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I see there are some Avatar fans on the forum, perhaps Annihilation 2018 fans also.
I took a rather amazing photograph this year.
March Haigh (Marsden, Yorkshire. U.K.,) from Deer Hill.
Approximately 3.9 miles.
Nikon Coolpix A1000, 1.2X digital zoom, 1008mm.
The picture is not fake, simply auto-levels/normalisation and 15% unsharp mask in Pixlr.
The light is always changing, the colour is true. The purple is heather.
andyp67 dot co dot uk forward slash N00098.PNG
Anybody like the full-fat file contact me.
Thank you.
Ah, Yorkshire. God's own county. Not as nice as Cheshire ofc, but not a bad place to live at all.
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
Thank you to somebody for moving this off another post and generating this Share your photography! post.
aluma, thank you for putting a huge smile on my face, you are quite correct, there is something wrong with the photo! artefact noise
The above image is a small fraction of the photo, somebody please help and put the full image up if it is to be up on dev1galaxy, I don't know how to do that.
My image is free for all.
Now for whats wrong with it!
The camera is 16MP and the digital crop makes it 13.33MP.
It's a tiny compact sensor, the shooting distance and super telephoto, so the result has these kind of inherent limitations, noise, artefacts.
Of course I only put up a 5MP on my website because of all these thieving government corporations stealing everybodys intellectual property.
The image should be viewed from a distance.
It's the impression.
Last edited by andyp67 (2022-12-18 21:43:24)
Now Head_on_a_Stick has also put a whopping smile on my face.
Them lowland fat Cheshire cats are eternally always wasting their time trying to take these highlands.
It them mandarins in Whitehall moving the borders, like what happened here in the 70's.
Some folks round here, their potential for danger is ultimate.
I'm from Dobcross over the hill in this picture, still West Riding.
They talk funny over here in Marsden, don't say toad in the hole, say turd in the earl.
Leonard Freed was a great photographer, and the late Abbas Attar, who was a colleague of mine circa Bosnia time. Abbas best known for for his documents revolution Iran 1979.
Now fake imagery is a problem so great I cannot think of a word.
I was in a branch office with Julio Etchart one time, he was one of my two bosses at the time, I never forget him saying "photography is/was a 20th century phenomena."
The photograph by Alexander Gardner on the battlefield with Abraham Lincoln & Pinkerton & McClernand is out of sight.
Last edited by andyp67 (2022-12-18 21:44:22)
The image should be viewed from a distance.
It's the impression.
There are no objections, your picture perfectly conveys the mood.
I spoke only about the technical side of things.
(Yes, the impressions from the gramophone in the old days were no worse than today from the high-end).
Here is my humble experience, 1.5 km from the shooting point.
But this is only Panasonic FZ45, manual focus, jpg from the camera.
(The picture was taken quite funny by today's Canon-PowerShot-SX100-IS standards.)
Yours should be much better.
Last edited by aluma (2022-12-18 21:02:26)
Thank you to somebody for moving this off another post and generating this Share your photography!
You are welcome! Don't know why something like this hasn't popped up before . . .
I don't fully understand the artifacts noise at super distances, you don't get it super telephoto closer.
Your through the trees shot is most excellent, all photography is abstract, that beautiful light and colour is not in Yorkshire today!
PK00591.PNG is my panther when he was a few months old, he's definately got some lynx in his DNA.
That was shot at 1248mm on a compact sensor.
Last edited by andyp67 (2022-12-18 21:27:19)
Noise in digital imagery is a black art what with cameras are hardware software same thing.
I don't think we will get some degree of perfection (colour balance,) until at least 2050, this will be an evolution when the eye brain basically unable to date a picture, like the power of monochrome.
another factor is the quality of light, the software optimises enhances, another generation of noise.
As the Greeks like to say, shit food, shit weather, welcome to Britain.
καλός ώρες. (welcome, informal.)
