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#1 2023-06-23 20:53:59

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

gnuinos new ISO files in

as I meet problems willing to reinstall my old refracta installation from March 2023 (not really problem: I don't know how to do that! It's all... But it is enough to stop me to do that with success...), and some user did recommend me in the parallel thread completely fresh, an enormous job for me (I was hopping, using a. refracta tools, and b. daedalus, the rolling part of devuan, never more to have to do that!) because I did install really a lot,

I did look today if the Devuan universe has perhaps new stars.

star linux: no


gnuinos: yes!

2 new iso files from day before yesterday, completely fresh also!

the temptation is really very great!!!


why do those divers distributions reduced on pure GNU stuff have only so rare adepts?

what are the things I have to forget it I install them as my main installation?

a. can I continue to use my actual email provider?
b. can I accede to and use youtube video or only very few of them?
c. can I use to download youtube video (or other solution but really as equivalent!)?
d. can I connect me with other in video dialogue discussions like authorities or employers or help institutions propose today often?
e. can I read press and other informations without to strong limits?
f. can I install from sources more software without to strong limits?

did I forget somewhat?

which browser are available?
(I use 2:
Seamonkey because
- max. room offered for picture, maps etc as you can turn off very fast the 3 bars on top
- integrated excellent wyiwyg HTML editor with excellent spell control (hunspell!)
- integrated email client so that the package is extreme small
- excellent possibilities to change the standard search engine
- ability to look and inform it would be the pest, Firefox...
- integrated IRC client
Xombrero based on the first version of Webkit because
- reacts as Firefox in the most uses, tabbed, bookmarks etc.
- stops the most unwanted intrusions attempts
- is a good base for other internet clients also based on webkit, espec.
- tazweb (the unique page own little browser from the micro distribution SliTaz)
- luakit
- midori
and other...)
Avoid Firepest is a good part of tranquillity!

How has already experiences?


#2 2023-06-23 21:34:29

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,307  

Re: gnuinos new ISO files in

@oui . . . Our next release is Daedalus not Deadalus. I have corrected it in both your posts. smile


#3 2023-06-24 22:03:28

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: gnuinos new ISO files in


I thank aitor very much for following help to install with the old classic debootstrap installations mode:

aitor wrote:
oui wrote:

daedalus i386 : is a good working debootstrap available. can it be started for the live iso to install at a destination on the hard disk (as not all PC's have all enough usb stick places)? If I assume the iso is at /dev/sdb1 and the place is a directory at /mnt/sda6/newGNUinOS/ , what is to do to build the binaries collection, and what is to do to activate it when finish on an empty USB (the place is free now!) stick bzw. build an operable ISO file to make with dd the same result?

Assuming I have understood your question, you're asking about how to install gnuinos from the live iso in a similar way than when you debootstrap the system: … filesystem  (***)

If so, below instructions (not tested) might help you.

To start with, download the iso image and create the following two folders at your home directory:

$ mkdir isoimage sqfs

As root, mount the iso image in the earlier one (extracting the iso file is that straightforward and, more often than not, you don't need any additional software):

# mount -o loop gnuinos-5.0.0-daedalus_preview-2023.06.21-xfce_i686.iso isoimage/

Now uncompress the squashfs filesystem to the latter folder:

# mount -t squashfs -o loop isoimage/live/filesystem.squashfs sqfs

At this point you can follow one by one the steps detailed in the above howto (***), but replacing the paragraph "Install base system" which consists in debootstrapping the system via debootstrap --arch amd64 stable /mnt with the command below:

# rsync -v -rlt -a sqfs/ /dev/PARTITION

This command would copy the whole lot to a separate folder in your /dev/PARTITION.

Bear in mind that you need to unmount the squashfs filesystem afterwards:

# umount sqfs/

Good luck!

As the message is difficult to find at the end of an already long thread where I did find it, I port it here from that about empty thread, where I will speak about my installation.

