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I did finish now the upgrade of the new ISO Daedalus to -> Excalibur -> Ceres and have 3 beautiful ISO-Snapshots with a gread number of app's (mousepad, epiphany=/gnome-browser, gnumeric, the presentation MagicPoint known as mgp, hunspell, tesseract-OCR, gimagereader, inkscape, marble-qt, granule (for youngs and children), nted (idem!), rosegarden, kdenlive, etc. (but I did uninstall certain ones as the are double of those and easy to add again! The trick was to have certain app's in the ISO whom are not all present in Ceres and I did hoppe to win an ISO under 2 GB (but the ceres and excalibur are 2 GB, sorry). I did uninstall geany, firefox (too big), vim. They are at the depository). But I have no capacity any more in my upload site...
I did in the last days a new version of Refracta dAedalus based on the small version "nox" for AMD64. I did name it for me
Refr(acta)dAe(dalus)justKDE64. That is all and says what it is and what it does... The base is the nox concept extended with a little command line office to complete the options already present in the nox concept.
On that base come xorg and as well jwm as KDE absolute minimal but incl. Konqueror (it finds the app's and give access in the main tab "go"). The Display manager is SLIM.
In a ab. 16 GB partition, the used room is only under 4,5 GB. It generates a Refractasnappshot with a size of 1,5 GB.
The way how to make yourself your KDE & JWM minimal installation generating that 1.5 GB ISO is described here: … 09#p114809
(because I will translate it as well in French as in German. But this will wait some time to continue as I have actually to follow a medical treatment where to long PC work is not allow... Later, I will also continue to upgrade to "testing" and "experimental"!)
Last edited by oui (2024-03-24 00:19:03)
@oui . . . Please take note that it is DAEdalus not DEAdalus. At least we're not dead yet! LOLOL! You should be able to correct your post above. I would have done it myself but then there is no learning. Thanks.
I understand you, but please, next time (it is coming with exzkalyboer) take name's being used in the dictionary for the new distros so that hunspell will advise me directrly ;-) ... The names of antic great things evolve through the time. Also in Italian is dedalo a word with an open "e"...
it is so, I am a supporter of Daebian as well as from Daevuan would I say and write now after that experience...
Last edited by oui (2024-03-23 18:59:24)
I surrender to absurdity . . .
It is not an absurdity to be critic against idiotic the complicate writing of names being absolutely not international! It would better be intelligent to avoid that ;-) !
Add to your browser and forget translation problems.
The artificial intelligence of the translator greatly contributes to this.
Thank you very much aluma (I did use myself in the past, working also on full web pages. French Puppy Linux users did try to include an analog app in their version of Puppy linux). But as you see, I use apt and synaptic and all those things are not present at the deb depositories...
And I did look at you link. And immediately see a (perhaps only little) problem: I am now working at a KDE oriented version of mini linux, and miss Konqueror or Falkon under the proposed browser (as well as Seamonkey, my prefered browser: I did start before 2000 with it, if I right remember, at that time as "the" Mozilla suite with the red dino and did never find somewhat better concerning the ergonomics (settings and results of then, room on the windows for graphic applications, tool bars...).
actually, my main care is to include as much real KDE app's into the smart KDE installation.
I did have for ex. the surprise that the most important parts of the real KDE office did not use really very much harddisk capacity (calligrawords, calligrasheets and konqueror as document viewer, it is listed as a document viewer) but is fully integrated in the hidden kde system as the light Gnome office (abiword, gnumeric, evince), the last ones not being integrated, this in the actual Daedalus (it can evolve negative if a level of some dependency, especially the terribly big ones (webkitenginejava) evolves differently. My next steps are of course to try to upgrade that smart KDE based on bookworm, a name easy to write against the terrible daedalus, debian has more experience and avoid such errors, idem aeckszcaliboer, to testing (easy to write and taken in consideration by hunspell) and then to ceres (relatively easy to write under consideration of the pronunciation of the word, although the "c" is a letter with the most uncertain pronunciation! SID is really easy...).
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