuidd' (UID 113) with group `uuidd' ...
Not creating home directory `/run/uuidd'.
[ ok ] Starting uuid generator: uuidd.
Setting up live-config-doc (5.20170112) ...
Setting up rsync (3.1.2-1) ...

edit - tried to run the configuration options in the refractasnapshot-gui -
got a pop-up with this message ::  almost seems eudev associated ,AFAIU eudev
Failed to map /home/devuan'/home/devuan':mmap() failed: No such device

came up twice - one for each .conf file     <<<<<<---edit

*****edit after the creation -- seems to work.   here is the final report

Filesystem size 925356.99 Kbytes (903.67 Mbytes)
    31.88% of uncompressed filesystem size (2902685.99 Kbytes)
Inode table size 1008300 bytes (984.67 Kbytes)
    24.62% of uncompressed inode table size (4096120 bytes)
Directory table size 1049516 bytes (1024.92 Kbytes)
    35.85% of uncompressed directory table size (2927838 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 10682      <<<< seems HIGH  ;  (need more symlinks  big_smile
Number of inodes 117860
Number of files 90513
Number of fragments 7316
Number of symbolic links  18690    <<<<  WOW  !!! had no idea that many
Number of device nodes 7
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 1
Number of directories 8649
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 22
Number of uids 9
    root (0)
    daemon (1)
    lp (7)
    colord (104)
    devuan (1000)
    _apt (112)
    man (6)
    statd (103)
    Debian-exim (102)
Number of gids 19
    root (0)
    tty (5)
    daemon (1)
    lp (7)
    Debian-exim (109)
    shadow (42)
    ssl-cert (104)
    devuan (1000)
    crontab (101)
    mail (8)
    mlocate (110)
    ssh (111)
    messagebus (106)
    utmp (43)
    staff (50)
    lpadmin (105)
    colord (112)
    man (12)
    nogroup (65534)

*************  edit --
burned DVD ~900+Mb 
booted up - seemed okay
no network !!  tried some of the tools in /etc/network/ folder  no luck

Last edited by garyz.dev1 (2017-08-22 22:11:37)


#2 2017-08-23 11:59:37

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

Another day --  lost an 8 port ethernet switch last night - there went 3 hours of troubleshooting software
the refractra iso snapshot fails to work from DVD - network can't seem to connect
I noticed it renamed the network device eth0 to enp2s5 ! -- wouldn't pick up an IP address
the 32bit Ascii/eudev  that the snapshot was created from works - I am using it now!!
it retains the :eth0 nomenclature
more troubleshooting  -- looks like eudev can be cleared of any foul play roll

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

EDIT:  thought I would post my refractasnapshot.conf file  - if anyone is following/troubleshooting this
***grz  are the changes I made 
***grz I left the uefi turned on although I don't need it - looks like it generated some errors in the _errors.log
# This file contains some configuration variables for Refracta Snapshot
# (version 10.0.1  2016 GUI and CLI versions). If you want to change
# the defaults, this is the place to do it.
# Put this file in /etc or edit the configfile variable found at the
# top of refractasnapshot to reflect its true location. If the
# script can't find this config file, it'll use the default values.
# Copyright 2011-2016

# Some laptops overheat when running rsync or mksquashfs. If limit_cpu
# is "yes", cpu activity will be limited on those two commands.
# limit is percentage of cpu allowed for command, up to 100% per core.


# Default location for error log is /var/log/refractasnashot_errors.log


# You can change the location of $work_dir (location of system copy) and
# $snapshot_dir (location of final iso file) in case you don't have enough
# space on the system. (Defaults are "/home/work" and "/home/snapshot")
# Hints:
#   Be sure to use separate directories for these two variables. If you
# use the same location for both (e.g. /media/disk) and if $save_work
# is set to "no", your CD image will get deleted when the program
# finishes. Instead, use something like /media/disk/snapshot and
# /media/disk/work, or even /media/disk/snapshot/work.
#   These directories will be created by the script, and they are
# already set to be excluded from the rsync copy of the system (so you
# don't end up with an extra copy of your system or old snapshots in the
# final CD image.)
#   Any filesystems mounted in /mnt or /media will be excluded from the
# system copy. Filesystems mounted elsewhere will be included and will
# increase the size of the final CD image. To avoid that, you can either
# unmount those filesystems before running refractasnapshot, or you can
# add them to the excludes file. (See snapshot_excludes below.)


