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#1 2017-11-27 18:39:13

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  


luakit is a great tiny browser with wide possibilities of extensions in the language LUA.

it is  available at debian depositories wheezy, stretch and sid.

installable using dpkg -i *deb

after that (and a strong apt-get -f install, all dependencies are available), you have a very good  tiny browser able to handle with flash (it can be important for you like for me!)

it uses binaries for webkit1 (like SliTaz'z "tazweb", a own developement from SliTaz to manage the SliTaz panel (all settings in SliTaz happens now on it, if you prefer don't to use command lines...). I am, sorry, not able to compile myself TazWeb for 64 bit (only a front end with some "decisions" on webkit1).

luakit approach is not easy! it is a beautifull woman with an very very hart bart!

the most important command is

: o (open!) for  ex. : o google,com (without intervale! I did use an intervale to avoid smilies...)

luakit has different modes! If you are not already in "insert mode", you have to enter in it with :i (if you know that, it is easy!)

now, you can search for "devuan forum" and hit on the found link!

is devuan forum present on the screen, you can create your bookmark list with the first bookmark using the command :bookmark.

with the command :boomarks (see for the "s" at the end!) you can make that that new list with one entry only now reappears!

you can do it also with ixquick, qwant, google, duckduckgo (I don't like duckduckgo at all: the results are only for English speakers adequate! the idea is good but the realisation is pure and only English, nothing for me!) etc.

You go to the bookmarks

within the actual tab with :gb

in a new tab with :gB

you erase a tab with :c

and, the most usefull is :help ! you find there ALL COMMANDS always present in the backgrouns and there are a lot, really, good and efficient!

luadkit did persuade me

sometimes you nee to it the enter key one more

extremly wide extensions possible in the lua language

only a question has for me actually no answer: spell check?

only a deception:

Problem occurred while loading the URL

inputking is one of the best pages concerning inter communication between far east and occidental world! it is superior for this reason as

ALL OTHER sites including Luakit or in luakit used software! I am sorry: some people of the declared free world are ennemy No. 1 of their goal!

Last edited by oui (2017-11-27 19:52:49)


#2 2017-11-27 20:14:35

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: luakit

Lancia Integrale I know, but intervale no, niente, niet!
You must mean space smile

Last edited by fungus (2017-11-27 20:14:49)


#3 2017-12-07 21:54:02

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: luakit

I understand nothing (not all forum member are really English speakers...) but it is important for me to thank for your answer. Thank you very much!


#4 2017-12-07 22:02:31

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,345  

Re: luakit

@oui . . . I am a native English speaker and I didn't understand it either.  There are several languages muddled in there.


#5 2017-12-08 10:17:57

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: luakit

Also thank you to you golinux, this reassures me!

(I really am no English speaker: I am an old French man born in Eastern (150 km) from Paris. In this in my youth, in this quarter of France we learned German Greek Latin. Over that, I did also learn Russian but never use. As adult person, I did learn Ogden's BASIC English, but all the theoretic knowledge from BASIC English is contained on the front and back side from a SINGLE page of paper (size for commercial letters! Including 2 big pictures! 850 words and 2 full hands of rules! It is very little knowledge... I belong the dictionary for the 22000 words of the standard English language from the years after 1920 as well as the scientific dictionary with the 15000 special words out the same time, all 35000 standard English words explained completely in BASIC English so I can discover each English text without more help (but I am not sectarian: today, I really use better I am sorry to say, other people rarelly love BASIC English texts although important authors like prof. A. P. Rossiter, Durham University, did write scientific oriented text using only BASIC English, for ex. «The Growth of Science», Pelican Books published by Penguin Books).

Back to the stuff of the topic:

SMALL BUT EFFICIENT BROWSERS for minimal installation ...

... and not only for minimal installation: hardly a malware is  trimmed to handle with those browsers! They are discrete and also other users generally don't know what is possible to do to damage the owner of the system / PC! This increase the security of users! What? This affirmation does not concord with the need of new versions of Firefox about each day?

Firefox and the other "great" live all from the goodwill not from user, but from the economic agents permitting to accede to interesting pages and services. And, as they are economic agents (publishers, dealers, houses for auctions or banking or mail services, they WILL OFFER GUARANTIES to her advertising customers that the advertising announces as publicity on their web page can't be blocked by the internet users disturbed by so much and enormous advertising activity! That is the risks, what new browser releases have to avoid! All the announcement is correct: «... new version to avoid security risks!». But, the greatest risks for the site owners are not virus etc. as we generally mean but risks, that the stuff can be "mal-used"  under wrong conditions (out the view of  the publicity announcers)! If they limit the use of their pages to Firefox, Bill-Gate-Explorers, Apple-Explorer and Google-Explorer (as well, I did see at the special page of youtube concerning which browser are supported by youtube, as Opera: but we have to remember - initially, Opera is a real commercial software on Microsoft OS's!): This is also the main reason in changing the HTML format to HTML5 with special plugins over that! No protection = no order from publicity announcers =  no money! And Google would be arm as at the first day of activity! But Messrs Google, Amazon, ebay, alibaba, big news papers over the world, etc. are not arm any more, my pity and comprehension are restricted... Different from wikipedia and others having renounced since the first day to infect their pages with advertising and other publicity and requiring sometime for a small contribution!

