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#1 Re: Off-topic » Secure Boot probably not as secure as users would prefer » Yesterday 17:34:15

First there was a BIOS to boot a system - history
Then came EFI, a firmware that allows to do with other architectures and other, bigger disk layouts. That was welcome.
Then came MS: "embrace and extend!" to exclude all other solutions and manufacturers.

The "UE" in UEFI (former EFI) means User-Extensible or something like that. It implements "Secure Boot", which helps Microsoft to lock out all competitors or OSes. Now Microsoft will "sign" kernels and other software.
They tried first to make the "Secure Boot" option mandatory in the EFI-setup, but thank god the mainboard manufacturer objected to that, and got support from some authorities.

The SystemD-crowd (L.P. and others) suggest to render the MS-type boot-process the default in the Linux-world. How is that??

#2 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » (howTo) hibernate after automatic install? » 2024-07-23 14:08:42

please be reminded that Ubuntu is a systemd based distribution and Devuan is not.
There are important differences here. Devuan has replaced all systemd-dependent components with very reasonable alternatives.
So please read the installation instructions, readme-s, and all related important text.

To use hibernation, the swap-partition must be at least a bit bigger than your RAM in the computer.
Elogind is just a replacement for the systemd-related logind - afaik.
I can tell you if you perform a standard installation (devuan desktop) you will most certainly get a well working system.
Also: I had very good results every-time with Devuan - OpenRC - Cinnamon or XFCE, on most of the hardware I tested.
And again: RTFM! (Read The Fascinating Manuals)

#3 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Directory question. » 2024-07-14 08:36:08

right you are, and /srv it was.
It makes sense. Most important: keeping it as a separate partition mounted on a mountpoint (/srv).
All of you, have a great day. wink

#4 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Directory question. » 2024-07-13 15:42:06

It's technically possible. But:
I always used a dedicated partition mounted on /server for such uses.
For example :


That way your web services will never fill up your root filesystem, and it was usual to do so with all kinds of Enterprise Linux Distros.
But my experience with that is 10+ years old. Possibly new habits did appear?
Just my considerations..... hope it is meaningful.

PS: in fact, it's just another name, but it's on its own partition or filesystem.

#5 Re: Installation » Grub problem on HP Zbook with SSD HD » 2024-07-04 08:05:39

don't even think of trying such a thing! No mixing of disk-layout architectures on a disk.

- The BIOS hat to be in legacy mode (BIOS-mode)
- The disk layout can and should be in classical MBR format

- The BIOS has to be in EFI (UEFI) mode
- The disk layout should be in GPT mode
- To avoid MS lock-in, DISABLE SECURE BOOT

You cannot mix the disk-modes. Changing the mode makes you lose all data on disk.
That is valid for HP laptops as well, I owned one, and old Elite Pro business notebook.

#6 Re: Installation » Grub problem on HP Zbook with SSD HD » 2024-07-03 15:49:22

It's bizarre, I have a brand new Dell Latitude 5540 notebook computer with such a M2 "PCIe Gen4 x4 NVMe," SSD drive, and GRUB on this device was no problem.
I have 2 Linux systems in dual-boot mode, the main one is Devuan 5, the other Linux Mint 21.3 (just for support to others).
When received, I directly set up the UEFI-BIOS to default values and switched off the "Secure Boot" option. Then I wiped the disk and installed both Linux systems without any snag or hitches.
I believe that your computer came with Windows pre-installed in UEFI-Secure-Boot mode. If possible, try to re-install Windows with Secure-Boot disabled in UEFI setup first, and then install your Devuan behind it. Secure-Boot is a free ticket to hell. It binds you firmly to Microsoft or at least to big-money corporate Linux.
In my case, I installed a Windows in a VM on my Devuan installation (KVM) for just that one and only damned windows-application (audio related) I really need.
I can't advise you any better.
Good luck.

#7 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Firefox broken? » 2024-07-01 07:30:56

Of course, it's the "sites" that are broken. But Firefox-fresh can cope with them, Firefox-esr cannot.
Good luck to file complaints to those corporate WEB-sites.... I can imagine the outcome.

