The officially official Devuan Forum!

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#1 2016-11-28 00:01:42

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 26  

We're live

Hello and welcome to the Dev1 Galaxy Forum!

These forums are designed to provide a home for people who need support, want to share code, or just want to discuss all things Devuan! Our mission is to foster and grow the Devuan community. Please keep in mind this forum is not an 'official' Devuan project.  We hope that everyone enjoys  their stay here at Dev1 Galaxy!

The Dev1 Galaxy Admin Collective


#2 2016-12-11 19:11:40

From: Surrey/Hants border UK
Registered: 2016-12-11
Posts: 167  

Re: We're live

Many thanks for creating this forum. smile

I've been keeping an eye on developments since the original announcement of Devuan, contributed a small amount to help get infrastucture in place, but only just getting around to testing/installing.

I've been tyring out MiyoLinux (soon to be defunct, unfortunately, as it is/was the perfect base for me), & Refracta8 which I think may be the way I'll go.

(I've yet to try the raw/vanilla Devuan release.)

Last edited by FOSSuser (2016-12-11 19:12:25)


#3 2016-12-11 19:54:14

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: We're live

@FOSSuser . . . Are you aware that fsmithred (Refracta) has rolled an unoffical Devuan live?  You can find it here.  And here's the readme.


#4 2016-12-11 20:36:43

From: Surrey/Hants border UK
Registered: 2016-12-11
Posts: 167  

Re: We're live

Many thanks, yes, I found reference to it in one of the other posts I have read tonight, (I think I've read everything on the forum now), & have downloaded it to give it a try. smile


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