When I want to contrast/brightness
Lighten say X percent, brightness X percent with contrast half X percent, and darken visa versa.
ffmpeg luma burn is supreme ultimate superior end of story IMO
so say I want to lighten 2% it's ffmpeg -vf lutyuv=y=1.02*val
A friend of mine from school been a wedding photographer forever, he shoots RAW and plus a third.
I shoot normal and luma burn two percent pretty much always.
Equipment is getting better, I don't need to plus one percent red in ffmpeg with what I got now Lumix FT7 Lumix G100 Coolpix A1000, I prefer ffmpeg red/cyan blue/yellow to rgb anyday.
The Lumix FT7 pictures could be better, but it's armoured, usb charge, 4K, viewfinder.
My FT4 eventually got trashed out there on the street, and the FT20 didn't last long at all, armoured lite.
The only criticism I got of ffmpeg is unsharp mask is a bit crap, imagemagick is fine, I think Pixlr is based on imagemagick, most of my shots get sharpen 12%, or 15% if it's telephoto, then again equipment is getting better, bit like back in the darkroom, grade 2 paper is normal but for press it's generally grade 3. Or grade 2 and a stronger developer chemical. Anyway, multigrade came around.
I'm not 108 years old, honest!
If I'm moving too fast I'm using what equipment is strapped to my body.
FFmpeg4android is 8MB not installed 23.44MB installed, and Pixlr 2.6.0.
I shoot JPG and convert to PNG in ffmpeg.
Occasionally in a decent interweb cafe I can install artweaver dot de, if I need to do something special.
Jackpal terminal emulator in Android is very flipping handy to tar -cvf -xvf.
Putting a date on the back of a print is important as going in a newspaper and sat across the desk of the duty picture editor, no date, a reach across the desk and slap across the face is acceptable!
I NEVER have ANY files on a network up Android without a tiny program CryptIt 1.4 dhanoopbhaskar (blowfish.)
And QuickPic 4.5.2 is my kit.
apk20 & apkpure & apk4fun are the best.
& Stay Alive by SyNetDev, Keep screen awake
andftp is tiny and awesome
& noroot 4.0.2 is amazing, and Ted editor Xavier Gouchet
Last edited by andyp67 (2022-12-18 23:18:11)
I'm just able to press on a button, but sometimes that yields nice things too:
Pretty much gave up snapping when everything went digital.....
There was skill in judging the light/aperture/Fstop - & then there was the darkroom....
Those were the good old days......
Edit: I do have a 'modern' hybrid & a 'modern' compact, but they rarely get used, for one thing they are so small, I can barely hold/use them!
Last edited by Camtaf (2023-03-02 09:00:47)
...but not a spider.
I may have had an overdose of maths and probably therefor like geometric structures.
(Shot with BlessN900 soft cam on a Nokia N900.)
I used to take photos of living creatures.
Edit 20230307: Strange! I had to recapture 2 of the 3 images again into and have no idea why they worked when posting them 1st. has alzheimers? Until today I thought using would give nice permanent URLs to stuff... *sigh!*
Last edited by yeti (2023-03-07 11:30:01)
A.k.a.: You have been weechatting far too long!
Shot with F(ranken)Cam on N900 and "long" exposure while moving the cam. I like how it is unfocused and that the text seems to float out of the screen in waves.
Last edited by yeti (2023-03-20 22:08:18)
BlessN900's soft-HDR really had a bad day with this complexity and even more of the shots show these mirage like echoes. It increases the drama of the motive, so I kind of still enjoy those glitches.
Last edited by yeti (2023-03-23 14:20:32)
A few years back, this fungus popped up in the woods by the creek. Its life-cycle lasted over several months. It was identified as a Ganoderma Curtisii a type of Reishi which is a very special 'shroom. The camera used is a Canon Powershot that probably cost less than $100. I just point and click.
Because of this bird, I now have three cameras and a bunch of optics for a Pentax SLR.
He flew to my garden and wanted to capture it. If I knew then that "birds" are the most expensive thing!