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#1 2018-03-14 12:24:41

Registered: 2017-03-16
Posts: 568  

toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

I noticed a strange bug in caja. If I'm inside a hidden directory (e.g., ~/.config) and toggle hidden files by pressing control + h, caja changes directory to /proc or / (root directory). This is quite disorienting.

I have absolutely no idea how to begin troubleshooting this. Any ideas? I hope one of you guys can help, as I don't think a MATE-specific forum exists anymore (notice the forums listed here:

Devuan ASCII
MATE version 1.16.2
Caja version 1.16.6-1+deb9u1

P.S. I also asked in the debian forum (for more eyeballs). The post is here: … 46&start=0

Last edited by GNUser (2018-03-14 14:41:14)


#2 2018-03-14 14:25:22

Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 145  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

I would try reinstalling caja but that is just a weak guess.
Where would expected behavior take you? The directory .config is in or a higher dir.? file systems is where my install takes me.

"The obstacle is the path."


#3 2018-03-14 14:33:05

Registered: 2017-03-16
Posts: 568  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

I will try reinstalling, wouldn't hurt.

Expected behavior when I press control + h in the file manager is to toggle visibility of hidden files and directories in the directory I'm in, not to take me to another directory (/proc, /, or anywhere else).

When you press control + h caja takes you to file systems? That's unexpected behavior, similar to what I'm experiencing.

Last edited by GNUser (2018-03-14 14:35:57)


#4 2018-03-14 14:36:14

Registered: 2017-03-16
Posts: 568  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

I reinstalled caja and it made no difference hmm


#5 2018-03-14 15:14:05

Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 145  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

I might never have seen this with my limited hidden files experience.But i'm curious to see
what you find. Good luck.

"The obstacle is the path."


#6 2018-03-14 15:29:52

Registered: 2017-03-16
Posts: 568  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

Thanks for your help, catprints. It was helpful to know that another Devuan ASCII + MATE user was experiencing the same thing, since that confirms that this is caused by a bug and not by some misconfiguration on my system.

This behavior bothers me enough that for the time being I've remapped control+h to run this script of mine:


current_state=$(gsettings get org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files)
if [ "$current_state" = "false" ]; then
	gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files true # to show regular user's hidden files
	sudo gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files true # to show root user's hidden files
	gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files false
	sudo gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files false

Here's a prettier version that puts an icon in the taskbar while hidden files/folders are visible (requires yad to be installed):



current_state=$(gsettings get org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files)
if [ "$current_state" = "false" ]; then
	gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files true # to show regular user's hidden files
	sudo gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files true # to show root user's hidden files
	yad --notification --image=$icon --text="Showing hidden files" --no-middle &
	gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files false
	sudo gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences show-hidden-files false
	pkill -f "Showing hidden files"

It's a workaround and not a fix, of course, but I want the unexpected teleports to other filesystem locations to stop right away. Hopefully a caja expert will come along and offer us a proper fix.

Last edited by GNUser (2018-03-15 17:01:33)


#7 2018-03-14 15:37:20

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

I never knew of that key control but just tried it and it works perfectly in Thunar.  Probably won't ever use it though because I am blind without seeing hidden files at all times.   The reason I moved on from gnome2 years ago were little bugs like that.


#8 2018-03-14 15:56:15

Registered: 2017-03-16
Posts: 568  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

If I keep finding these annoying little bugs, I may eventually switch to XFCE, too. As much as I love MATE, it has definitely gotten sloppy.

Not to be ungrateful (MATE is both libre and gratis, after all), but you'd think that toggling hidden files and mounting run-of-the-mill Android phones are things that file managers should be able to do out-of-the-box these days, without nasty surprises.

Last edited by GNUser (2018-03-14 15:59:17)


#9 2018-03-14 16:44:35

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

GNUser wrote:

If I keep finding these annoying little bugs . . .

gnome2 was buggy out of the gate so no surprise . . .


#10 2018-03-14 16:54:20

Registered: 2017-03-16
Posts: 568  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

golinux, I thought it was weird that you said "I am blind without seeing hidden files at all times" because this is the icon I had selected to show in my notification area when hidden files are being shown:


Haha, what are the odds?


#11 2018-03-14 17:07:23

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: toggling hidden files in caja changes directory to /proc or /

There is order in the chaos of the universe.  Nice image BTW.


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