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#1 2018-01-27 03:25:29

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Crossing the line or not?

Note that the following posts were split from this topic.


You see this is what I am talking about, deviate from the issue.

Show me ONE comment where someone has tried what I prescribe above and reported back as positive or negative in reproducing the problem.

NOT ONCE IN MONTHS has anyone said that what I claim is false or it is true!!!

Keep on keeping on golinux. keep sweeping things under the carpet.

Last edited by fungus (2018-01-27 03:28:18)


#2 2018-01-27 03:34:10

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

Your mail to 'Dng' with the subject Fw: Reply to topic: 'pkgmaster is repository hell' Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Post by non-member to a members-only list Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like to cancel this posting, please visit the following URL: … 91fc67c78c

Last edited by fungus (2018-01-27 03:34:55)


#3 2018-01-28 17:21:27

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

fungus wrote:

Your mail to 'Dng' with the subject Fw: Reply to topic: 'pkgmaster is repository hell' Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Post by non-member to a members-only list Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like to cancel this posting, please visit the following URL: … 91fc67c78c

"The reason it is being held: Post by non-member to a members-only list".  You no longer have an account there.  So re-register.  Is that really so hard?

FYI . . . the message posted to DNG that is in moderation is nothing substantial.  Just a duplication of the automated message posted above not anything about the pkgmaster issue or it would have been released to the list.


#4 2018-01-28 20:41:14

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

Yes, fungus is on a little hiatus from this list. There are several ways he could communicate if he chose to.   If he would send an email to DNG discussing the issue he's having with pkgmaster, I would release it from moderation to the list for discussion (if the content sticks to technical issues) even though he no longer has an account there.  Or as suggested above he could re-register.  The 'obstacles' are imaginary.


#5 2018-01-28 22:02:42

Registered: 2017-10-09
Posts: 234  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

I'm somewhat surprised that you've banned fungus.  I have to make it clear here that I strongly object to a ban based on what has been posted by this user.

Let us consider history, let us consider how systemd was shoehorned into Debian.  Opposing viewpoints were dismissed and ridiculed.  Crap software is now a part of the mainstream Linux ecosystem, that slightly perturbs me yes, but in the grand scheme of things, I can't do a much about it.  The Devuan project was begun as an opposition to that at least - because a minority know that a tried and trusted init system, that simplicity in general is the best way and always has been.

Spikey haired 20-somethings who have been bought and sold over and over by the Red Hats, IBMs, Oracles, Alphabets, HPs, Intels, etc of this world don't know better than the "founders" of free software as we know it.  The difference is that the founders knew exactly what they were doing, the latest batch have all the intelligence and more, but less than 50% of the wisdom.  Many of which are on the payroll of said corporations and thus pushing a purely corporate agenda.

If fungus is wrong, so be it, or misguided...?  People are often "wrong on the internet".  But lets not fall back into the rut of the petty censorship we saw at the FDN site...  That forum became as worthless as the Debian project always thought it to be.

If fungus is saying things you don't agree with, then what's the problem?  Let him get on with it.

Another worthless Linux distro fanboi forum is not going to provide much benefit to anyone.  There are a plethora of such forums.  Let a Devuan forum play to it's strengths and strike out in a wholly different direction.

We started DUF because we wanted something different.  People still want DUF to survive.  The hosting chugs on regardless, because there are a few people - even one person - who wants it to exist.  Against all odds, it's still there, hanging on 7 years later - that says a lot.  Think about it.

fungus, at you will not be subject to censorship - though neither is anyone else.  Feel free... wink

Last edited by cynwulf (2018-01-28 22:31:50)


#6 2018-01-28 23:20:39

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

cynwulf wrote:

I'm somewhat surprised that you've banned fungus.  I have to make it clear here that I strongly object to a ban based on what has been posted by this user.

This is a untruth.  He has not been banned.  He has been suspended for a little time out to reflect on improving his communication skills and how to better play with others.

Anyone who would like to see why, please go here.  That post has not been deleted.  It has been moved to the admin area.

I am going to split the off-topic posts in this thread to a more appropriate place.


#7 2018-01-28 23:27:38

Registered: 2017-10-09
Posts: 234  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

You're being slightly 'diplomatic' there to say the least.

A ban can be permanent or for days/weeks/months/years - it's purely a matter of nomenclature...  a ban is a ban regardless of the term imposed, be it a day or a lifetime.  You can call it a "suspension" if you like.  In the same way that a permanent ban could be termed an "indefinite suspension".


#8 2018-01-28 23:34:29

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

cynwulf wrote:

You're being slightly 'diplomatic' there to say the least.

A ban can be permanent or for days/weeks/months/years - it's purely a matter of nomenclature...  a ban is a ban regardless of the term imposed, be it a day or a lifetime.  You can call it a "suspension" if you like.  In the same way that a permanent ban could be termed an "indefinite suspension".

And now you are being slightly "cyn"ical.     But ever since I've known you, there's no middle ground.  wink


#9 2018-01-29 00:04:13

Registered: 2017-10-09
Posts: 234  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

Not at all, in messageboard terms "ban" or "suspension" is only a matter of terminology.  If you ban/suspend someone's account for a given period or permanently, you're censoring their ability to represent themselves.  The time span is irrelevant.

