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There's a software package called Zeitgeist that's been finding its way into nearly every Linux and BSD package repository. It's also on Devuan. Be sure to read the note at the bottom of this post even if you are not impacted by this.
It reads your emails, it monitors the websites you visit, listens to private conversations, and logs the files on your computer.. and then it shares this information freely over D-Bus to any application that wishes to use it. You are given no warning and have no option to say which software can access it, and which can't. Any software can access D-bus, including closed-source software like Discord or Telegram (whether they do or not, who knows).
If this is running on your computer, it will have created a SQLite database in your home directory full of your private information and there will be services running in the background 24/7 collecting data.
Official website:
Old website (archive):
It originated as a GNOME project.. surprise, surprise. It used to be called GNOME Zeitgeist (
From the old website:
Zeitgeist is a service which logs the users’ activities and events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations had.
It makes this information readily available for other applications to use.
People are sometimes scared that information Zeitgeist has logged can be dangerous if it gets leaked. If you feel worried that malware might gain access to your information you need to be a bit more paranoid.
Zeitgeist events are available in the same way your Firefox and Chrome browsing history is very easily accessible. Pidgin even saves your password in plain text in your home directory.
Now remember the two golden rules of security on a Linux installation.
* Don’t run as root
* Don’t install untrusted applications
Not only that, but there is code in the source to send user data to a remote server over unencrypted HTTP
using Zeitgeist;
using TelepathyGLib;
using Json;
public class TelepathyObserver : DataProvider
private const string actor = "dbus://org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Logger.service";
private const string tp_account_path = "x-telepathy-account-path:%s";
private const string tp_identifier = "x-telepathy-identifier:%s";
private const string ft_json_domain = "";
private const string call_json_domain = "";
private TelepathyGLib.DBusDaemon dbus = null;
private TelepathyGLib.AutomaticClientFactory factory = null;
private TelepathyGLib.SimpleObserver observer = null;
private HashTable<string, Timer> call_timers = null;
Final note:
GNOME currently ships packages called gnome-tracker and gnome-tracker-miners (may be called tracker-miners or tracker3-miners, etc) that do something similar. There was another called gnome-online-miners that logged online activity, I think the name is changing and I'm having trouble finding it.
Gnome Tracker is a hard dependency of GTK4, which means if you have GTK4, you have GNOME Tracker on your system. Like Zeitgeist, Gnome tracker keeps a SQLite database in your home directory and collects data via background service. If you check out the database tables, it was developed with the intent of collecting an extraordinary amount of user data. If you use gnome, you can tame Tracker's data collection a bit using dconf-editor (navigate to org.freedesktop.tracker).
Last edited by pungentweasel (2022-12-16 03:53:09)
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. - Matthew 10:16
Thanks for the heads up. I just checked my Refracta Chimaera install and no zeitgeist package is installed.
The tracker service can be disabled and masked. Whether it gets surreptitiously enabled again is a question. Changing the directory where it stores its data to read-only might also hinder it.
The tracker service can be disabled and masked. Whether it gets surreptitiously enabled again is a question. Changing the directory where it stores its data to read-only might also hinder it.
symlink it to /dev/null
Last edited by pungentweasel (2022-12-16 04:36:20)
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. - Matthew 10:16
Thanks for the heads up.
Indeed ...
Thanks a lot. 8^)
... checked my Refracta Chimaera install ...
I don't have it in my Beowulf either.
But that's not the point.
The tracker service can be disabled and masked.
The point is that, independently of whether it can be disabled/masked, such a package has no place in the Debian/Devuan repositories.
Anyone know how it is that it got there?
And most important, how it eluded proper scrutiny from the devs?
I'd say it has to be banned.
Thank heavens for image blockers! Hope no one with epilepsy comes to this post . . .
The point is that, independently of whether it can be disabled/masked, such a package has no place in the Debian/Devuan repositories.
Anyone know how it is that it got there?
And most important, how it eluded proper scrutiny from the devs?I'd say it has to be banned.
