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hello i am using devuan stable and i have one problem ..
gimp not showing the menus .. is that problem of devuan or debian problem ?
Dev1 Stable | openrc | MATE
Greetings from Greece
As debian user i say no its not normal behaviour every version of gimp works there so its devuan bug.
As debian user i say no its not normal behaviour every version of gimp works there so its devuan bug.
I wouldn't blame it to Devuan. Gimp works fine and shows full menues on my Daedalus with Cinnamon DE.
@OP: which DE do you use?
Edith: by the way, except for banned packages that rely on or are systemd, the vast majority of Devuan packages are 1:1 Debian packages.
Last edited by rolfie (2023-09-16 19:51:32)
As debian user i say no its not normal behaviour every version of gimp works there so its devuan bug.
As a "Debian" user . . . are you currently or have you ever actually used Devuan? Until you are more familiar with Devuan, it's probably best not to make sweeping, misleading and erroneous statements like that unless you like egg-on-face, of course . . .
Did you reset gimp's config?
mv .config/GIMP .config/GIMP_DEF
To be sure: Create a new user and start gimp.
...gimp not showing the menus
Does this link provide useful info? … et-it-back
Questionaut wrote:As debian user i say no its not normal behaviour every version of gimp works there so its devuan bug.
I wouldn't blame it to Devuan. Gimp works fine and shows full menues on my Daedalus with Cinnamon DE.
@OP: which DE do you use?
Edith: by the way, except for banned packages that rely on or are systemd, the vast majority of Devuan packages are 1:1 Debian packages.
cinammon desktop ... that was because i had some configs of gnome and solved them by deleting them
plus some gnome apps looks like that
Last edited by jemadux (2023-09-17 12:22:42)
Dev1 Stable | openrc | MATE
Greetings from Greece
I would claim Image Viewer and Document viewer windows look normal. I have got the same ...
Check your GIMP settings if you have disabled something regarding the menu settings by chance.
Last edited by rolfie (2023-09-17 12:18:59)
gimp is now fine after deleted ~/.gnome*
Dev1 Stable | openrc | MATE
Greetings from Greece