The membership are provided with a link to a text file, not the original thread in original form and the author cannot respond in thread, in semi-realtime.  It doesn't really help matters.

I have to say that I think you've slightly overreacted this time.

But also, I don't think fungus should hold it against you or turn this into such a, puerile, personal battle.  It's easy to push forum staff's buttons, there's no real reward or sense of achievement in getting yourself banned.

For the casual observer, it might be useful to have fungus' complaint summarised by an uninterested (third) party...  (aka "what the feck is actually going on here?").

Last edited by cynwulf (2018-01-29 00:04:57)


#10 2018-01-29 01:00:20

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

cynwulf wrote:

The membership are provided with a link to a text file, not the original thread in original form and the author cannot respond in thread, in semi-realtime.  It doesn't really help matters.

Is this better?   It is rather insulting that you would question the veracity of a copy/paste.  I am truthful to a fault and have spent most of my life striving to eliminate 'filters' that warp perceptions.

For the casual observer, it might be useful to have fungus' complaint summarised by an uninterested (third) party...  (aka "what the feck is actually going on here?").

Nah.  That would just muddy the waters and be more divisive and distracting.  Besides most of that rant makes no sense and is a heavily filtered/distorted account of events.  Just let it die in peace.  Continue over at DUF if you wish.  I will not engage on that childish level.


#11 2018-01-29 01:21:20

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 341  

Re: Crossing the line or not?


I think you are overly touchy here. As is fungus. Ol' fungus is prone to bluster a bit, and sometimes I think he gets a bit over the top. So if he is suspended for a while to think about things, I don't really see it as some evil conspiracy. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think he might have been suspended once in the past.

I think golinux has explained her part quite clearly, It seems like some people just like drama, and whipping up issues where there are none.

Just my opinion, observing this with no agenda.


#12 2018-01-29 01:39:10

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

sgage wrote:

I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think he might have been suspended once in the past.

He was moderated on the DNG list last year but not the forum.

You should see what went on over at DUF in its early days.  Complete anarchy.  DUF rose from the exodus of many veteran Debian users years ago after cynwulf himself was banned/suspended.  Still a bit of a sore spot, I think.


#13 2018-01-29 10:03:35

Registered: 2017-10-09
Posts: 234  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

golinux wrote:

It is rather insulting that you would question the veracity of a copy/paste.  I am truthful to a fault and have spent most of my life striving to eliminate 'filters' that warp perceptions.

No offence was intended, I'm just pointing out that if transparency and accountability is desired, then it's best not to cloud things.  Otherwise you may as well hit the ban button and not bother yourself with explaining why or keeping an "evidence bag".

golinux wrote:

You should see what went on over at DUF in its early days.  Complete anarchy.  DUF rose from the exodus of many veteran Debian users years ago after cynwulf himself was banned/suspended.  Still a bit of a sore spot, I think.

As number 9 of the top 10 posters, you should know.

That last statement of yours is untrue.

I've made my views on this clear by now, so at this stage I'll call it a day.

Last edited by cynwulf (2018-01-29 10:04:01)


#14 2018-01-29 15:39:53

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

cynwulf wrote:

I'm just pointing out that if transparency and accountability is desired, then it's best not to cloud things.  Otherwise you may as well hit the ban button and not bother yourself with explaining why or keeping an "evidence bag".

Keeping "evidence" is the only way to defend a position.  It was just a PITA to have to take 2 screenies, rejoin them yada, yada.  I am guilty of being lazy.

cynwulf wrote:
golinux wrote:

You should see what went on over at DUF in its early days.  Complete anarchy.  DUF rose from the exodus of many veteran Debian users years ago after cynwulf himself was banned/suspended.  Still a bit of a sore spot, I think.

As number 9 of the top 10 posters, you should know.

Indeed.  What great fun we had.  But that too passed (as all things do).  Now DUF is on life support.

That last statement of yours is untrue.

Good to hear.  Holding on to resentment and anger is so not a good thing.  smile

I've made my views on this clear by now, so at this stage I'll call it a day.

OK.  I do hope that you'll stick around the forum though . . .


#15 2018-01-29 21:45:14

Registered: 2017-10-09
Posts: 234  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

golinux wrote:

Good to hear.  Holding on to resentment and anger is so not a good thing.  smile

Hehe... you're right, but there was never any resentment and anger in the first place (as you well know).


#16 2018-01-29 22:22:53

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

cynwulf wrote:
golinux wrote:

Good to hear.  Holding on to resentment and anger is so not a good thing.  smile

Hehe... you're right, but there was never any resentment and anger in the first place (as you well know).

Indeed.  Maybe not about the banning but nomko or the admins? Not at all?   (rehtorical questions)  In any case, it was an opportunity to share a life lesson with anyone who ventures into this thread.


#17 2018-01-30 09:51:10

Registered: 2017-10-09
Posts: 234  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

I tend not to waste time and energy on such people.  If forum admins want to practice selective justice, there's really not much you can do about it [except vote with your feet]...


#18 2018-02-04 18:11:20

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Crossing the line or not?

These last three posts should be in the "pkgmaster is repository hell" thread.  I am unable to rejoin them to that existing thread so they have been split off to "pkgmaster is repository hell (continued)"


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