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This is a short HowTo for installing a Devuan purpy style theme for TDE. Who does not know TDE: - no dependencies on GTK/systemd/cruft-you-do-not-like.
These are the steps needed to get a TDE desktop, that mostly looks like the default GUI:
Project on
As devuan GTK theme is based on mate-icon-theme and
clearlooks-phenix-purpy-theme and the GTK iconsets do not match the TDE icon
sets, we need to create a matching TDE icon set yourself or download it here: … uan.tar.xz
# aptitude install clearlooks-phenix-purpy-theme mate-icon-theme desktop-base
# aptitude install imagemagick librsvg2-bin
Now let's create the mixed iconset:
# cd /opt/trinity/share/icons/
# cp -a crystalsvg devuan
# cd devuan
# cp -a /usr/share/icons/mate/[0-9]* .
# cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/emblems/emblem-devuan.png 128x128/apps/kmenu.png
# rm scalable/apps/kmenu.svgz
# cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/emblems/emblem-devuan.svg scalable/apps/kmenu.svg
# gzip scalable/apps/kmenu.svg
# mv scalable/apps/kmenu.svg.gz scalable/apps/kmenu.svgz
# for i in [0-9]*; do convert /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/emblems/emblem-devuan.svg -resize ${i%/} $i/apps/kmenu.png; done
# for i in $(find . -iname folder-documents.png); do cp $i $(dirname $i)/folder_wordprocessing.png; done
# echo << XXX
[Icon Theme]
Name=Crystal MATE
Comment=Mixed Icon Theme for DEVUAN
# cat ../crystalsvg/index.theme | grep --invert-match -e ^Comment -e ^Name -e '\[Icon Theme\]' >> index.theme
You can set the matching GTK theme with "lxappearance", if you want GTK stuff themed simillar.
And you'll need my TDE theme package from here: … Devuan.kth
Install the theme in TDE:
kcontrol, "Appearence & Themes", "Theme Manager", "Install new Theme" --> select the file "Devuan.kth"
Enjoy :-)
Last edited by samhain (2017-05-04 10:54:04)
Well done! Let's spread the purpy love far and wide!!
Devuan+TDE user here. My system(s) originate from (Devuan-) debootstrap.
I have clearlooks-phenix-purpy-theme and mate-icon-theme installed but /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/emblems is empty. Am I missing a package?
It's in "desktop-base". I've added it to the list op packages needed.
I was missing "desktop-base". Also there was a small error in your code box (take out the "fi; "):
# for i in [0-9]*; do convert /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/emblems/emblem-devuan.svg -resize ${i%/} $i/apps/kmenu.png; fi; done
All working now, thanks samhain.
thank you, it's corrected.
Mods: Changed Background image to purpy, included image in Devuan.kth
Thanks SamHain!
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