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#1 2018-05-15 13:21:12

Registered: 2018-05-14
Posts: 68  

The sound of one hand clapping

KatolaZ wrote:

Making a base distribution is as much working to facilitate derivatives as it is working for the base distribution itself ;-)

thats really how free software should be; most distros act a little on the monopolistic side, because they buy into partially-irrelevant arguments about marketshare (and they want to be closer to #1 on distrowatch, or they want to becomes a 2 billion dollar company.)

when you do like devuan (and really, like debian until a few years ago) and try to be universal, the result is a lot of derivatives and the "side effect" (or effect) is a lot of freedom!

who knows! maybe one of these years i will even be able to get my own devuan derivative listed on the official devuan forum!

or at least get an honest answer as to why it is excluded (im right here and perfectly happy to resolve the fud against it so far, but theres a but of bias towards authoritative declarations against it.)

as long as youre here though, im happy to mention it even if it gets me not-"banned" for a while. thats what secondary forums are for, dont you know--

freedom just doesnt "sthu" you know, it goes and starts dng when the debian mailing lists get exclusive and one-sided. dont worry about this petty stuff though-- i really mean it-- keep up the good work and thank you in advance for finding someone to repackage more things.


#2 2018-05-15 13:36:17

Registered: 2017-03-11
Posts: 79  

Re: The sound of one hand clapping

figdev: I genuinely don't know what you are talking about. I usually don't get on dev1galaxy much (or at all). I'm here more or less by chance, and will most probably disappear again for several months. Fora have never been my cookie.  Whatever it is, I am sure it can be solved/clarified by more active forum members ;-)



#3 2018-05-15 14:38:20

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,334  

Re: The sound of one hand clapping

@figdev . . . if you keep picking a scab, it will never heal.

@KatolaZ . . . a looong story . . .


#4 2018-05-15 16:02:30

Registered: 2018-05-14
Posts: 68  

Re: The sound of one hand clapping

if you keep picking a scab, it will never heal.

and if you treat people unfairly and never make up for it-- but instead continue to ignore the problem when they mention it, hurl insults at them and suggest they go away, justify your actions with dubious (and disputed) information, and then pretend its just some idiot unwilling to let go of the past--

well, youre still doing it now, and youre still pretending its nothing to do with you. id ask why instead you dont do the right thing or at least answer the question (honestly this time) -- but already know the answer-- you think youre above all that.

youre not, but since you dont really care if you are or not, feeling and acting like youre above all that is good enough for you.

its not good enough for lots of people. but you are probably aware that i cant stop you-- now heres the funny part-- (i really dont care about that either.)

some things dont heal without medicine-- just not picking at them leaves them exactly like they are.

for more than a year now. at the age you are, why dont you grow up already and act like it for a change?


#5 2018-05-15 17:32:41

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,334  

Re: The sound of one hand clapping

@figdev . . . Back in 2016-11-24, I posted this thread - - to give users an opportunity to investigate and comment on figos.  Question . . . if no one walks through an open door, does anyone get to the other side?  If there had been ANY response we would likely not be where we are today.   It seems the only one interested in promoting your derivative is YOU.  But now you can blame users of this forum for treating you unfairly too.


#6 2018-05-15 19:40:57

Registered: 2018-05-14
Posts: 68  

Re: The sound of one hand clapping

golinux wrote:

It seems the only one interested in promoting your derivative is YOU.  But now you can blame users of this forum for treating you unfairly too.

that is extremely clever! i am talking to you, and my remarks are directed at what you did, but now youre saying i either should (or do) blame someone other than you for the fact that you (and no else) were unfair about this.

its really not someone elses fault if they take your word for it when you said things that were (demonstrably) untrue. i say demonstrably because your recent trolling of the dictionary and english itself is nonsense,

(a suspension is a type of ban, everyone knows that but you call someone a liar for using a word that doesnt suit your preference.)

quickly getting back to the point-- when you dance around the truth this carefully, its not the fault of OTHERS whom youve misled. i agree they shouldnt trust you so easily, but that doesnt mean im interested in putting the blame on THEM for things i know you did personally.

i am thrilled that youre going to split this topic later. it doesnt really belong in this thread (full responsibility there, i dont deny it) and it will be better off somewhere else.

just know that its publically archived, should you feel the urge to pretend it never happened. i know youd just move it to the admin area, but its really not the admins (hi guys!) who would be left to wonder what happened, is it?

to everyone else: sorry to waste your time with this, if i ever get a fair shake here it will be at a different time and a different place. but this is really more like the debian mailing lists than the dng one.

i do not expect this to change today, or even this week. its already been a year or more-- if it wont get fixed, it will still get explained, you know. i thought we were refugees of petulant WONTFIXes over here.

I find the whole discussion pointless. It's about communicating something we (mis-)judged as not being relevant. I mean, if we thought it was relevant, we could have communicated it, but the key is we didn't think it was relevant.

-- ^ lennart poettering

"Your at least made sure that my own interest in helping your efforts goes to zero..."

you do realise, youre offering more than one person the same treatment as lennart here? if you were really honest about any of this, you might find that others arent as apathetic. who really cares if i was treated unfairly here or not? no one, until you do it to enough people-- so we wait! thats alright. split (a good idea, i endorse it) and lets get back on topic then. i will gladly cooperate with that, ive said my piece.


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