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#1 2020-08-15 22:43:36

Registered: 2017-07-30
Posts: 66  

Latest repositories for Devuan 3 !


Does anyone know the topic of repositories for Devuan 3 if it is quarterly or latest?    An operating system for system security against the danger of vulnerability, must be
updated with the latest repositories.

Last edited by brday (2020-08-15 22:49:14)


#2 2020-08-15 23:05:07

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 341  

Re: Latest repositories for Devuan 3 !

The repositories for Devuan 3 (Beowulf) are those of Debian 10 (Buster), with some exceptions required by forking/substitution of packages to avoid systemd dependencies. For Devuan 3, you won't see lots of version updates of software, but you will see regular security updates and bugfixes, a la Debian.


#3 2020-08-15 23:16:11

Registered: 2017-07-30
Posts: 66  

Re: Latest repositories for Devuan 3 !

sgage wrote:

The repositories for Devuan 3 (Beowulf) are those of Debian 10 (Buster), with some exceptions required by forking/substitution of packages to avoid systemd dependencies. For Devuan 3, you won't see lots of version updates of software, but you will see regular security updates and bugfixes, a la Debian.

Why doesn't the software automatically update every new version available as Linux Mint systems or other systems like FreeBSD do?  For example, it cannot be that Firefox or Falkon browsers, among other software, continue to have older versions that generate system vulnerability.

Last edited by brday (2020-08-15 23:37:35)


#4 2020-08-16 00:40:14

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 341  

Re: Latest repositories for Devuan 3 !

brday wrote:
sgage wrote:

The repositories for Devuan 3 (Beowulf) are those of Debian 10 (Buster), with some exceptions required by forking/substitution of packages to avoid systemd dependencies. For Devuan 3, you won't see lots of version updates of software, but you will see regular security updates and bugfixes, a la Debian.

Why doesn't the software automatically update every new version available as Linux Mint systems or other systems like FreeBSD do?  For example, it cannot be that Firefox or Falkon browsers, among other software, continue to have older versions that generate system vulnerability.

The older versions in Devuan/Debian continue to receive security updates. If you think you need the most recent versions of everything, Devuan/Debian is probably not for you. But there are backports to get more recent versions, and there's a whole 'testing' release, called chimaera, which I am running right now.

If you are comfortable with systemd, use Linux Mint/Ubuntu/etc.  You seem to be missing the point of Devuan, which is to be a systemd-free fork of Debian, and which it accomplishes quite nicely.


#5 2020-08-16 02:00:18

Registered: 2017-07-30
Posts: 66  

Re: Latest repositories for Devuan 3 !

sgage wrote:

But there are backports to get more recent versions, and there's a whole 'testing' release, called chimaera, which I am running right now.

Hello sgage!

Interesting about backports, how to proceed, which is the link or the guide to get more recent versions? and it would also be good to try the full "trial" version, called a chimaera.

sgage wrote:

You seem to be missing the point of Devuan, which is to be a systemd-free fork of Debian, and which it accomplishes quite nicely.

I don't like systemd, ither but the hardware desktop of Linux Mint in Xfce automatically detects the devices when you plug for to the  ports,  which is not the case with Devuan Xfce in past versions.   On the other hand, FreeBSD has no systemd, and its system plus software is kept up to date with the latest developments which gives security to the system without detecting any vulnerability.


#6 2020-08-16 03:27:11

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,310  

Re: Latest repositories for Devuan 3 !

brday wrote:

Interesting about backports, how to proceed, which is the link or the guide to get more recent versions?

You can find that information exactly where you might expect it to be - the website.

brday wrote:

and it would also be good to try the full "trial" version, called a chimaera.

To get to chimaera you'll have to install beowulf and upgrade.  Note that it is recommended to use the release name not the suite designation in your sources.list.

sgage wrote:

You seem to be missing the point of Devuan, which is to be a systemd-free fork of Debian, and which it accomplishes quite nicely.

And as with Debian, the goal is STABILITY not the latest shiny, shiny.

brday wrote:

I don't like systemd, either but the hardware desktop of Linux Mint in Xfce automatically detects the devices when you plug for to the  ports,

Debian/Devuan are NOT Mint or Ubuntu.


#7 2020-08-16 12:31:11

From: London
Registered: 2019-03-24
Posts: 3,125  

Re: Latest repositories for Devuan 3 !

brday wrote:

it cannot be that Firefox or Falkon browsers, among other software, continue to have older versions that generate system vulnerability

The firefox-esr package is always kept up to date.

Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power


#8 2020-08-16 12:44:08

From: Teignmouth, UK
Registered: 2019-06-09
Posts: 221  

Re: Latest repositories for Devuan 3 !

Devuan Beowulf, like Debian Buster is the stable version, so doesn't get the latest and shiniest version of applications automatically.

Mint and Ubuntu are based on the unstable versions. If you really want new and shiny in everthing then you need to upgrade to Ceres.

Beowulf does however receive any security fixes, albeit with a slight delay, which isn't always bad since security fixes can also have bugs (vide the latest fiasco with grub).

For example the version of Firefox supplied on Devuan is Firefox-esr (the 'enterprise' version), which only resyncs with the latest Firefox once a year. However it does get all the monthly security fixes inbetween. At the moment, although there is a  newly resyced version we will continue to get the security fixed older version for an overlap period.

You can configure Devuan to install updates automatically using the unattended-upgrades package.
This can be configured to run daily from cron, or if you don't keep your computer on all the time but hibernate or suspend , from anacron. which runs a daily check and conditional install when you first resume. You get a email notification if it upgrades anything. I use it but only for security upgrades.

There is also a notifier package (not part of the official Devuan repositories) written by MiyoLinux (see that notifies you, and allows you to install upgrades. It's not quite as slick as the applets in Mint and Ubuntu but is quite flexible. However it doesn't yet work in Ceres: another example of how the Unstable version may break things.

Also if you find you really need a feature in a more recent version you can often get something newer from backports. I  use a LibreOffice backport as its an application where I'm always looking for new shiny but wouldn't search for a postfix backport as I value the stability of the latter. I did backport dnscrypt-proxy as I needed a fix in a feature I used and the backport had it.

Bit surprised by you find that

'the hardware desktop of Linux Mint in Xfce automatically detects the devices when you plug for to the ports,  which is not the case with Devuan Xfce in past versions.

as that's not my experience with either Ascii or Beowulf (albeit I use Cinnamon rather than Xfce). Which hardware is your system not recognising?


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