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As soon as I fully wake up, this thread is gonna have major surgery and time out for Evenson. You never know what toxic alien life-forms will drop by for a surprise visit . . . LOL!
Apologies for the drunk posting, i wont be back.
I've just contributed a new user repository specifically for the use of the community. Is that not relevant for this thread?
The repository is empty at the moment but it should have some packages soon.
A devuan repo?
Evenson wrote:Why do you feel the need to insert irrelevant information?
I've just shown you how to install codelight in Devuan. There is no need to add codelight to the Crapton repository and I certainly won't keep it updated and maintained.
You assume much but contribute nothing, go away.
Evenson wrote:
Their Debian buster & bullseye repositories should be binary-compatible with Devuan beowulf & chimaera, respectively.
So try something like
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/codelight.gpg >/dev/null sudo apt update sudo apt install codelight
Disclaimer: the Devuan developers do not recommend using third-party repositories (including mine) so you're on your own if you try this.
Why do you feel the need to insert irrelevant information? Please re-read OP.
Anyone read Prince Harry "Spare" yet? Supposed to be the number one best seller of all time.
Have started to read Cormac Mcarthy's new Book "The Passenger", It has an interesting narrative to say the least.
I just selected the first mirror, which is the default. The (LTS) kernel version was only updated yesterday so perhaps you managed to try it while they were changing the version or something. Anyway it worked for me just now.
I think you summed it up well in regards to alpinelinux not being for the desktop. Just like Netbsd is more suited for appliances and obscure hardware.
The vast majority of Alpine systems run in containers and so don't need kernels. FWIW I've just tried a virtual installation of 3.17 using this ISO image and following these instructions. The kernel (linux-lts) installed just fine without any errors.
I installed on a bare metal Intel Nuc. Same iso, gpg sha checked. Maybe it is a mirror problem? I dont know how alpine syncs mirrors during install, would this be an issue? Should i just leave the mirror default cdn alpine mirror or did you choose a closer mirror to your region?
I actually meant: have you tried seatd in Devuan? I don't know if it can be used as an elogind replacement yet.
Alpine is aimed at power users so it doesn't even try to be "user friendly". Thank "$DEITY".
I have not tried it on devuan. I was wanting to give alpine another try though.
I dont believe a power user would appreciate a linux kernel being unable to pass a check by the internal installer. Bad signature internally in apk is a problem wholly outside of the user, and when the installer aborts and leaves no room for a remedy, its called a critical bug, not a feature for "power users".
While on the subject, back when i first started out with linux i really liked the xfce4/xfwm - gtk 4.12 theme, can that still be found as working? I installed devuan chimaera xfce4 for a family members computer recently and would put it on that just to see if it still worked.
elogind just provides the APIs expected by the applications. FWIW I use seatd instead of elogind in Alpine. Have you tried that?
I tried alpinelinux today on a spare computer, latest release wouldnt install, got right to the end of the installation and i think was doing a check on the kernel apk and aborted with "bad signature". I tried once more to install and had the same error message using the built in installer. I dont have much luck with alpinelinux, it always seems to throw error messages when i install. Last time i tried it was around 3.16 and it couldnt find firmware so just aborted the installation. Not a very user friendly installation imo.
elogind is supposed to handle those permissions now.
Some of the groups might be needed (eg, the CUPS stuff, no idea about that) but I *never* add my users to extra groups and everything works. I certainly don't need to be in the audio group to have working sound, or in the video group to have a fully supported video card.
Reference: … emd_groups ← although that refers to systemd & logind the information applies equally to elogind.
Not wanting to denigrate elogind, but elogind while it works for now seems like a bandaid/abstraction layer solution over systemd that could be thought out a lot better.Im biased, i dont use elogind/login managers or desktop environments.
Off topic:
Altoid wrote:I am logged in as a user belonging to all the groups I need to belong to
You don't need to belong to those groups at all. The only group your user "needs" to be in is their own user group ("groucho"?). The login session should handle everything else.
I see you post this quite often here regarding groups, why is that. Do you have more information on why certain groups are no longer needed?
Evenson wrote:Merry xmas devuan/dev1galaxy.
Giving conky a try for status stuff. I was using slstatus but patched dwm to fit in a conky status bar at the bottom, not a dzen bar this is pure conky.
Wow, how did you do that? The thing I hate about conky is how normally useless it is on DWM, but you've fixed that.
It is useless as a top bar, definitely need something dzen so as to mix with the statusbar if you still want the number tags.