They don't have time to sift though thousands of packages, so it's understandable. Zeitgeist I agree should be blacklisted, for the simple fact that it can send personal user data to an insecure remote server. That would affect some other packages that depend on it though. Gnome tracker is much more difficult to deal with because of its integration with GTK.
I would like to see package repositories add some kind of public reporting system, and forks of package managers that show flags for packages that have been reported by other users as potentially harmful. I'm actually kind of surprised that a system like this doesn't already exist as a standard practice across all of linux.
Devuan actually has a page specifically devoted software without d-bus. Hugely commendable. In my opinion, d-bus should be ditched just like systemd. It is useful, but dangerous as hell.
Last edited by pungentweasel (2022-12-16 05:31:02)
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. - Matthew 10:16
It has been with Diodon (clipit) since it hit the Devuan repos!
Also, Synapse has always had it, back to the before Devuan with Debian
Imagine it is in other apps, these two I'm aware of and don't use.
easier to light a candle, yet curse the dark instead / experience life, or simply ...merely exist / ride the serpent / molon labe / III%ers / oath keepers
Imagine it is in other apps, these two I'm aware of and don't use.
It's been around the block for a while....
And in 2009 it was GNOME Zeitgeist. 13 years old at minimum, and still active.
Last edited by pungentweasel (2022-12-16 06:02:48)
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. - Matthew 10:16
They don't have time to sift though thousands of packages, so it's understandable.
Yes, I agree.
But it would seem that it skipped both Debian and Devuan devs.
And the devs of other distributions that have it.
... should be blacklisted ...
... personal user data to an insecure remote server.
... affect some other packages that depend on it though.
Then any other package that depends on it should also be banned from Devuan.
I cannot stress this enough:
----> This is not an issue to be taken lightly <----
It is an infection which has actually originated from inside the Linux ecosystem.
An infection that, in my opinion, has taken root thanks to the slow but constant erosion of the basic principles Linux was built on.
ie: Do one thing and do it well
Gnome tracker is much more difficult to deal with because of its integration with GTK.
Get the point I am attempting to make above?
Integration? Then off with it's ugly head, I say.
Integration is nothing but the negation of the Unix/Linux philosophy as put forth by Doug McIlroy et al.
Has the widespread implementation of systemd not raised enough flags yet?
... surprised that a system like this doesn't already exist as a standard practice across all of linux.
So am I.
Very (very) much so.
Last edited by Altoid (2022-12-16 10:37:39)
There's a software package called Zeitgeist [...] It reads your emails, it monitors the websites you visit, listens to private conversations, and logs the files on your computer.. and then it shares this information freely over D-Bus to any application that wishes to use it. You are given no warning and have no option to say which software can access it, and which can't. Any software can access D-bus, including closed-source software like Discord or Telegram (whether they do or not, who knows)
So don't install it then.
The zeitgeist package is not installed by default in any of the desktop environments and it won't work properly in bare window manager desktops so this seems to be a complete non-issue.
Here is a list of the packages which will pull in zeitgeist:
$ aptitude search ~Dzeitgeist
p budgie-applications-menu-applet - Stylish Applications Menu for Budgie-Desktop
p cairo-dock-recent-events-plug-in - Recent events plug-in for Cairo-dock
p diodon - GTK+ Clipboard manager
p gir1.2-zeitgeist-2.0 - library to access Zeitgeist - GObject introspection data
p gnome-activity-journal - graphical user interface for Zeitgeist
p libdiodon0 - GTK+ Clipboard manager (main library)
p liblomiri-app-launch0 - library for sending requests to Lomiri App Launch
p libzeitgeist-2.0-dev - library to access Zeitgeist - development files
p libzeitgeist-cil-dev - CLI bindings for Zeitgeist Project - development files
p lomiri-app-launch - User space daemon for launching applications
p lomiri-app-launch-tools - Tools for working wtih launched applications
p python3-zeitgeist - event logging framework - Python 3 bindings
p synapse - semantic file launcher
p zeitgeist - event logging framework
p zeitgeist-core - event logging framework - engine
p zeitgeist-datahub - event logging framework - passive logging daemon
So unless any of those packages are installed zeitgeist will not be present.
