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#1 2022-11-22 22:35:33

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

cant extract ccd and nrg images

Cant extract music from that images. Its empty but have volume. Game images extracted good. Please help.

Last edited by deepforest (2022-11-22 23:12:24)


#2 2022-11-23 06:18:08

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

Why are you trying to steal this? Just buy the game on Steam or GOG. I won't help you pirate stuff.

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


#3 2022-11-24 15:32:43

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

gog and steam versions have only windows setup versions how i get resources?

this old classics, more than 20 years have passed, it's already in the public domain big_smile

piracy - its also freedom like linux! big_smile

here in Ukraine now we have not Europeans income, so we cant buy proprietary software and we use pirated warez big_smile

ps if you so rich why you using amator linux and do not buy licenced Windows?

Last edited by deepforest (2022-11-24 15:34:11)


#4 2022-11-24 16:29:17

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,240  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

@deepforest . . . It's not about money. It's about principle. There is no excuse for theft, ever. The "wanting" is the problem that is the root of much suffering. Learn to let it go and be happy . . .


#5 2022-11-24 17:54:07

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

deepforest wrote:

gog and steam versions have only windows setup versions how i get resources?

Hmm, looks like the music is missing from the Steam & GOG versions. Shame.

deepforest wrote:

this old classics, more than 20 years have passed, it's already in the public domain

The source code for the game engine is open source but the game assets (maps, textures, music, etc) are under copyright.

deepforest wrote:

piracy - its also freedom like linux!

I respectfully disagree. One of the reasons why Linux is so successful is because of the copyleft licence (GPL), which relies on copyright law. Respecting copyright law is fundamental to Linux.

deepforest wrote:

here in Ukraine now we have not Europeans income, so we cant buy proprietary software and we use pirated warez

I am very sorry to hear of your misfortune, I hope things get better for you soon.

deepforest wrote:

if you so rich why you using amator linux and do not buy licenced Windows?

Because I prefer to use the same operating system as all of the world's top 500 most powerful computers.

And anyway you don't have to buy Windows at all — just download one of the official ISO images and install using that without adding a key when prompted (just select "add later"). All Windows will do is display an "Activate Windows" watermark on the desktop, remove the ability to change wallpapers after the first few days, and keep nagging you to add an activation key. The operating system will continue to update itself and stay functional in all other respects indefinitely even if you don't pay. It's just nagware these days.

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


#6 2022-11-24 18:43:04

Registered: 2018-01-11
Posts: 367  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

deepforest wrote:

gog and steam versions have only windows setup versions how i get resources?

Innoextract works on the GOG windows installer, as I mentioned in the other thread.

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

Hmm, looks like the music is missing from the Steam & GOG versions. Shame.

I just extracted the GOG "Quake II Quad Damage" installer, and there are 19 tracks included as .ogg.
A cursory listen says that's the original soundtrack, though I'd have to dig out my CDs to see what's missing (MP1 & MP2 music?)

Also, it appears to come with the original AQ2 as part of "Netpack 1" big_smile

Should be as easy as 'innoextract setup_quake2_quad_damage_2.0.0.3.exe', grab the extracted "app" directory, drop in yamagi binaries and play.

Last edited by steve_v (2022-11-24 18:51:26)

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Four times is Official GNOME Policy.


#7 2022-11-24 21:10:45

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

Thanks to All!

But i am curious, what technically wrong with music images? Under my Windows 7 i am mounted music images and it same looks empty. May be they broken?


Innoextract works on the GOG windows installer, as I mentioned in the other thread.

Should be as easy as 'innoextract setup_quake2_quad_damage_2.0.0.3.exe', grab the extracted "app" directory, drop in yamagi binaries and play.

Thanks for useful info!

I just extracted the GOG "Quake II Quad Damage" installer, and there are 19 tracks included as .ogg.

This is 19tracks all OSTs not only from original Q2 but rouge and xatrix addons music here?


#8 2022-11-24 21:26:18

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images


I am very sorry to hear of your misfortune, I hope things get better for you soon.

First main thing its - Hope for better its one thing to do now for all FreeWorld.
Second main thing its - supporting of FreeWorld to Ukraine in fighting against demons of mordor.

Because I prefer to use the same operating system as all of the world's top 500 most powerful computers.

You mean SuperComuters? But SuperComuters using Linux not for Desktop but computing only?

