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#1 Re: Off-topic » Why cloud dependency and push updates is a bad thing » 2024-07-20 09:37:29

Not only am I against The Cloud & push updates, but have always been against systemd, & the way it is creeping into everything it can, we still have a few distros that understand how bad systemd is, but if they ever cease to exist, I'm prepared & ready to transfer everything over to one of the BSD systems. wink

#2 Re: Off-topic » Why cloud dependency and push updates is a bad thing » 2024-07-19 16:40:49

Never liked the idea of The Cloud, nor pushed updates, & this outage just proves my point...

#3 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » What working environment would you recommend? » 2024-06-30 16:26:44

XFCE is a very good desktop - it will run in just 2GB ram quite happily, & Firefox runs at a reasonable speed - 2011 HP G62 (i3) laptop / 2.4G wifi. wink

#4 Re: Off-topic » Just for fun ... » 2024-06-28 17:10:58

Maybe that's why they are talking immutable systems....

#5 Re: Off-topic » How World Leaders are Scrambling to Secure Food in the Shadows » 2024-06-27 08:46:00

Reminds me of the Russian tactic of burning crops as they retreated in WW2....

#6 Re: Off-topic » Virgin Media blocking Open-Source Sites » 2024-06-26 08:34:48

I have no, (have not had),  problems online using Virgin, through their router, so would suspect it is something with your routing - other than that, I can't help.

#7 Re: Off-topic » The Crappiness of Modern Laptops » 2024-06-21 09:03:01

@ nahkhiirmees

Go into the BIOS/UEFI setup & make USB booting the first choice, internal drive the second choice, then you can use a USB optical drive, if you want to, else a pendrive or external disk.

#8 Re: Off-topic » The Crappiness of Modern Laptops » 2024-06-16 07:58:34

Ever since the introduction of Chromebooks, I've seen the quality of laptops decline; so much so that I don't use one anymore, just desktop types of the SFF/USFF type, with a decent screen/monitor, & a decent mouse/keyboard.

#9 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] How to force the ESP partition to be formatted at installation ? » 2024-06-14 18:52:53

I create & format EFI partitions before running the installer on some distros,  (& BSDs), & then it gets picked up & used for the installation, can't remember if Devuan is like that or not.

#10 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Which work environment to choose for a processor two cores and four th » 2024-05-31 17:20:22

I run Devuan/XFCE on an old 2011 HP G62, i3 processor, 4GB ram, with an 80GB HDD, without any problems... wink

(I'd think that you could run any desktop you like with that amount of ram.)

#11 Re: Devuan Derivatives » Devuan est à la traîne (google: Devuan is lagging behind) ! » 2024-05-16 18:49:43

I've always found fsmithred to be polite & civil in his replies, & his utilities to work admirably.....

#13 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » How much RAM do I need to install a Devuan? » 2024-03-23 09:08:18

Yep, 2GB ram is just enough to run XFCE & Firefox, no swap partition, (but a bit slow on the internet sometimes, but adequate).

(I've also run it in just 1GB, but you need to give it some swap, about 2GB, if you intend going online.)

Most of my machines have 4GB..... smile

#14 Re: Off-topic » What do you think about electric cars? » 2024-03-06 08:34:09

Electric cars are not 'green', they use a large amount of energy & materials to create their batteries, the cars themselves also.

What happens when one has a crash? The battery is part of the main construction, & apart from maybe bursting into flames, could also leak toxic chemicals.

We've seen what happens with electric bikes & scooters, they burst into uncontrollable fires!

There was also quite a major fire in a multi story car park somewhere, which, I think, was down to an electric car catching fire.

No, pedal power, with appropriate gearing, &/or kick scooting is the real solution to our pollution problems! wink

#15 Re: Devuan Derivatives » Crowz 5.0.1 daedalus new release 2024.02.26 » 2024-02-26 09:04:33

Many thanks for the 'heads up'... will grab a copy. smile

#17 Re: Freedom Hacks » Securing my/our computer systems » 2024-02-13 10:03:52

Web site forums have died a death in the main, so FB Groups is the only place to converse with other like minded people - in private groups, I hasten to add. wink

#18 Re: ARM Builds » [SOLVED] rockpro64 time broken won't let me install ntp due to 2013 date. » 2024-02-11 09:26:05

If you are using Linux, then surely just set the time yourself.......(see man date).

#19 Re: Freedom Hacks » Securing my/our computer systems » 2024-02-09 10:06:13

Best security option that I can offer is a separate computer, running from live media, no internal drive.

Work on your 'good' computer offline only.

Not very practical these days I'll admit, but anything connected to the internet could be at risk.

Personally, I have had no problems; I have back ups of my personal data, should anything happen, I'll just wipe my disk & reinstall.

#20 Re: Devuan » Devuan vs Arcolinux » 2024-02-02 17:51:51

If you want to try different distros, get a pendrive, put Ventoy on it, then add as many distros as you want, that will fit on it. wink

#21 Re: Installation » does Devuan have some mini netinstall Iso file for CD image » 2024-02-01 09:50:42

Maybe try MIYO or Crowz, if you want a basic set up, otherwise, start with the Devuan command line version & add what you want from the repos.

#22 Re: Devuan » Thank you » 2024-02-01 09:42:11

Yes, the devs have been doing a great job on our behalf, so, I too, would like to add my gratitude for all their hard work.......& also the forum maintainers. smile

#23 Re: ARM Builds » Raspberry Pi 5 » 2024-01-25 17:32:06

I expect you could add it from an official raspios image, if you want, it should sit on the first (DOS) partition... … pi-5-b.dtb

(Click on 'view raw')

#24 Re: Off-topic » [SOLVED] What is your view on major distros dropping X11 and requiring Wayland? » 2024-01-22 10:27:59

I do hope X11 will be maintained and kept alive somewhere.

As far as I can recall, xenocara is a version of 'X' built & maintained in/by the OpenBSD maintainers, so there is the hope that some distros will package it for use in Linux.

(I had forgotten about xenocara because I have been installing NetBSD on some of my spare computers lately.)

#25 Re: Forum Feedback » [SOLVED] Quote Button » 2024-01-22 10:18:54

Hadn't noticed, & don't miss it - happy enough to just quote the salient points myself in a reply.... smile

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