Any tinfoil consumers can use this file at /etc/apt/preferences.d/stop-zeitgeist:
Package: zeitgeist*
Pin: version *
Pin-Priority: -1
^ That will stop any zeitgeist packages from ever being installed.
If the zeitgeist pakcage is installed then this file at ~/.config/autostart/zeitgeist-datahub.desktop will stop zeitgeist-datahub from starting in full desktop environments:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Zeitgeist Datahub
Comment=Start the Zeitgeist Datahub for passive loggers
The tracker service can be disabled and masked. Whether it gets surreptitiously enabled again is a question.
The zeitgeist services can be masked with
systemctl --user mask zeitgeist{,-fts}
Masking a service under systemd means it can never be started, even if called by DBus or another service. Debian packages will never run unmask, even for system services, and certainly not for user services, so that modification would be permanent.
The bad news is that sysvinit/runit/s6/OpenRC can't do masking, they have no concept of that very useful feature.
EDIT: spelling, removed misinformation.
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2022-12-16 13:11:29)
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
Just be all minimalistic n'stuff
dan@miyolinux:~$ apt search zeitgeist
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
budgie-applications-menu-applet/stable 1.1.0-1 amd64
Stylish Applications Menu for Budgie-Desktop
diodon/stable 1.11.0-1 amd64
GTK+ Clipboard manager
diodon-dev/stable 1.11.0-1 amd64
GTK+ Clipboard manager (development files)
gir1.2-diodon-1.0/stable 1.11.0-1 amd64
GTK+ Clipboard manager (GObject introspection data)
gir1.2-zeitgeist-2.0/stable 1.0.3-4 amd64
library to access Zeitgeist - GObject introspection data
gnome-activity-journal/stable 1.0.0-3 all
graphical user interface for Zeitgeist
libdiodon0/stable 1.11.0-1 amd64
GTK+ Clipboard manager (main library)
libzeitgeist-2.0-0/stable 1.0.3-4 amd64
library to access Zeitgeist - shared library
libzeitgeist-2.0-dev/stable 1.0.3-4 amd64
library to access Zeitgeist - development files
libzeitgeist-2.0-doc/stable 1.0.3-4 all
library to access Zeitgeist - documentation
libzeitgeist-cil-dev/stable all
CLI bindings for Zeitgeist Project - development files
libzeitgeist0.8-cil/stable all
CLI bindings for Zeitgeist Project
monodoc-zeitgeist-manual/stable all
compiled XML documentation for zeitgeist-sharp
python3-zeitgeist/stable 1.0.3-4 all
event logging framework - Python 3 bindings
synapse/stable amd64
semantic file launcher
zeitgeist/stable 1.0.3-4 all
event logging framework
zeitgeist-core/stable 1.0.3-4 amd64
event logging framework - engine
[/cozeitgeist-datahub/stable 1.0.3-4 amd64
event logging framework - passive logging daemonde]
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
EDIT: spelling,
Tee Hee...
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
... don't install it then.
I think you are missing the point.
By a mile or so.
... is not installed by default in any of the desktop environments ...
Yes, as of today.
As you can surely gather, that list can change and expand to a great many other packages within the Linux ecosystem.
Very quickly.
... seems to be a complete non-issue.
I beg to differ.
The point being that a package such as this one does not have a place or reason to be in any Linux repository.
Much less in Devuan's repositories.
Not only that, but there is code in the source to send user data to a remote server over unencrypted HTTP
In the same way that Wednesday night's sushi has no place or reason to be in your refrigerator because you expect no one will eat it.
Or will try to find the receipt from the delivery chap to see when it was purchased/delivered before taking a bite and getting scombroid poisoning.
... a list of the packages which will pull in zeitgeist ...
Thanks for the heads-up. 8^)
But until pungentweasel posted his warning and you posted this list, here at Dev1 no one knew all this was happening.