And anyway you don't have to buy Windows at all — just download one of the official ISO images and install using that without adding a key when prompted (just select "add later"). All Windows will do is display an "Activate Windows" watermark on the desktop, remove the ability to change wallpapers after the first few days, and keep nagging you to add an activation key. The operating system will continue to update itself and stay functional in all other respects indefinitely even if you don't pay. It's just nagware these days.

You talking about 10 and 11? Because XP and 7 is blocked after while if licensed key do not entered.

Last edited by deepforest (2022-11-24 21:31:52)


#9 2022-11-24 21:39:46

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

golinux wrote:

@deepforest . . . It's not about money. It's about principle. There is no excuse for theft, ever. The "wanting" is the problem that is the root of much suffering. Learn to let it go and be happy . . .

Agree. Its yet soviet philosophy here in heads. People were very poor and could not afford anything, so theft was welcomed, and this is one of the reasons for the collapse of the ussr.


#10 2022-11-25 04:09:28

Registered: 2018-01-11
Posts: 367  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

deepforest wrote:

what technically wrong with music images?

Nothing at all, I just ripped them to ogg/vorbis no problems. CDemu + K3B on gentoo, no Windows (7 or otherwise) required.

If you don't explain how you're trying to extract the audio (and with what software), then I have no idea why it doesn't work for you.

deepforest wrote:

This is 19tracks all OSTs not only from original Q2 but rouge and xatrix addons music here?

The expansions only come with 5 new tracks each IIRC, so the number sounds right. Dunno about track order though, I expect that'll come down to how the files are named.

golinux wrote:

It's about principle.

Personally I don't have any moral dilemmas when it comes to screwing Bethesda out of a couple of bucks for a 25 year old game they had nothing to do with making in the first place. Still charging for repacks of something that old is really scraping the money-grubber barrel IMO.
That said, I've bought Quake and Quake 2 at least 3 times each over the years. Once when it was young, once to have disks that actually work, and again because GOG is awesome and it was dirt cheap.

Did I mention you can get a legit copy of Quake 2 with both expansions and the netpack for $2, DRM-free on GOG already? Why are we even discussing pirating it?

@deepforest If you PM me your email address, I'm quite happy to gift it to you on GOG. Or pirate it if that's what floats your boat, I'm not one to judge. Just don't expect people to help you pirate it, at least not here.

deepforest wrote:

if you so rich why you using amator linux and do not buy licenced Windows?

I use GNU/Linux because it's free, not because it's free. Also Windows is a horrible OS, and has been getting more obnoxious with each release since XP.

Last edited by steve_v (2022-11-25 04:43:59)

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Four times is Official GNOME Policy.


#11 2022-11-25 16:52:19

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,240  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

steve_v wrote:
golinux wrote:

It's about principle.

Personally I don't have any moral dilemmas when it comes to screwing Bethesda out of a couple of bucks for a 25 year old game they had nothing to do with making in the first place.

You missed the punch line that is the root of all such actions . . . the "wanting" is the problem. Everything that stems from that impulse is "tainted". With out that "wanting" no rationalizations are needed. smile


#12 2022-11-25 18:02:00

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

deepforest wrote:

You mean SuperComuters? But SuperComuters using Linux not for Desktop but computing only?

Quite a few of them run Ubuntu, actually tongue

There are other reasons: Windows doesn't allow edge scrolling with the touchpad; it doesn't have a PRIMARY clipboard (select the text to copy then middle-click to paste); amdgpu doesn't work so AMDGPU-PRO has worse framerates, runs hotter & drains more power; I can't see any of the source code. Under Linux I can see

archie:~$ ls /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_*
archie:~$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status
Not charging

^ Setting those values allows me to fix the charge rate to 50% battery so I can leave the laptop plugged in (for best games performance) without wrecking the battery with continuous charge/discharge cycles.

This laptop is a few years old now:

archie:~$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/cycle_count
archie:~$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full_design
archie:~$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full

Most of that damage was done by bloody Windows mad

deepforest wrote:

You talking about 10 and 11?

I haven't tried 11 but I've had a few Windows 10 systems running for quite a while in that state, both bare metal & virtualised.

Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2022-11-25 18:39:49)

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


#13 2022-11-26 00:32:41

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

Ok. Thanks.
You are frequent using notebook without power supply on battery?
All my our home laptops working from power supplies like stationary PC so i do not worry about their accumulators, i am wrong?


#14 2022-11-26 10:47:47

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

If the laptop is kept plugged in with the battery at 100% that will degrade it over time Check energy_full_design (the maximum battery level when new) and compare it to energy_full (the current maximum battery level) to see how bad it is. Also check status — if that shows Not charging then the battery is being bypassed, otherwise the battery is being degraded by usage.