I used dwm insets patch here:
Here is the conky if you are interested.
conky.config = {
alignment = 'bm',
background = false,
border_width = 0,
border_inner_margin = 0,
border_outer_margin = 0,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
default_color = 'grey50',
default_outline_color = 'yellow',
default_shade_color = 'white',
double_buffer = true,
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = false,
draw_outline = false,
draw_shades = false,
use_xft = true,
font = 'DejaVu Sans:size=11',
imlib_cache_size = 0,
gap_x = 0,
gap_y = -10,
graph_gradient_mode = hsv,
maximum_width = 1920,
minimum_height = 0,
minimum_width = 1920,
net_avg_samples = 2,
no_buffers = true,
out_to_console = false,
out_to_stderr = false,
extra_newline = false,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_type = 'override',
own_window_argb_visual = true,
own_window_argb_value = 255,
own_window_colour = '#000000',
stippled_borders = 0,
update_interval = 1.0,
uppercase = false,
use_spacer = 'none',
show_graph_scale = false,
show_graph_range = false,
conky.text = [[
${voffset 5} \
${goto 10}${font FontAwesome}${color red}${color} ${font} ${cmus_state}: ${cmus_artist} - ${cmus_album} - Track ${cmus_track}: ${cmus_title} \
${image /home/Evenson/Pictures/s.png -p 1880,5 -s 30x15} \
${goto 1465}${alignr}${font FontAwesome}${color lightblue}${color}${font} \
${goto 1490}${color lightblue}${execbar 8,200 amixer get 'Master' | awk '/[][]/{ print $4 }' | sed 's/[]%[]//g'}${color} \
${goto 1720}${font FontAwesome}${color orange}${color}${font} ${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}% \
${goto 1795}${font E1234:size=12}${color green}${time %I:%M}${color}${font}
${voffset -5}
blackhole wrote:there's actually little point to packaging every kernel rebuild as a deb
What about all of the patches Debian apply to their kernel? And why would the kernel be any different to any other software? I wouldn't dream of using plain make install, even if a decent uninstall target is provided in the Makefile. It just seems so... crude to not use the provided packaging tools.
Although having said that Debian's packaging is so ridiculously complicated compared to, for example, Arch or Alpine that I can see why you might want to avoid it :-)
Custom kernels are something of a personal nature. Debian provides mostly vanilla built kernels. The same reason i would not deb package a dwm or dmenu binary with my own configs, its much easier to use make, build-essential and tcc. I f i were a package maintainer for devuan or debian it would be a different story.
It's not grey at all. The FAQ and installation guides make clear what will happen. And if the user is so against non-free firmware why do they have hardware for which it is a requirement?
Any hardware that doesn't load firmware blobs from the operating system has them implanted at the factory instead so it's not like blobs can be avoided with modern components like hard drive & motherboard controllers.
get over it
Your post makes as much sense as me taking the time to reply to it. Goodbye.
No, Kelsoo is not correct. The FAQ clearly states that firmware is *not* included with OpenBSD, and hence the kernel is blob-free.
And my comment was in respect of the spelling rather than any philosophical argument.
If you automatically install firmware blobs during installation with an internet connection then this is a very grey area. I dont care how you think systemD should be spelled, get over it.
From the FAQ:
For licensing reasons, some firmware cannot be directly distributed with OpenBSD. The fw_update(8) tool will automatically download and install any missing firmware, but this requires a working internet connection.
EDIT: and please sed 's/SystemD/systemd/' in your signature. TIA.
So Kelsoo is correct && no. SystemD is a unix virus.
Ogis1975 wrote:who are you going to report
You, I expect. As am I. I'm also going to add you to my ignore list, and I invite anyone else interested in keeping this board on-topic to do the same.
If you can't keep your political drivel to yourself, piss off. This is not the place for it.
Maybe we could get this all split off into another off topic thread and debate some more? After all peaceful dialogue is better than no dialogue is it not?
If you have to configure your phone connection manually after first boot then the automatic method would not have had a connection available to download the firmware.
So openbsd automagically installs firmware blobs as long as you set up an internet connection during installation setup? Are you sure?
Head on a stick, ive tried openbsd before. When you say
"The system is installed in a pristine, blob-free state but on first boot the hardware is checked and any firmware that is needed is downloaded and installed. It is an automatic process but it only works if the machine has an internet connection."
Ive not experienced this, I always thought I needed to manually use fw_update? I tether my phone for an internet connection after installation with shell command in xterm su -c 'dhclient urndis0' then do su -c 'syspatch & fw_update'
Its good to see people keeping these older versions alive. I might have to give this a try, thanks.
Evenson wrote:Im reading Dune for the first time, its quite the epic and im drawn in. Ive watched the movie that came out last year but the book is by far superior.
Frank Herbert was an amazing, visionary scifi writer with traits of true genius. One of my favorite series by him was the Pandora series (Destination:Void, the Jesus Incident, the Lazarus Effect, and the Ascension Factor) in which he explores human consciousness and the concept of God in a distant future dystopic universe. In the Dune series and so many writings he will challenge your perception of reality and even change your thinking on subjects like biology, religion, politics, ethics. What's fascinating about him is he says "you are being lied to" without saying it, but by showing the consequences of our society's big lies in dramatic scifi stories.
He has a very readable way of writing that draws you in to the story, much like Tolkien imo.
Onto a new book ive been meaning to read since i read 1984. Animal Farm by George Orwell.
I am fond of the suckless method in regards to a workstation, it is very minimal and workable for my situation.
Few app that devuan/debian have in the repos i believe should be in the suckless category are spacefm udevil and pmount.