# Set to yes to create boot files for uefi.


# Set to force xorriso to use $uefi_opt (for testing only)


# Change $save_work to "yes" if you want the temporary copy of your
# filesystem to be saved. This will make subsequent snapshot creation
# go faster.
# (Default is "no")   #grz


# rsync delete options (or any others you want to add)
# This is only for copy_filesystem() and only if $save_work is "yes"
# Use only one option per variable!
# Default options are --delete-before and --delete-excluded
# Full command in the script is:
# rsync -av / myfs/ ${rsync_option1} ${rsync_option12} ${rsync_option3} \
#    --exclude="$work_dir" --exclude="$snapshot_dir" --exclude-from="$snapshot_excludes"

rsync_option2=" --delete-excluded"

# You can change the default rsync excludes file here if you know what
# you're doing. Be sure to use the full path to the file.
# It's also possible to edit the excludes file by choosing "Setup"
# during the execution of the script.
# Default is "/usr/lib/refractasnapshot/snapshot_exclude.list"


# Change this if you want the live system to use other than the default
# kernel and initrd. You may need to edit the isolinux boot menu to
# match the filenames. (Also see custom boot menu section below.)
# Example: for kernel_image="/boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64" then the kernel
# line in the boot menu would contain:
#     kernel /live/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64
# (Defaults are /vmlinuz and /initrd.img)


# Multiple snapshots (iso files) are named with the date and time of
# creation. If you prefer to have them numbered sequentially, comment
# out the next line. Default is to keep the line uncommented.


# The name of the snapshot file will be snapshot-{date or number}.iso.
# If you'd like to replace "snapshot" with something more memorable,
# change it here. (example: snapshot_basename="refracta-nox-wheezy")


# Change to "no" if you don't want the sha256sum file created with the iso.
# (Default is "yes")


# Change to "no" if you want a plain iso image instead of isohybrid.
# (Default is "yes")   #grz


# Uncomment one of the lines below to use xz compression for smaller iso.

# small and slow   #grz
mksq_opt="-comp xz"

# smaller and slower:
#mksq_opt="-comp xz -Xbcj x86"

# Turn stuff on and off section

# Allow users to mount all fixed drives with pmount for live iso.
# Refractainstaller removes this upon installation.
# (Default is "yes")


# update the mlocate database before copying filesystem.


# Clear list of recently used files in geany for primary user.
# Default is "yes"


# Allow password login to ssh for users (not root).
# If ssh_pass="yes", then PasswordAuthentication will be set to "yes"
# If ssh_pass="no", then PasswordAuthentication will be set to "no"
# In either of the above cases, if PermitRootLogin was set to "yes",
# it will be changed to "without-password" (meaning with auth keys only)
# If ssh_pass is null or set to anything other than "yes" or "no", then
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config will not be altered.


# Custom boot menu and help files section.

# If you're running refractasnapshot on some linux distribution other
# than Refracta, You might also want to edit or remove some of the help
# files in the isolinux directory. (f1.txt, f2.txt...)
# If you want those changes to persist between runs, you should create
# a custom iso/isolinux directory, and set iso_dir (below) to point
# to that directory.

# If the primary user's name is not "user", then live-boot needs to see
# the user's name in the boot command. In that case, the script will
# automatically add the correct option. If you set a user name here, it
# will override that process. Use this if you want to log into the live
# media as someone other than the primary user (i.e. any user whose
# uid:gid are not 1000:1000.)
# Under most circumstances, leave this blank or commented out.


# Change to "yes" if you want to be able to view or edit the boot menu
# or any other config files before the final image is made.
# Note2: For SolusOS and possibly others, boot entries should contain
# "union=unionfs" in place of "union=aufs".
# Note3: For anything later than jessie, union=aufs should be removed
# or possibly replaced with union=overlay


# This gets used if you set edit_boot_menu="yes" or if you run setup
# and choose to edit the config file or the excludes file.
# Use an absolute path here.
# (example: text_editor="/usr/bin/nano)"

# Command-line editor (for refractasnapshot) 
text_editor="$(type -p nano)"

# Graphical editor (for refractasnapshot-gui)
# Program tests for geany, gedit, kate, kwrite, leafpad, medit, mousepad
# You can specify an editor here if needed.
# other_editor_option is used to force a new instance of the editor.


