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#1 2023-10-23 17:11:09

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Woo-hoo! Got my print server/printer working on Daedulus

So, working off an old 4-port switch that has a USB print server function, we have had a little Canon pixma ts-3122 that we got on a wally world black friday deal for like 15 bucks a few years ago, never used it until now.

I never use a printer, but the wife-unit wanted to be able to print out dress patterns, could have just hooked it up to her machine, but ya know, so much cooler to make it available on the lan, lol.

I won't go into a lot of detail unless somebody wants help, but a few things:

Loaded additional CUPS programs from the repo and the config printer packages, especially libcupsimage2 was vital.

This model was not on the big list of models already on the system after that, so had to go to Canon's website for downloads, fortunately Canon is with the program and offers source, debs, and rpms's and also for different architecure (64,32, ARMS etc.).

Selected the version 5.50 deb and downed it (tar.gz), extracted and dpkg'ed the deb for 64 bit, note that I had to go into her machine and add a line to .bashrc like I did to mine to be able to manually use dpkg. Not sure why that isn't already in there by default, a proper PATH is pretty important.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

Then I had to extract the ppd file for the machine from the .deb I just installed as it needed to be input manually through the printer-config program. PIXMA TS-3100 series, (it had a LOT of different PPD's in that file, probably a 100 or more models).

Now all is good, can print from any machine in the house, kinda cool I guess for folks who use printers, funny thing is that it all works at all, both our laptops are 12-13 years old and were low-spec even back then, and the 4-port switch has got to be close to 20 years old.

Nice work Devuan!

EDIT: For Canon-specific printer a couple more packages I had to install just for reference:
cnijfilter2 (this was the one that needed libcupsimage2, a dependency).

Last edited by greenjeans (2023-10-24 15:33:19) New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
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#2 2023-10-23 23:45:28

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2019-07-18
Posts: 659  

Re: Woo-hoo! Got my print server/printer working on Daedulus

I would have thought that export path was already there, did you use

su -

to change to a root account?

You might check, it was changed in chimaera...

and the traditional su to root (alone) would only give the users path, not root.

A mistake in my opinion.

I could be off track, but in case I'm not...

I add an alias to /home/glenn/.bashrc
(about 100 lines down are some other alias variables... slot it in there and save it. it may not be the same lines on yours)

alias su='su -'

Thanks for the cannon info, I really didn't want to spend any more than I have to, to get a cheap printer working and your tips help.

Last edited by GlennW (2023-10-23 23:46:24)

pic from 1993, new guitar day.


#3 2023-10-24 15:07:06

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Woo-hoo! Got my print server/printer working on Daedulus

I'm guessing that was it Glenn, wasn't aware of the "su - " deal, I have always just used su and it has always worked before, got a message after I first tried to use dpkg complaining that what it needed was not in the path, so I fixed the path as I posted earlier, your way though is shorter and more elegant, think i'll add that too just to avoid any other future issues. Thanks!

EDIT: Edited my original post to mention the most pertinent Canon-specific packages I had to install. wink

Last edited by greenjeans (2023-10-24 15:35:35) New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
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#4 2023-10-24 15:31:42

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: Woo-hoo! Got my print server/printer working on Daedulus

From the Beowulf release notes. It's always a good idea to read them.  wink

Changes in su
- The behavior of su has changed. Use 'su -' to get root's path or use
   the full path to commands if you use only 'su'.
- There are several ways to get the old behavior. The easiest is to
   edit /etc/default/su to add the line:


   See the following for more information: … -variables … bug=905564


#5 2023-10-24 15:37:16

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Woo-hoo! Got my print server/printer working on Daedulus

@Golinux: lol, i'm a guy, we don't read the directions. big_smile

I say this yet I wrote a whole book of user notes for vuu-do, wink

Last edited by greenjeans (2023-10-24 15:37:35) New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
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