#8 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Firefox broken? » 2024-06-30 08:00:15

But firefox-esr was definitely the problem. Firefox-"fresh" really resolves the issue.

#9 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Firefox broken? » 2024-06-29 15:13:33

I had the same problem with some websites, and e-banking too, (Devuan 5 Daedalus, FF esr, all updated).
It used to work well, and more and more web sites started to not work correctly or at all, any-more.
Chromium did work.
So I decided to install the firefox .deb package directly from Mozilla's download page - and all worked well again.
I guess web designers include new things to their web-sites that require fresher web-browsers.
But anyway, Chromium from Devuan's Daedalus repo does work well.

#10 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » [SOLVED] Xfce panel transparency not working » 2024-06-08 09:18:35

Yes, indeed,
I just now see your 2 messages.... but yes, I encountered the same problem with transparency and could do nothing about it.
Now, thank you for the hint with compton, I will try it the next time I configure a box with xfce.
On my work-horses (daily machines) I use lightdm and Cinnamon, and I'm very happy with it.
But lightdm with xfce looks very appealing to me, specially when the panel transparency works again. Thank you.

#11 Re: Other Issues » Packages version (suggestion) » 2024-05-22 14:34:32

Oh, just now I see golinux's answer. Cool.

#12 Re: Other Issues » Packages version (suggestion) » 2024-05-22 14:33:00

A true word.... Devuan may consider to just offer something like firefox-fresh or libreoffice-fresh in their repos.
It happened a few times to me that some crucial (to us) WEB-sites suddenly stop to work because of firefox-esr.
I had to download firefox from and install it their way, which works very well. And then, I still prefer firefox to every other browser there is.
Just a thought.

#13 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] X11 problem with Daedalus » 2024-05-22 10:05:50

Have you considered a standard Daedalus install (desktop-iso 5.01) and not choosing Expert, but standard install? You still can choose what DE and which software-packages to install.
Might be an easier approach to get your Lenovo running Devuan Daedalus. And don't forget to read the docs before posting.
Hope it helps.

#14 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » time at Devuan xfce not synced with bios » 2024-05-15 14:54:18

just install ntpsec:

$ sudo apt install ntpsec

It does all you need, syncs your clock with debian's ntp pool.
Check with

$ sudo ntpq -p

Just if you wonder: Configfile = /etc/ntpsec/ntp.conf

#15 Re: Documentation » Printer and Scanner from Brother - Get them to work under Devuan 5 » 2024-05-12 09:01:51

Wow, good information.  Thank you.
This seems to be for Brother-MFC devices connected using USB cables - right?

Just in case the printer is connected to the local network (LAN):

In Devuan 4 (Chimaera):
Printing: nothing to do. (CUPS and related network-protocols work right away.
Scanning an initial config step was required:

1. Download the Brother Scanner Config Tool: brscan5-1.2.13-0.amd64.deb
2. Install it with GDebi Package Installer
3. Go to /opt/brother/scanner/brscan5
4. ./brsaneconfig5 -q
5. ./brsaneconfig5 -d
6. ./brsaneconfig5 -a name=MFC-J5340DW-br model=MFC-J5340DW -s
(Give it a distinctive name in order to find it in the Document scanner!)

Tested, 01-AUG-2023.

Now, with Devuan 5 (Daedalus)
Nothing at all had to be done, no configuration, no adding software.
Printing: everything works strait away. Provided CUPS with all networking is installed
Scanning: everything works strait away. Not even a initial config-step was required.

I prefer to give the MFC device a dedicated IP address, but with Daedalus I saw it worked with a dynamic IP address as well.

#16 Re: Installation » devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_desktop.iso installation freezes » 2024-04-26 09:54:43

There is not much information in your description to help you really.
Just make sure that:
1. Your BIOS/EFI setup is correct (set it to factory defaults and disable secure-boot (EFI) to start with)
2. Your install media is ok (CD/DVD read errors or problems, good USB-sticks) and be sure the checksum of your downloaded iso is okay
3. Your disk is working properly (do a low-level format in case...)
4. Let the installer propose a good disk-geometry (it does)
5. And of course, your computer is fault-free - I suppose (mem-tests, CPU-tests okay?) in the very first place.
Good luck.