Interestingly if I set the charge behaviour in Linux by simply writing to the files it persists between boots and even if I boot OpenBSD, Haiku or 9front. Unfortunately Windows will "fix" things and start to break my battery again, which is very annoying.

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


#15 2022-11-26 18:34:58

Registered: 2018-01-11
Posts: 367  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

If the laptop is kept plugged in with the battery at 100% that will degrade it over time

Indeed. The things that will kill li-ion cells the fastest are heat, repeated deep-discharges, and continuous trickle-charging... Two of which you will get in spades if you leave a machine plugged in with the EC set to maintain 100% charge.
If you intend to store a battery (functionally what an always-on-ac laptop is doing), you want it at 60-80% and as cool as possible. Often this means it's better to remove the battery entirely if the machine allows it.

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

Interestingly if I set the charge behaviour in Linux by simply writing to the files it persists between boots and even if I boot OpenBSD, Haiku or 9front.

This "battery care" behaviour is run by the embedded controller, it has it's own nvram and whatnot since it needs to handle charging when the machine is off etc.

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

Windows will "fix" things

Most laptops I have seen have manufacturer bloat software for tweaking charge behaviour, but without it windows will just go for maximum runtime. Consumers rate portables on runtime after all, and replacement batteries make money...

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Four times is Official GNOME Policy.


#16 2022-11-27 23:43:41

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

steve_v wrote:
Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

If the laptop is kept plugged in with the battery at 100% that will degrade it over time

Indeed. The things that will kill li-ion cells the fastest are heat, repeated deep-discharges, and continuous trickle-charging... Two of which you will get in spades if you leave a machine plugged in with the EC set to maintain 100% charge.
If you intend to store a battery (functionally what an always-on-ac laptop is doing), you want it at 60-80% and as cool as possible.

This is uncomfortable, always watch to level of charging and always to plug on\off power cable.

steve_v wrote:

Often this means it's better to remove the battery entirely if the machine allows it.

And what to do if laptop not allow remove battery, new laptops have build-in unmovable battery?

Why is there still no permanent connection mechanism to AC for laptops without harming the battery?

Last edited by deepforest (2022-11-28 00:06:33)


#17 2022-11-28 04:46:47

Registered: 2018-01-11
Posts: 367  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

deepforest wrote:

Why is there still no permanent connection mechanism to AC for laptops without harming the battery?

As HoaS explained, there is. If you set the embedded controller to stop charging at some level less than 100% (and only start charging again at some threshold lower again), then it sill stop trying to "top up" the battery constantly.

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Four times is Official GNOME Policy.


#18 2022-11-29 01:25:41

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

Aha! And how make this magic for saving life of battery?

archie:~$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/cycle_count
archie:~$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full_design
archie:~$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full

Its config, or script, wheris that settings?

Last edited by deepforest (2022-11-29 01:28:42)


#19 2022-11-29 04:18:49

Registered: 2018-01-11
Posts: 367  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

deepforest wrote:

Its config, or script, wheris that settings?

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

Those are sysfs (virtual) files, and should be writable - either directly or with the sysctl utility. You could use something like rc.local or a crontab to write them on startup.
Alternatively, just install tlp. It has many useful features and the configuration file is well documented.

Last edited by steve_v (2022-11-29 04:22:29)

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Four times is Official GNOME Policy.


#20 2022-11-29 06:56:55

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

I only had to write the values once, for example:

# tee /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_start_threshold <<<"49"
# tee /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold <<<"51"

^ That pins the battery between 49-51%, which results in it being bypassed once the battery is half full (or half empty, if you prefer).

Those values only change when I boot Windows. Otherwise the charge control ECU maintains the values set from Linux.

EDIT: as the OP is a Windows refugee they might appreciate this GUI that allows D-Bus control of charging thresholds by non-root users:

Backend here:

Might only work on ThinkPads though.

Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2022-11-29 07:11:26)

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


#21 2022-11-30 17:20:47

Registered: 2020-03-24
Posts: 321  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

Thanks HoaS! And is there similar software(ready for use) but for Windows for pining battarey level charge on Asus, Acer, Dell laptops?

Last edited by deepforest (2022-11-30 17:22:00)


#22 2022-11-30 17:38:14

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: cant extract ccd and nrg images

No idea. Let's try a search... … -p/5087362

^ That suggests Dell machines have their own charging threshold GUI for Windows, along with firmware ("BIOS") options that could presumably be accessed from Linux via sysfs.

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


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