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#1 2017-02-11 01:08:58

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

dev1fanboy's "Maintainer walkthrough"


The purpose of this walkthrough is to give the very basics of converting Debian packages to Devuan. This means making sure that there is no hard dependency on systemd in packages. The good news is that it's much easier to package for Devuan right now than it is to learn packaging from scratch, so this is the best time to jump in if you want to maintain packages for Devuan.

It's important to point out that this is not a manual, there is no intention to document everything about Debian packaging in this one page. Rather this guide just shows you how to remove systemd from a package and make sure it is usable for Devuan. You really do not need to be amongst Debian's elite to help out with Devuan packaging, and everything here will be explained as clearly as possible.

Go to dev1fanboy's "Maintainer walkthrough"


#2 2017-12-02 08:03:23

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 56  

Re: dev1fanboy's "Maintainer walkthrough"

This was recently removed from my wiki since KatolaZ's d1h guide is more up to date. But it might be useful to check the version in I archived from a while back to pick up some bits and pieces.

Last edited by chillfan (2018-05-07 02:56:25)


#3 2018-05-07 00:45:59

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: dev1fanboy's "Maintainer walkthrough"

chillfan wrote:

This was recently removed from my wiki since KatolaZ's d1h guide is more up to date. But it might be useful to check the version in the archive to pick up some bits and pieces.

humm, here I am again - in an old topic.
I tried to check,  '', but never loaded!

I'm still looking for a more detailed/newbie kinda simple guide. re-re-read KatolaZ's d1h guide, and I'll read it again tongue
cause it seems to be directed at more experianced users.
jus` trying here...



#4 2018-05-07 00:49:08

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: dev1fanboy's "Maintainer walkthrough"

@stanz . . . is mostly obsolete.  But if chillfan sent you there it's probably OK.  Seems the whole site is non-functional . . .

You might look at this classic how-to.  Even I can follow that.  That method wouldn't be acceptable for official packages though.

It looks like a network problem:

18 (  144.823 ms  142.150 ms  156.199 ms
19 (  146.676 ms (  148.349 ms  147.575 ms
20  * * *

Problem is in Amsterdam it seems.  News flash: the server has been moth-balled.  Backup not restored yet and no ETA for when or if that will happen.


#5 2018-05-07 02:57:59

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 56  

Re: dev1fanboy's "Maintainer walkthrough"

stanz wrote:

humm, here I am again - in an old topic.
I tried to check,  '', but never loaded!

I happened to archive the old content at the dev1fanboy installation wiki before dissapeared(?), see … ging-guide

It's not well formatted as it's just a backup of what was there, and see that I've changed my post above to reflect that.

Last edited by chillfan (2018-05-07 02:58:32)


#6 2018-05-08 22:54:55

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: dev1fanboy's "Maintainer walkthrough"

Thanks much, to both of you.
golinux - a good classic, easy to grasp - get an idea of how-to...but as you say, not acceptable method.
chillfan - it's good enough for me right now, thx.
I'll do the reading, then re-read, and get started making mistakes! smile

I did find plenty of 'guides' searching around the web...but, I want devuan's!



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