# You can change iso_dir if you want to use customized files for the
# boot menu and boot help pages on the live-cd.
# Note:
# If you're using custom versions (different from what's installed
# on your system) of isolinux.bin and vesamenu.c32, you'll need to edit
# or comment out the rsync commands in the script that copy these two
# files from your system to the work directory. To find the lines, see
# /usr/bin/refractasnapshot or /usr/bin/refractsnapshot-gui for the
# copy_isolinux function, around line 520 or 630, respectively.
# (Default is "/usr/lib/refractasnapshot/iso")


# Change this if you're using customized boot menu files, AND your
# menu file is other than the default, live.cfg, AND you set
# $edit_boot_menu to "yes".


# grub_template gets used for uefi live boot menu.


# Uncomment this to add boot help files specific to the Refracta distribution.
# Otherwise, generic help files, mostly empty, will be used. If you want
# to use your own customized files, see iso_dir settings above.


# Prepare the initrd to support encrypted volumes. Uncomment this
# if you plan to use the snapshot on a live usb with an encrypted
# persistent volume.


# Uncomment to include your network configuration in the snapshot.
# This will preserve your /etc/network/interfaces and any saved wireless
# configurations. This works for NetworkManager, simple-netaid/netman
# and wicd. 
# It will also add "ip=frommedia" to the boot command, so that the saved
# configuration will be used.
# Default is commented; interfaces file in $work_dir/myfs gets replaced
# and only contains the loopback interface.
# NOTE!!! If you're using some other network manager, and you don't want
# your configs to be copied, you need to add the appropriate files to
# the excludes list. (Tell me what those files are, and I'll fix
# refractasnapshot to handle it.)


# This patch is no longer needed. Instead, the script will create some
# files in /dev to help with booting. If you leave this variable set
# to "yes" the script will check for previous application of the patch
# and give you the chance to edit the file manually. If you don't remove
# the lines that were added by the patch, nothing bad will happen.
# Debian Jessie systems without systemd and with util-linux-2.25 will
# create an unbootable iso. The workaround is to add a few lines to
# /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init and then rebuild the initrd.
# If this option is set to "yes" then the script will check for systemd
# and for the version of util-linux. If needed, the script will apply
# the patch and rebuild the initrd.
# Warning: If you also need to run the script because you're
# creating a snapshot from a system INSTALLED ON AN ENCRYPTED PARTITION,
# you need to run after letting this patch run. (Hint: you
# can abort the snapshot run at the Disk Space Report, run nocrypt,
# then make your snapshot.)
# Default is "yes"


* * * * * * * * * * ****************************  refractasnapshot_errors.log 
                                                                      only the first part  was relevant
root@ascii32:/var/log# cat refractasnapshot_errors.log

(yad:10780): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_source_remove: assertion 'tag > 0' failed
sed: can't read /home/work/myfs/home/devuan/.config/geany/geany.conf: No such file or directory
sed: can't read /home/work/myfs/etc/ssh/sshd_config: No such file or directory
sed: can't read /home/work/myfs/etc/ssh/sshd_config: No such file or directory
sed: can't read /home/work/myfs/etc/ssh/sshd_config: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access '/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi': No such file or directory
grub-mkimage: error: cannot open `/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/moddep.lst': No such file or directory.
1440+0 records in
1440+0 records out
1474560 bytes (1.5 MB, 1.4 MiB) copied, 0.0114792 s, 128 MB/s
cp: cannot stat '/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/*': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '/home/work/iso/pkglist*': No such file or directory
xorriso 1.4.6 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:/home/snapshot/Ascii-32-20170822_1613.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 20.3g free
xorriso : WARNING : -volid text does not comply to ISO 9660 / ECMA 119 rules
Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/home/work/iso'
xorriso : UPDATE : 42 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : UPDATE : 42 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : UPDATE :  0.17% done
xorriso : UPDATE :  4.01% done

Last edited by garyz.dev1 (2017-08-23 20:08:00)


#3 2017-08-23 12:55:50

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

Please do us a favor and enclose your code with code tags because the thread now looks like it is 2 miles long.


#4 2017-08-23 12:59:15

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

If on dvd /home is on dvd, even if write able, why would you want to destroy it writing work and snapshot on it?
At least mount /home on your hardisk somewhere or change the directories refracta uses for its work


#5 2017-08-23 13:28:49

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

fungus wrote:

Please do us a favor and enclose your code with code tags because the thread now looks like it is 2 miles long.

And adding those BBCode tags is only a click away just above the input box.


#6 2017-08-23 20:11:30

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

Well - I didn't have any code  - just some terminal copy ,   semantics ??[
and a long configuration file.
They do look a little better doctored up - I will admit.


