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#26 2017-08-09 21:38:45

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 724  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Screenie of new Vuu-do 32, same theme as 64's but check out that ram usage wink

e6xUns0.jpg New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#27 2017-08-09 22:41:28

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Wow! big_smile

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#28 2017-08-10 03:31:08

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

there are more test using not only the openbox alone, i noted when i get start a program like mysqlworkbench, some minutes later gets then slow.. dont matter what devuan/desktop version i have.. and i have a powered machine...


#29 2017-08-10 05:47:29

Registered: 2017-06-14
Posts: 82  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Machine: Thinkpad T42
Ram used: 88meg with no applications open. Wow.
Used forcepae option to get it to boot.

Impressions: Oh my absolutely beautiful.  Thank you for this spin to play with.:)  Internet works booted to desktop no trouble.


#30 2017-08-10 09:49:51

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

This is great because I just broke the last Devuan 32bit installation by upgrading to ascii
There is some hardware (odd enough) that were dropped from the support lisr from Jessie to Stretch and mine happens to have GFX from that list.
I thought wrong not to check before I upgraded and BOOM.  Black screen syndrome, no going back.

Last edited by fungus (2017-08-10 10:50:47)


#31 2017-08-10 10:48:54

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Nope, no run.
On default as soon as it stabilized I right clicked, the menu came up and it froze.  Only power supply interruption could get me out.
On nomodeset??  it froze before I even clicked.
I know loading to ram will not work with 256K and what is the other option?

Last edited by fungus (2017-08-10 10:51:10)


#32 2017-08-10 10:53:36

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Looking back at the screen conky didn't come up on mine, so maybe conky creates the problem


#33 2017-08-10 14:56:10

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

I don't like leaving things broken, so I used a wheezy iso to install ol'trusty wheezy with sysvinit, and the upgrade to Devuan went
easier than from Jessie.  Then if I get your live working on an other pc I will copy your /home and /root stuff into the new installation and
install everything missing.  That pc had Jessie on for a while, and it run sluggish.  Wheezy run at least twice faster!!


#34 2017-08-12 15:32:47

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Hey, cabin man?
I just thought of somthing.  What if conky or some other gadget that initiates during openbox login, spikes up memory and causes the freeze, is it possible to have a script on the live part that would scan for a swap partition and use it?  Having an fstab entry for say /dev/sdb /swap ..... would work for most people with 32bit single disk systems, but it will cause an error on anyone else.  Then after putting the iso to a usb stick on the free part one can create one swap partition before use on a 32bit system.  Otherwise the script may look for an existing swap partition in the hd, if it already exists.

Just a thought.  Nobody wants to waste bandwidth to download a swap partition or swapfile, but that would be the easiest way around it.


#35 2017-08-12 17:12:12

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,527  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

To use an existing swap partition with a live iso, press TAB at the boot menu and add the word "swap" to the boot command. Live-boot will find and use any swap partitions. (Don't recall if it uses all that it finds or just the first one it finds.)


#36 2017-08-12 18:45:02

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Thank you, this helps with such bottle-neck systems.


#37 2017-08-12 20:01:58

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!


#38 2017-08-13 07:33:49

From: Surrey/Hants border UK
Registered: 2016-12-11
Posts: 167  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Nice, short & to the point article. smile

(You might want to add AntiX to your no systemd blog.)


#39 2017-08-13 09:53:32

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Go ahead, write one up and I'll post it
I still don't know much of the difference between mx and antix
If I am not mistaken their approach has been different than devuan's in that they have restricted systemd but have not completely gotten rid of it.


#40 2017-08-13 10:49:27

From: Surrey/Hants border UK
Registered: 2016-12-11
Posts: 167  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Devuan & AntiX are about the same in that regard.

