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#1 2017-06-22 19:22:17

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

ASCII-install notes

started with the CD installer - Jessio-1.0.0
graphical install selected from the boot up menu
no network connection selected - (just needed basickernel/files  to update to the ASCII version)
grub installed  -- rebooted
LOGGED IN AS ROOT (which some say not to do - but sudo not avail IIRC)
'    with the 'default session'  not the single panel

/etc/apt/sources.list modified (via nano)
    # the cd source out
    added ONLY deb ascii main
did an apt-get update (only-not the usual 'upgrade')
apt-get install syslog-ng-core syslog-ng  BTW-(this removes rsyslog!!)
[this will do 13 upgrades & 39 new installs files]
**!!!open the details window as there is a list of messages and
**!!! at the prompt :   -I just did a 'q' ;not knowing the source of the messages
told it to automatically restart the services as needed
apt-get install synaptic [38 upgraded 29 new installs files]
** keos was having trouble with Synaptic upgrade so I tried it**
!!!open the details window as there is a list of messages and
!!! at the prompt :   -I just did a  'q'  not knowing the source
(you may notice several theme path errors for 'clearlook')
fwiw-(Synaptic had scrunched text in menu bar/ missing button outlines)

NOW I added to /etc/apt/sources.list [via nano  I am still user 'root']
    deb ascii-updates main
    deb ascii-security main

launched Synaptic (from menu tree)  and clicked on the <Reload> button
opened up the 'details' window - 3 sources listed - loaded 0K 113K 0K
clicked on the <Mark all upgrades> button (214 new 563 upgrade 8 remove)
it downloaded some files and appeared to hang (no disk activity)
!!!open the details window as there is a list of messages and
!!! at the prompt :   -I just did a  'q' ' not knowing the source
about 20 minutes later it  looked like it hung - BUT it was finished
closing details window resulted in a - POPup a 'sandbox' error message

**        uname -a       reports still at 3.16 kernel
attempted to 'Reboot' - [from the menu]       just got a logout/login - did a 'root' user login
NOW I was able to do 'Reboot'   [from the menu]
**  uname -a now reports 4.9.0-3 kernel  !!!!!!
launched Synaptic , did a <Reload> button
'details' window shows 0k 113k 0k 0k 6997k 7154k [6 repositories !]
    !! the additional (automagically added) were the 'packages'
       !! and nothing to reported to upgrade
********************  ISSUES (will create bugs if I can pinpoint error)******************
CD wouldn't open from front panel button - needed the filemgr to 'eject'
    Thunar 1.6.11 reported as mounting, then .../media/cdrom was busy!!
VLC played ONE time as a normal user - (then tried as  'root')
    wouldn't even open up the application after the one time
NO Sound/audio output from CD / web-browser (pulse-audio nothing showd!)
loaded (viaSynaptic) alsa-player-common & depends
this showed a data stream from CD but NO audio/sound
bash couldn't find 'nano' (I wanted to copy the 'sandbox' message)
    bash was looking in /usr/bin/nano - it was at /bin/nano [per 'which' command]
Synaptic no longer has scrunched text !!!
**********that's it folks - for what its worth
the terminal "apt-get" way to install might be better
- used user 'root' as 'sudo' was not avail

Last edited by garyz.dev1 (2017-06-22 20:21:48)


#2 2017-06-22 19:34:55

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: ASCII-install notes

That's really hard to read.  Maybe you could use the formatting tools to help users find their way through it?


#3 2017-06-22 20:03:59

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: ASCII-install notes

what formatting tools - this text came from 'geany' editor
the add new post didn't indicate to me any....
whoa - I just clicked on the ? [url tag: on  and got a whole new page of formatting info !!!!.

Last edited by garyz.dev1 (2017-06-22 20:10:38)


#4 2017-06-22 20:15:28

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: ASCII-install notes

garyz.dev1 wrote:

what formatting tools - this text came from 'geany' editor
the add new post didn't indicate to me any....
whoa - I just clicked on the ? [url tag: on  and got a whole new page of formatting info !!!!.