#7 2017-08-23 20:18:14

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 531  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

garyz.dev1 wrote:

# Change $save_work to "yes" if you want the temporary copy of your
# filesystem to be saved. This will make subsequent snapshot creation
# go faster.
# (Default is "no")   #grz


no no, doesn't save enough to matter, and when your content has changed at all it will be instantly obsolete.

# Change to "no" if you want a plain iso image instead of isohybrid.
# (Default is "yes")   #grz


Y U NO hybrid-iso?

# Uncomment one of the lines below to use xz compression for smaller iso.

# small and slow   #grz
mksq_opt="-comp xz"

# smaller and slower:
#mksq_opt="-comp xz -Xbcj x86"

Bottom option will get you 3-4% more compression.

# Uncomment this to add boot help files specific to the Refracta distribution.
# Otherwise, generic help files, mostly empty, will be used. If you want
# to use your own customized files, see iso_dir settings above.


Uncomment this, Refracta boot help is important and useful, trust me. wink
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.

Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#8 2017-08-23 20:27:19

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

Mr. Greenjeans wrote
Y U NO hybrid-iso?

Well, I don't intend to put it on USB, and this is my first run at Refracta

Uncomment this, Refracta boot help is important and useful, trust me. wink

okay- i'll give it a shot  - how do you call it up?

no no, doesn't save enough to matter, and when your content has changed at all it will be instantly obsolete.

I wanted a base image to start from, so I can experiment
I have a 500G drive with lots of 32G partitions !!!


#9 2017-08-23 20:30:17

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 531  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

garyz.dev1 wrote:

Mr. Greenjeans wrote
Y U NO hybrid-iso?

Well, I don't intend to put it on USB, and this is my first run at Refracta

oh, so no livecd usage either, just a straight install iso?
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.

Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#10 2017-08-23 20:48:39

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 531  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

garyz.dev1 wrote:

no no, doesn't save enough to matter, and when your content has changed at all it will be instantly obsolete.

I wanted a base image to start from, so I can experiment
I have a 500G drive with lots of 32G partitions !!!

okay, so you are saying you want a basic live image to install on all the partitions? That still doesn't require a saved filesystem. Once you run the iso you have it and can use it on all the partitions. You can't use the saved filesystem itself to build an updated iso as you can't add changes to it unless you subsequently re-copy the whole filesystem, i'm pretty sure it isn't set-up to able to auto-update itself.

It only takes about a minute or two anyway on my machine for the whole filesystem to be copied, it's squashing (compressing) that takes all the time. So you save literally about two minutes max.

If you really want to save time making copies and don't mind a DVD sized iso, comment out both xz options and use the default compression, it will go much faster but you'll have a larger iso.
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.

Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#11 2017-08-24 08:52:09

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

[quote]edit - tried to run the configuration options in the refractasnapshot-gui -
got a pop-up with this message ::  almost seems eudev associated ,AFAIU eudev
Failed to map /home/devuan'/home/devuan':mmap() failed: No such device[/quote]

Are you running this off of a dvd, configuring it live and try to create an image that you will later install or are you trying to install?
If you are running from the dvd and you have kept the default saving directories as /home/....  then it is trying to temp write and finally write all on that medium, right?  I am interpreting some of the warnings and errors as inability to write on the medium.


#12 2017-08-24 11:24:07

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

@fungus  - that error message came up on my (just created) hardddrive version of ascii-32bit.
[not copied or run from usb]
I was running through the gui, had selected the configuration menu choice for both
config files. -


#13 2017-08-24 11:32:55

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: refracta-tools in experimental :: minor error

Warning: The home dir /run/uuidd you specified can't be accessed: No such file or directory

Were you installing software in a chroot? That would account for /run being absent.

The error about missing /home/devuan is weird. I don't know what to say about that.


Keep it that way unless you need to reclaim the space. (You already said you don't need to.) It will save time because rsync only copies changes after the first time.

Network problem: easily solved by adding 'net.ifnames=0' to the boot command. Since you saved your work, you can very easily add this in without running the whole process again. To test it, press TAB at boot menu and edit the line.
- Edit /home/work/iso/isolinux/live.cfg  (the boot menu)
- Run refractasnapshot again and choose the 4th option (Re-run xorriso, (make iso, no-copy, no squash). It'll take a minute or so.
   (Note: this will only work for changes in the root of the CD. It won't work for changes in the copied filesystem.)

Next time you do a full run, start it from terminal in debug mode -

refractasnapshot -d
refractasnapshot-gui -d


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