As well as most if not all Linux users who installed budgie, cairo-dock, diodon etc. and ignored this fact.
Unless they read your post or done the research to find out.
ie: find out that this crap was being pulled in when they installed their chosen xxyyzz application.
Which is something that a Linux user should not have to do when they install an application from a trusted source such as their distribution's repository.
Because (up to yesterday) no one in their right mind would have thought that a Linux repository would have this crap available for installation.
... tinfoil consumers can use this file ...
... will stop any zeitgeist packages from ever being installed.
Thanks. 8^)
Note to devs:
Please consider banning zeitgeist from the Devuan repository.
Consequently, any application that requires zeitgeist to be installed to work properly should be sanitized just like any application that needs systemd to be present but can work without it.
And if it cannot be sanitized, it should also be banned.
Last edited by Altoid (2022-12-17 11:32:07)
The point being that a package such as this one does not have a place or reason to be in any Linux repository.
Much less in Devuan's repositories.
Of course it has a reason. It is a useful piece of software. If I was administrating a highly secure multi-user system I would want to keep a very close check on what my users were doing. The same goes for my teenage grandchild — I am very tempted to install Zeitgeist on their box to aid safekeeping.
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
... a useful piece of software.
Not to contradict you or wanting to polemise any further, but I'd say that depends heavily on the what for aspect.
Some brillantly written worms and trojans will also fit into the "useful piece of software" slot.
But ...
... administrating a highly secure multi-user system ...
... you would have a very secure and properly segmented/firewalled network with strictly vetted users with assigned security clearances on a per case basis.
You do not need to have zeitgeist installed to have highly secure multi-user system.
But while I can understand your point of view, I don't agree with it and insist:
There's no need for zeitgeist to be in any Linux repository, much less Devuan's.
So let's agree to disagree. 8^)
Last edited by Altoid (2022-12-17 18:28:21)
...still rockin' a minimal install of Devuan with no zeitgeist-n-hophtereinstaeist installed.
...I'm not sure what all of this is about, but then again...I don't care. HAHAHAHA!!!
I'll exit the conversation now. Sorry for the intrusion...but I'm happy.
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
Once I realized what Zeitgeist was, I tried to delete it as much as possible.
Essentially, its an open source spyware.
As far as I know...
Notice btw, one of the words rhymes with heist.
This is very appropriate on many levels.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
zephyr wrote:Imagine it is in other apps, these two I'm aware of and don't use.
It's been around the block for a while....
And in 2009 it was GNOME Zeitgeist. 13 years old at minimum, and still active.
That image says it all.
Gnome, KDE and Ubuntu use it, which is an automatic bad sign, given its other problems.
Always examine anything that the eye candy Desktop Environments or Window Managers if they require dbus, polkit, systemd, networkmanager, pulseaudio, pipewire, or zeitgiest...
The dbus part is probably on the lower end of that list as far as most are concerned, but the others, especially systemd and zeitgeist, are just, no.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
stumbled across this thread referencing "zeitgeist" and was reminded of some thought-exercises to ponder.
here are just a few links for your enjoyment:
(will take most of a day to slog through the videos as well as the articles/links/commentaries/etc)
zeitgeist links:
kudos to @boughtonp for this one:
america freedom to fascism:
JFK to 911 - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick:
I,pet goat II full original version:
blackrock, vanguard, and state street buying up real estate of all types(businesses/farms/residential/etc):
welcome to the matrix
Last edited by stargate-sg1-cheyenne-mtn (2024-02-24 13:07:11)
Be Excellent to each other and Party On!
Do unto others as you would have them do instantaneously back to you!
I can't believe I, of all people am saying this, but this is so far from the topic that even I feel like I should say something LOL.
I don't condemn this, because I too am guilty of this, but just going to say, you know who might respond.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
“If this turns into a nun’s bar, I’m outta here”
best line from 1992 Sister Act staring Whoopi Goldberg, and it is no small coincidence that the bar scene was filmed at The Black Cat
Be Excellent to each other and Party On!
Do unto others as you would have them do instantaneously back to you!