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Pages: 1
We need to big up Devuan Live works like a charm out of the box.
We need to have pavucontrol to git those crappy speakers on my HDMI monitor to work, HDMI has been in production for 20 years. I don't need a Bang & Olufsen sound system, I'm on the tube listening to a doctor discussing leukemia.
I'm not run me down fsmithred (amongst others,) who obviously work as hard as Muhammad Ali.
What else do we need, I don't mean some email client palaver.
Er, exactly what are you asking?
Devuan does not add new goodies and tools to what Debian provides. We only deal with systemd and related feature creep that would break said purpose.
Applications Menu -> Multimedia -> Pulse Audio Volume Control (aka pavucontrol)
If you're not in XFCE, it's probably a slightly different path in the menu. If you still can't find it, open a terminal and run /usr/bin/pavucontrol
Thanks fsmithred . . .
/me who has never used pulseaudio goes to sit in a corner . . .
Pages: 1