This evening, I am happy: the installation is about finish and correspond to my wishes.

But I did not use debootstrap this time because I really need fast my new (refurbished) PC, a DELL Xt3 with i7 4 core 8 GB 1 TB with windows 10 on sda1, 2 and 3 (keeping the half of the HD although self also empty because of "not movable stuff in the 3 or one of the 3 windows partitions and I don't know how to solve that problem in Windows 10: it is an extreme long time, that I did use the last time windows! About 20 y.! I remember it was necessary to defrag also reorg the partitions, but I did not find the probably existent way in windows 10...). I have actually no time to spend for those details as the logical partition sda4 is free for about 1/2 TB memory space, and I have no time to really test the debootstrap way (I will do it later: my purpose is to build with the Refracta tools an ISO like Puppy linux iso's).

QUESTION 1: how to shrink the 3 Windows partitions more?

Today I also did use the offered installer from the recent gnuinos for AMD64.

It seems to work very fast (not as the common old Debian installer)! I am very happy!

After first login, I did apt update and search for browsers as I absolutely not like Firefox (in my eyes, it search to force the same MONOPOLISH position as Microsoft in the past and did eliminate all other Linux browsers... The browser terror pure in Linux itself, or more: Microsoft did never enter in Linux with it's browsers... Firefox is at all places: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android! You can not avoid it and protect you against it!).

I did find alice, and did install it. It is installed but don't react at all.

Hm, what can I do to avoid that ugly Firefox (or Iceweasel, it is the same...)?


Seems to work pretty as the legendary Konqueror! Bravo.

I did apt purge iceweasel.

Trying to refer to mousepad (I am often using), I did discover that the authors of gnuinos also did not stay loyal to the real xfce4 definition. no mousepad but the ugly geany (why ugly? because it don't likes to open an separate windows for each job! I don't like that. It is a typical «Puppy linux tool»: as Puppy linux did born, real linuxers did use very great editor going as far as artificial intelligence (integrated in expert systems like swi-prolog). and EACH good linux desktop offers a good own editor, KDE, Gnome, and XFCE4 itself. Why change it? Hm. Xfce4 also? Yes but it can be tricky to solve properly with it the spell checking. And spell checking is important for me: I did never learn English and I am French. A lot of words are the same ... excepted the spelling (not only  "daedalus"!). Gedit connect immediately with hunspell... So I prefer for this reason gedit.

Hm so began I to change the choice of applications.

I prefer nemo against thunar. I is about the same but nemo can more. And, using Konqueror, it is so or so luxe: Konqueror itself is a very good file manager! So I did erase thunar after installing nemo.

Since this time, apt auto-remove will erase a part of the xfce4. What an intolerance! Linux becomes really more terrible concerning tolerance as Microsoft!   I will preserve those files, there are:


but I don't know how to do that as such operation is not frequent!

QUESTION 2: how to do that (protect above files using apt or apt-get)?

View on my actual installation:

sudo apt install alice refractainstaller-base refractainstaller-gui refractasnapshot-base refractasnapshot-gui mgp abiword gedit gnumeric gv xsane tesseract-ocr gimagereader mtpaint mhwaveedit cups marble-qt nted rosegarden gforth gprolog jwm deborphan nemo konqueror pageedit

The correspondent snapshot has the size 1,3 GB.

I will add some application(s) to extract parts of videos for my sport videos: only small parts of videos are interesting to revisit again.

QUESTION 3: What is the smallest and easiest application to crop videos MP4.

QUESTION 4: idem for sound files MP3?

And, last question:

QUESTION 5: how to add i386 compatibility in gnuinos?


#4 2023-06-25 07:53:37

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: gnuinos new ISO files in

in my beginning discussion, I did ask 6 questions a., b., c., d., e., and f. on the base of my old experiences with 3 other GNU linux versions based on Arch or Ubuntu. after the installation, it what not possible to do somewhat any more with the PC and after 1..2 days it was necessary to go back to the «no GNU»!

