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Hello friends,
I want to let you know about my Re-spin. It's just a customization of Devuan 5, with custom xfce desktop. Neofetch also customised and with a tool to remove win partition passwords, using it in live mode.
The purpose is to create a rescue usb-live to be able to repair access to win. Besides being able to be used and installed on the pc.
Also the main intention is that everything is in Spanish when booting the usb, there are two options English (default) and Spanish (in other languages). In this way, the idea is to expand the use of Devuan in the Hispanic world.
I also have the calamares installer, but at the moment I can't get it to start and run. I'm still working on it. But having calamares, this expansion is possible.
The ISO is currently available with the refracta installer, which is also very solid and will always be available, but also calamares will be available in the near future.
Thanks for your support, and help to spread this re-spin, which is nothing more than a simple customisation of Devuan that I hope to like if it expands in thousands of downloads and installations to make daedalus a dominant distro in the world.
Best regards.
Here are some wallpapers:
Website, download:
Last edited by vendefoulwolf (2023-08-31 13:27:12)
That is some pretty cool artwork on the wolf, I'm guessing you did that yourself?
I just joined to same day as you.
Welcome to Devuan! While I appreciate your contribution, I am puzzled by the title. I have no idea how to pronounce it, can't remember how to spell it so not in my memory bank and "Vende" as in the French verb "Vendre" which means "to sell" has me confused as to your intentions. Please enlighten me. Thanks!
Welcome to Devuan! While I appreciate your contribution, I am puzzled by the title. I have no idea how to pronounce it, can't remember how to spell it so not in my memory bank and "Vende" as in the French verb "Vendre" which means "to sell" has me confused as to your intentions. Please enlighten me. Thanks!
The intentions are to spread and propagate Devuan, the name occurred to me while watching a movie about wolves... just like that.
That is some pretty cool artwork on the wolf, I'm guessing you did that yourself?
I just joined to same day as you.
Created by an AI
golinux wrote:Welcome to Devuan! While I appreciate your contribution, I am puzzled by the title. I have no idea how to pronounce it, can't remember how to spell it so not in my memory bank and "Vende" as in the French verb "Vendre" which means "to sell" has me confused as to your intentions. Please enlighten me. Thanks!
The intentions are to spread and propagate Devuan, the name occurred to me while watching a movie about wolves... just like that.
Did the AI write that non-answer also? LOL! I surrender . . .
Thanks for your hard work
Whats the default root password
I clicked on Install/Intatar
Didnt work for the password
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Good Luck
Thanks for your hard workBTW
Whats the default root password
I clicked on Install/Intatartoor
Didnt work for the password
Check out* Sourceforge for free linux iso hosting* sourcehut for free linux project hosting* ZeroSSL for a free SSL cert* Vultr VPS for a free teir VPS … e-details/* Otherwise Racknerd have an VPS cheap package
- USD$23 per YEAR - for crowd funding
Subscribe instead of ((( Pateron)))
Cointr.eeGood Luck
Password user: vendefoulwolf
Password root: 1234
Updated the ISO so that in the future whoever installs the VWolf23 re-spin can change init easily with a small script from the desktop. In addition, programs have been added and the xfce menu has been modified to make it more visual and easier to see, I leave you screenshots:
new password live:
user: devuan
password: Vwolf23
root: root
password: toor
That *is* an awesome graphic!
A new 32-bit version of Vendefoul Wolf 23 with lxqt flavour is available for very low-resource machines, also installs with Calamares.
As can be seen in the screenshot with libreoffice open, its consumption is only 444mb. It can be downloaded from the Re-spin website.
Genial Estoy en lo mismo con antiX , tendré que probar con Devuan
Devuan esta muy bien, con la instalación con Calamares no tendrás ningún problema. Además luego una vez instalada la versión Vendefoul Wolf, que va con sysvinit por defecto podrás cambiar a Runit u openRC sin mayores problemas que ejecuntando el icono que hay en el escritorio (usuario del respin) y será aplicado a todo el sistema incluyendo tu usuario creado en la instalación. Si quieres tenemos grupo de telegram para ayudarte en los problemas que puedan surgirte así cocmo hay contenido, fondos de pantalla, etc... Te esperamos en y tambien tenemos un wiki para consultar lo que más se puede necesitar del respin
Gracias, tengo una instalación de devuan con runit que hice desde el net-install, me refería que estaba intentando hacer un respin de antiX, este con sysVinit, pero me queda por aprender
Gracias tb por los enlaces
I leave you the address of the YouTube channel where I explain the secrets of respin
Integrated into the system through a .deb package for all Vendefoul Wolf 64 bit users with a menu that brings together all the scripts created with utilities.
Integrado en el sistema mediante paquete .deb para todos los usuarios de Vendefoul Wolf 64 bit de un menú que aglutina todos los scripts creado con utilidades.
Demo video:
New ISO Excalibur Testing
Pages: 1