(AntiX is more like Vuu-Do, but with a few more programs, it has a light version & another that has more programs.)
(MX is more like Refracta in that it is a full distro)

Edit: I'm beginning to prefer Vuu-Do, (or MIYO), even over AntiX because they leave more choices to me. smile

Last edited by FOSSuser (2017-08-13 10:52:56)


#41 2017-08-14 18:34:02

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 724  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Hey sorry for delayed reply, haven't had time to get online the last few days, some out-of-town family emergency stuff has kept us busy.

I don't think conky would cause that, but I guess it's possible. Conky always is a little iffy on a livecd as to whether it displays properly when you boot up, there's a delay on the startup command that works fine for an install, but isn't always enough for a livecd which takes longer to boot. You can click the conky on/off switch a couple of times and it will come back up and display normally.

I think you're just running out of ram, either that or possibly one of the older non-pae kernels might work better on your particular machine?

Interesting either way, if you like i'll load up the 32 bit on my build partition, and turn conky and some other stuff off and run you a custom iso to see what's what, i'd like to know the result as I may want to make a special run for old old low spec machines, I like the challenge and it's always so satisfying resurrecting older hardware.

fungus wrote:

Hey, cabin man?
I just thought of somthing.  What if conky or some other gadget that initiates during openbox login, spikes up memory and causes the freeze, is it possible to have a script on the live part that would scan for a swap partition and use it?  Having an fstab entry for say /dev/sdb /swap ..... would work for most people with 32bit single disk systems, but it will cause an error on anyone else.  Then after putting the iso to a usb stick on the free part one can create one swap partition before use on a 32bit system.  Otherwise the script may look for an existing swap partition in the hd, if it already exists.

Just a thought.  Nobody wants to waste bandwidth to download a swap partition or swapfile, but that would be the easiest way around it. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#42 2017-08-14 18:37:47

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 724  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

fsmithred wrote:

To use an existing swap partition with a live iso, press TAB at the boot menu and add the word "swap" to the boot command. Live-boot will find and use any swap partitions. (Don't recall if it uses all that it finds or just the first one it finds.)

That's a cool trick!

I guess I could offer an extra boot choice in the menu that does this?

Seems like it would be a good thing to use anyway, as otherwise what can a livecd/usb use for swap if it needs it? New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#43 2017-08-14 19:07:06

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,527  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

I don't know if you include the Refracta boot help in your isos, but check it out:

cat /usr/lib/refractasnapshot/iso/isolinux/f4.txt

(I'm not gonna paste it here, because it's full of ugly formatting characters.)

Also see 'man live-boot' and 'man live-config' for many awesome things you can do at the boot command.


#44 2017-08-14 19:45:24

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 724  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

fsmithred wrote:

I don't know if you include the Refracta boot help in your isos,

I do, guess it would help if I read the help that's already on every iso I make, lol.

Another cool thing to add to next Vuu-do update run. wink

FYI to all: I think I forgot to mention it, but new Vuu-do ob-32 includes the latest obmenu-generator script, version .99, let me know if anyone has issues with it. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#45 2017-08-23 21:27:47

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 724  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

New version 1.0.2 Vuu-do's going up this week, Openbox-64-minimal already uploaded : … 4-minimal/

Openbox-64-maximal is pretty much done, just need to test a couple things.

Changes to all:

Refracta2usb is now included on all Vuu-do isos, if anyone can figure out how to work it please let me know. ;-)

Tons of small changes to configuration, getting everything standardized and dotting a whole lot of I's and crossing T's, more work done to Oxy2-ZEN icons, tint2, openbox etc. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it was hours of poring through the system and fixing stuff.

FYI : I also do all this to the root account on my iso's, if you like to run as root you will be pleasantly surprised to find the session identical in every respect to the regular user experience with the exception of conky, which I leave off autostart in the root account so I remember i'm running as root, lol.

Right-clicking on the clock in the panel will now change your timezone (by running gksu dpkg-reconfigure tzdata), left-clicking will still open calendar app. The clock tooltip has been changed to reflect the new options.

Dropped a couple small packages that weren't needed, and did a better job rooting out unneeded cache files.

All iso's updated to current, Devuan pushed another kernel update amongst many others, so that's what triggered these iso updates.