And now, we have to constate often that news papers etc. require both: payment by user but continue to disturb with horrible among of often brutal publicity (you can't use your PC in the bed room any more: you would wake your partner with brutally noises and lighting effects!)


#6 2017-12-08 11:48:53

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: luakit

Now to the browsers:

2 ones offers

to the users

a maximal proctection:

- links2 (can show pictures else it cames directly from the side of commando line software), please start it with the option -g if it continues to be CLI browser in graphic mode and you want more)
- xombrero (esp. used without .xombrero.conf : with the help of the .xombrero.conf file, you can permit access and increase yourself, of course, your risks!)

But other brother are light and secure enough:

- vimprobable2 seems to be the ligh"est", works with webkit, version 1

is not easy to find as *.deb (I have save on my HD an old  version from Ubuntu). Devuan Jessie did accept it without problem, a fast #dpkg -i vimprobable* after package is in your home, and, after that, #apt -f install ! and all dependencies are available...

on this installation of vimprobable, you can copy the binary of SliTaz «tazweb» that you will find after a live start of the tiny graphic distribution in /usr/bin ;-) ! Copy better also the tazweb directory you will find

- in /usr/share (perhaps also the icon, depending how you work, with icons or not, I need no icon! is to find in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/) alt. file in /usr/share/applications
- in your home, starting live in /home/tux/.config

why "tazweb"? Tazweb has an outfit a bit like firefox, with bookmarks (see in ~/.config/tazweb/bookmarks.html) and remembers passwords in some forums: you will have nothing to learn :-)

vimprobable2 is a frontend like tazweb, but it is hard to use if you prefer an other editor as Vim! Interesting in vimprobable2 is also, it imports all dependencies needing by tazweb and gives tazweb a adequate version of webkit without to have to search...

XOMBRERO (in the past xxxterm!)

the old version xxxterm can also be installed on that what vimprobable did install

also xxxterm/xombrero is only a frontend like vimprobable2 or tazweb...

also xxxterm/xombrero simulate a bit the firefox handling, but only if you permit it! if not, commando line handling like vimprobable2 and it can be hard, especially for not English speakers...


is commando line to handle like vimprobable2 and xxxterm / xombrero. with the command :open help or :help (I don't remember any more) in the browser you can see all commands from Luakit! Luakit is extensible in the language "lua".

of course, luakit is not so tiny as vimprobable2 ab. 170 kb, xxxterm ab. 250 kb as it needs more dependencies, esp. the stuff for lua!


#7 2017-12-08 12:05:20

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: luakit

what is with flashplayer?


it did not work willing...

copying tazweb from SliTaz live, you can also install flashplayer on SliTaz, with get-flash-player (has perhaps to be itself pre installed on slitaz with #taspkg -gi get-flash-player) in SliTaz, the installation from Adobe site is especially easy. after that you only copy in devuan /usr/lib the equivalent subdir /usr/lib/mozilla from SliTaz and, as it contains only a link, not the plugin itself, in /usr/share the equivalent subdir /usr/share/flash !

I presume you uses a 32 bit installation...

but it will not work immediately on a absolutely minimal installation from Devuan.

hm! ignoring what is the matter, I did install the actual opera.stable.deb...

somewhat was not fully ok, the message did not confirm success.

but after an #sudo apt-get -f install

opera did agree to start, and makes all operations with flash (as to be considered as fully normal: opera is recommanded by youtube!!! seamonkey etc, for ex., not!)


after that tazweb, vimprobable2 and luakit also able to do ...

... the same.

you can remove opera if you want, if you find the way, as the registration of Opera im Devuan system seems not to be ok!
it appears after a re-installation (only to find a way to erase) in /etc/jwm/debian* but is not registred (how is that possible?)...

(info: opera seems to need only a light installation's size compared with the other browsers recommanded by youtube!)

Last edited by oui (2017-12-08 12:07:24)


#8 2017-12-08 13:38:18

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: luakit

The internet is English

I am no native anglo speaker either
I just do what the romans tell me, Galicia has fallen


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