I did begin to answer myself my questions;

In gnuinos as installed by me, a., b. and c. are absolutely no problem!

A note: some message concerning chrome did appear in the fresh konqueror. Why?

To answer d., e. and f., I did look in synaptic (I never install with synaptic, always with apt (or if required by the system apt-get). But the search is more easy, I admit it) for some

zoom (my depute from French parliament organize internet debates using zoom. What is the solution to participate?)
skype (as not once ekiga is available)
and I did add a theme of checking: androbox

and did not meet such packages.

solutions in sight

(in Linux, wait for solutions is of course a matter of luck! in the past, as I was active in the enterprise and my employer did ask us to work with Microsoft Windows and not some other system, he also did recommend us to use ViaVoice. And it was a perfect system for the future. But it did never come in Linux! Ok, the answer would be «do it yourself, Microsoft did offer to the Linux world the kit for that about twenty years ago!». That is right as far, you develop, you are a developer and you like to develop! I don't do that. But million of Linux developers develop PARALLEL the same thing, nothing new, for the one Suse, the second Slackware since both exist (it's a very long time: they the oldest yet present distributions, the other for Debian, it's Ubuntu and Devuan, Arch, indendants en masse like the poor little SliTaz (but about complete and independant although not compatible with GNU grub2...) until linuxfromscratch and derivate. 100 time the same although essentiel other stuffs did never come!)


#5 2023-06-25 14:09:43

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: gnuinos new ISO files in

For zoom, I use chromium browser. If you have a link to a zoom meeting, ignore all the suggestions to install zoom and scroll to the bottom of the page to enter the meeting in your web browser.

For skype, you need to use a third-party package (thanks, microsoft!). Use the package for the corresponding version of debian. (bullseye = chimaera, bookworm = daedalus)
Is skype not installable in gnuinos? I have no idea how the libre kernel handles that.


#6 2023-06-25 21:22:00

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 230  

Re: gnuinos new ISO files in

oui wrote:

QUESTION 3: What is the smallest and easiest application to crop videos MP4.

QUESTION 4: idem for sound files MP3?

You can ffmpeg. For example, download this video in mp4:


Note that i'm using https instead of http. The folloging command will cut the interval between 01:01 and 01:27 minutes:

ffmpeg -i shamsia.mp4 -ss 00:01:01 -t 00:01:27 -c copy output1.mp4

As a result, you will get output1.mp4

Now, one example about how to crop the result:

ffmpeg -i output1.mp4 -filter:v "crop=150:200:iw-100:0" output2.mp4

And you will get output2.mp4

You can find more examples searching the web.

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#7 2023-06-25 21:31:50

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 230  

Re: gnuinos new ISO files in

oui wrote:

QUESTION 5: how to add i386 compatibility in gnuinos?

Do you mean how to install i386 package under amd64? You need to add an extra architecture:

# dpkg --add-architecture i386

and then explicitly specify this architecture with the suffix :i386 when using the apt command:

# apt-get install <package>:i386

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#8 2023-06-25 21:41:06

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: gnuinos new ISO files in

very good! thank you very much!


#9 2023-07-03 21:27:05

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: gnuinos new ISO files in

actually, I did test Star Linux alias Crowz Linux to compare with gnuinos. My new Crowz system was unused. it boots in under 15 s.
Yesterday the comparable analog test with gnuinos need very more than one minute (as in the past an my old defect computer, so that I did not wonder at all. My full installation was there an very old but constantly re-actualized Deepin 64 bit. As I did not wonder,, I am sorry, I did not write the time needed to boot by gnuinos).
As because of electricity sparing because of the attack from Biden against Russia I am turning off the PC each time a go away and start new all the day of lot of times, this aspect of the use become a very important detail. Gnuinos is now dead for me, if I don´t find some way to change that...


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