Openbox iso's include the new 0.99 version of obmenu-generator, and my own newest re-do of os-probes.

Changes applicable to maximal versions only:

Replaced Gsimplecal with Osmo, it's a much more full-featured calendar app, also for notes, tasks, and contacts lists. It's not in the menu, to activate you just left-click the panel clock like you normally would to activate calendar.

Plus some other stuff I likely forgot to mention. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#46 2017-08-24 00:50:42

Somewhat Reticent
Registered: 2017-04-06
Posts: 103  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Nice! Will grab ASAP and try out.
Just wondering:
- will there be a way to eliminate the desktop "background" image, or make it one transparent pixel?
- will wicd re-connect promptly (and will it shut off wifi)?
- is there a "dark" (easy-on-the-eyes-on-night-shift) theme respected by Synaptic? Or sct and redshiftY? (Or both?)
- if I add vlc, will it be able to find the default audio device?
- coming back from suspend, the display won't remain blank, will it?
- if I set the power-manager to shutdown on power-button-press...
(Sorry, my wish-list grows ever longer)
Off to SF…

Last edited by Somewhat Reticent (2017-08-24 04:43:09)


#47 2017-08-24 09:38:19

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Just installed the previous one (ob 64b  vuudo-ob-64+-20170727_1723.iso), it was upgraded to ascii, eudev'ed, and it is running great.
The wird thing is that the issue I was having on the 2 previous installations with mouse and keyboard freezing on login screen is not appearing here.  So now I have to study the differences and it is not related to this xorg bug.
One thing I wanted to ask the creator was about the i386 arch being included.  How do we turn it off and what was the logic of including it?  I am wondering since the problem I had on login was on a miyo install, if by any chance something relating to X came from 32b and is causing the problem.

The other is lxpolkit, why shouldn't be there and autostart?  Even though you install a default sudo for the user pretty much nothing on the menu that would require sudo will not start.  You install and run lxtask and everything works (mounting volumes from pcmanfm, synaptic, etc).  There may be a reason that escapes me, that is why I am asking.

Anyway, overall I like it much more than standard devuan as it already has the majority of what I am used to already done.
Lean and mean.


#48 2017-08-24 16:26:27

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,527  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

greenjeans wrote:

Refracta2usb is now included on all Vuu-do isos, if anyone can figure out how to work it please let me know. ;-)

I can! I can!

1. Make sure automount is NOT enabled for usb.
2. Plug in your thumb drive.
3. Run 'refracta2usb' from a root terminal (or sudo).
4. Click on the Help option. Read the first few paragraphs.

Keep in mind that it's like a Swiss army knife - it has a bunch of utensils in case you ever need them, but you'll probably never use all of them. Just pick the one(s) you need at any given time.

Hint: create a vfat that's big enough to fit a few isos and an ext partition for other uses, but don't use it yet. Get one iso running then talk to me about persistence (or read the rest of the Help).

If you get a popup error window and you see the word "rescan" in it, go back to the main menu and Rescan. (It happens a lot if you do multiple procedures in the same run. It's not a bug. That's just the way it is - stick gets unmounted after you do a task.)


#49 2017-08-24 17:08:44

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

fungus wrote:

One thing I wanted to ask the creator was about the i386 arch being included.  How do we turn it off and what was the logic of including it?

dpkg --remove-architecture i386


#50 2017-08-24 18:36:50

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

fungus wrote:
fungus wrote:

One thing I wanted to ask the creator was about the i386 arch being included.  How do we turn it off and what was the logic of including it?

dpkg --remove-architecture i386

I include i386 architecture in 64 bit builds as a courtesy to users. There are still some 32 bit applications that a user may want to install, and rather than having a user possibly get flustered trying to figure out what to do in order to install a 32 bit application, I'd rather it just work for them. smile  I remember all too well the frustrations I went through when I was first learning Linux...  wink

As you found, it can easily be removed if it's not wanted or needed.

Congratulations greenjeans! Looks great my friend!

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


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