#17 Re: Other Issues » Another security concern » 2024-04-22 08:40:06

These portable application formats are a security concern indeed.
So the security-aware and -conscious would stay away from them, certainly on the main system, and only allow software from the original stable Devuan-repos (not the testing or experimental repos!!) to be applied to your system.
If you want to test such external sources, then it's best done in VMs, they are quite well isolated from the host system.
Fooling around with resources made available to VMs can hamper the security of your host system.
I always trust to Devuan sources and some well trusted external, Linux-friendly applications.
I'm not a security expert, but looong Unix and Linux experience made me quite confident to know some very good rules.

#18 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Shutdown fails due to NFS mounts failing to unmount (resolved: autofs) » 2024-04-17 15:01:44

Fantastic! Thank you very much, fsmithred.
I will use it.....
Have a good evening (or a good day, depending where you live...)

#19 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Shutdown fails due to NFS mounts failing to unmount (resolved: autofs) » 2024-04-17 07:45:01

This happened to me all time, with every version of Devuan, but only when my laptop was/is connected by wifi (wlan).
I always use OpenRC and Cinnamon, and now I'm on Daedalus.
It happens when you mount your NFS resources over a wifi link. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN WHEN YOU ARE CONNECTED BY LAN (Ethernet).
So typically you will encounter the problem with laptops.

My solution is simple: On a laptop, I unmount all NFS resources before shutdown.
BTW: I'm very fond of Daedalus, or Devuan in general.

#20 Re: Other Issues » should I use unattended-upgrades? » 2024-04-13 15:40:23

Just my 2 cents:
I would stay away from automatic updates, most certainly avoid them on servers.
To run stable is a very good thing.
Not too long ago there came a kernel update - one which had to be corrected rapidly after detecting a regression or security-problem. The corrected kernel was available some 2 or 3 days afterwards.
So doing updates manually and periodically, you have a chance to avoid these kind of problems. I suggest to follow the dev1galaxy forum and act sensibly. That's what I do.
On remote servers, one will be sure the updates are right and work well. So a test on a local server beforehand is advised.

#21 Re: Devuan » liblzma CVE-2024-3094 » 2024-04-07 18:05:50

In daedalus the dependency resolves to:

liblzma5 -->
5.4.1-0.2 daedalus/main amd64

So no danger, stick to daedalus and no fancy experimental repos. (Only if you are a developer)

#22 Re: Forum Feedback » "Security" section » 2024-04-07 08:36:03

It's a good idea, I agree.
Just the facts.... would be nice.
And as a reminder: staying firmly with Devuan "stable", Daedalus as of now, kept you well on the safe side.

#23 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] CLI throughput test for Linux » 2024-03-22 14:06:37

This is all very well and right, but--- there is a caveat:
I did intense bandwidth-testing in a InfiniBand environment for HPC:
We did the testing with ssh/scp and the like and were surprised be the "bad" results. We then realized that the encryption/decryption took too much processing power from the CPUs slowing down the transmission rate. Repeating the tests with rcp (old Unix r-tools) showed correct results.
But InfiniBand speeds cannot be compared to normal Internet transmission rates, so the encryption/decryption process might not influence your results much.
Tests were done in 2009-2010 in a supercomputing lab using CentOS and InfiniBand 4Gbps and 10Gbps networks.
Just my 2 cents to it....

#24 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] CLI throughput test for Linux » 2024-03-22 11:53:01

I used it in the past, and it was quite reliable.
I was happy to use just the WEB-application using my browser (Linux).

But of course, the CLI version would be the thing to use if no WEB browser was available.
Have fun, and good luck!

#25 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Want to use startx instead of slim » 2024-03-16 10:59:38

Oh, I see, @fsmithread,
you were 1 minute and 1 sec quicker than I was.
Thanks. smile

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