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#1 2019-10-24 00:18:49

Registered: 2018-11-21
Posts: 81  

Parrot OS and Devuan

Just wondering if anyone had heard anything more about the potential change of Parrot OS switching from Debian to base off of Devuan instead? I booted an iso recently and like a bunch of the pre-installed pieces of software they were including but was saddened to still see Systemd there.


#2 2019-10-24 01:57:19

Registered: 2019-10-21
Posts: 66  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

couldnt find much... old: … an-devuan/

same year: … 6466.shtml

also 2017:

june 2019: "We hope to upgrade back to 5.1+ as soon as possible most likely this will occur as we switch to Devuan. More information to follow." … sions/8198

monopolies are able to change free software so it better serves their freedom than ours.

why is that so difficult to prove to many free software advocates, and what is it that stops them from caring?


#3 2019-10-24 02:39:01

Registered: 2018-11-21
Posts: 81  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

Freemedia, Thanks for the info. The 2017 items were the ones I kept finding. Was hoping since Devuan had seen several releases that perhaps Parrot had switched over by now. Looks like they're still tracking to make the jump so I'll sit tight!


#4 2019-10-24 22:12:18

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

aut0exec wrote:

...and like a bunch of the pre-installed pieces of software they were including....

Would ya share which installed software, you like?
I'm jus` doing alittle recon. wink



#5 2019-10-25 23:22:43

Registered: 2018-11-21
Posts: 81  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

stanz wrote:
aut0exec wrote:

...and like a bunch of the pre-installed pieces of software they were including....

Would ya share which installed software, you like?
I'm jus` doing alittle recon. wink

Happily! The big ones here were: Radare and Cutter, vscodium (not because I want it, work does), the collection of wireless tools (don't need them currently but plan to learn how to use them). I'm sure there will be others but haven't had much more than a week to mess around with it. Are you building a distro (A devuan based distro like this would be really slick)??


#6 2019-10-26 22:11:18

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

A quick look at mentioned pkgs::

Radare: "free and advanced command line hexadecimal editor", radare2 v1.1.0+dfsg-5, is in our repo's
Cutter: "disconnect routed IP connections", v1.04-1, also in repo's
vscodium: humm, m$ thing? some work on github, I need more info there.

"the collection of wireless tools", is indeed - a collection! Tuff for me to choose what goes in the mix.
Mainly because, I've not been in that 'enviroment' for years, so I dropped my 1st hobby project. smile
I would need some input and advice on pkgs, to come up with a useful system.
"distro"? naaa, just a mix.



#7 2019-10-27 16:07:59

Registered: 2018-11-21
Posts: 81  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

Yup Radare is in there but the cutter you mentioned isn't the "right" cutter: Check this out:

I would LOVE to see a Devuan "pen-testing" distro to be honest. I'd work to create my own but if I'm being honest, I'm not qualified to build a distro, haha. Would be a very long road!

Your linked thread is interesting. How you had any progress since your last post??


#8 2019-10-27 17:25:46

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,240  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

A note from Parrot OS:

we are not based on devuan yet, and the rolling branch is still based on debian testing

meanwhile we have an experimental lts branch that tracks devuan, and we plan to release a lts version of parrot (5.0) for both x86 and arm architectures, and keep it aside to the rolling edition that will remain the same as now (but amd64 only)

the eta is "when it's ready"


#9 2019-10-28 18:22:26

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

aut0exec wrote:

....but if I'm being honest, I'm not qualified to build a distro, haha. Would be a very long road!

I hear ya! And I've said that, my I just mix stuff together - like a baker!

aut0exec wrote:

Your linked thread is interesting. How you had any progress since your last post??

No...not with devuan`ing a parrot-type system. I would need more 'heads' involved ( wink ) to put together and
configure that kind of beast.
I'm a vuu - not a dev or coder...~ I couldn't even tweak anon-surf's script with success! LoLoL
i2p & p2p-mimo's are as close as I got.

But some good news, huh!?!?

golinux wrote:

....Devuan Devs.... !?

Now, that sounds like "qualified builders" to me! smile



#10 2019-10-29 00:42:30

Registered: 2018-11-21
Posts: 81  

Re: Parrot OS and Devuan

golinux wrote:

A note from Parrot OS:

we are not based on devuan yet, and the rolling branch is still based on debian testing

meanwhile we have an experimental lts branch that tracks devuan, and we plan to release a lts version of parrot (5.0) for both x86 and arm architectures, and keep it aside to the rolling edition that will remain the same as now (but amd64 only)

the eta is "when it's ready"


Man... I wonder if they need people to test that LTS branch?!


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