Did you not notice the line of BBCode tags on top of the input box?  All that formatting is just a click away.


#5 2017-06-22 20:24:55

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: ASCII-install notes

That's what those are ! NEAT -that'll make it much easier
I usually just use a simple text editor


#6 2017-06-22 20:31:46

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: ASCII-install notes

Be careful if you take a long time to write a post.  Sometimes posts go 'missing' when it's time to post if you're not cookied with the 'stay logged in' option.


#7 2017-06-22 20:56:07

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,528  

Re: ASCII-install notes

Well, as I see it, the biggest issue is that you used the CD, which gives you a system that most people would consider incomplete (like inactive shutdown buttons). Please don't file a bug report on that fact. We know the CD sucks, but it's useful if you must install without a network and you want a smaller download than the dvd or the desktop-live.

Crunched text and no button outlines: That sounds like a couple of the new gtk3 features. (gtk3 sucks worse than the CD).

I had a better upgrade experience using a refracta iso. The audio works (alsa only, no pulseaudio). There's no automounting usb drives or even popup icons when you plug one in, but that's because refracta doesn't have gvfs installed. (You might want to check for that). I use pmount for external drives, and that still works. Video (camera) works. I haven't tried watching a video file yet. I'll have to install vlc and check it. That's what I normally use, and it's known to be a little flaky.

Here's something that might work for rsyslog if you're ok with experimenting and possibly hosing your system. Install the version in jessie-backports. I did it this morning on a minimal installation and it seems to work. It should upgrade properly when rsyslog in ascii is ready.

For the power buttons, make sure you have installed policykit-1 consolekit libpam-ck-connector and upower. (Hope I didn't forget any). If that doesn't work, search the forum for any of those package names and you'll find some discussion.

There's a 'stay logged in' option? Guess I need to check my settings again. I'm in the habit of highlighting my whole post and copying it to the clipboard. Been burned on timeout plenty of times and places.

I predict that this thread will go for some time as more people try it and as packages get fixed. OK, time for me to go back to making new refracta isos. (sorry, golinux, but the first ones will be no-X).


#8 2017-06-23 15:14:05

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: ASCII-install notes

It's amazing what some reboots and apt-get autoremove will do!!
I have loaded sudo and put myself in the group
bash/nano issue - works now - not sure why - my $PATH looks good- now
VLC and audio are working - well CD audio -youtube in firefox-esr
[may have been the apt-get autoremove function
{one of the removed files was  ' vlc-nox' !?}
CD front-panel eject isn't working still --

Crunched text and no button outlines: That sounds like a couple of the new gtk3 features.

****fixed itself along the way !!

For the power buttons, make sure you have installed policykit-1 consolekit libpam-ck-connector and upower. (Hope I didn't forget any). If that doesn't work, search the forum for any of those package names and you'll find some discussion.

haven't checked them out - they are available , will report back in a bit (I don't usually use the suspend/hibernate function..
I turn my system on / off only once a day - less thermal stress , I figure )

Thanks for the suggestions @fsmithred

OT; no-X distro ?? wayland or just CLI ????


#9 2017-06-23 15:53:13

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,528  

Re: ASCII-install notes

The no-x refracta is cli only. I make a nox version of Refracta first with each major release. A few people use it to add their preferred packages. I'm a retro kind of guy. I'll play with wayland after it's been around long enough to get the bugs out.

Make sure eject is installed. (That is the package name)


#10 2017-06-23 16:09:19

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: ASCII-install notes

I'm not quite ready for a pure cli
the eject seems to fix the issue - [ logged in as 'root']
I ran it once. -a) it ejected the music cd, b)I inserted a new iso cd,
c)let the frontpanel light quit flashing and d) hit the eject button and - e) Voila!


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