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There is today Debian for the raspberry pi.
herewith the installation procedure: … s/
( armhf )
Would you know if there would be Devuan for the PI?
Thank you
deb jessie main contrib non-free rpi
# Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source'
#deb-src jessie main contrib non-free rpi
Raspberry PI 3 Model B is rather an ARMHF. I am not sure which one for the PI3B
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_arm64_raspi3.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:20 175M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armel_raspi1.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:13 172M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_chromeacer.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:14 231M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_chromeveyron.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:15 235M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_n900.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:15 155M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_odroidxu.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:16 154M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_raspi2.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:14 172M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_sunxi.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:17 152M
Raspberry PI 3 Model B is rather an ARMHF. I am not sure which one for the PI3B
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_arm64_raspi3.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:20 175M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armel_raspi1.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:13 172M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_chromeacer.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:14 231M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_chromeveyron.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:15 235M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_n900.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:15 155M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_odroidxu.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:16 154M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_raspi2.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:14 172M
devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_sunxi.img.xz 23-May-2017 11:17 152M
Per README these two, depending if you want 32bit or 64bit.
* Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 (raspi2)
* Raspberry Pi 3 64bit (raspi3)
Last edited by smoki (2017-06-05 07:05:09)
Raspberry PI 3 model B got the following devuan_jessie_1.0.0_arm64_raspi3.img.xz
BUT It is not working.
When I try to compile my own functions, tinybox, DEVUAN Raspberry gives me segmentation fault.
This is very strange since it is an old C programme, and it worked all the time on any DEBIAN installations, even DEBIAN on PI 3 raspberry.
I checked and it is really commming from DEVUAN for raspberry. What could it be?
here an example, what could be going on?
Does it have something to do that the architecture is a ARMHF and NOT a ARM64??
Talk to parazyd on #devuan-arm or #devuan-dev or even #devuan.
Talk to parazyd on #devuan-arm or #devuan-dev or even #devuan.
I would be glad, but I am not a fan of leaving my IP address everywhere. Are they some possible cloacking or better... dedicated irc chat which does not make public user ip addresses?
Thank you Golinux for all your efforts and help on the dev of Devuan !
It is great that a system Debian could be forked and be free of the intruder SystemD !!!!
thank you again
You could leave an issue on parazyd's repo at Chances of him coming here are almost nil. Or post to DNG. He's chatting on #devuan as of the timestamp above.
You could leave an issue on parazyd's repo at Chances of him coming here are almost nil. Or post to DNG. He's chatting on #devuan as of the timestamp above.
I CONFIRM YOU the bug !!
I have bought a new raspberry. I installed DEVUAN on it.
It does the same.
I tried on another plug (sheeva) and it DOES work under Debian. It is an arm too.
After many tries, it seems that there is a compiling issue maybe GCC or a Library. It may be important.
Ok to contact using IRC, so on my plug, I have installed IRSSI, and I did /connect irc.freenode.irc
I am ready for chat. What's his pseudo ?
I need to find a manual for this IRSSI... I always forget some commands (getting old maybe )
Thank you
Chromium Web Browser on Raspberry Pi3 is not found into the DEVUAN repositories.
By, the way, that could help users to browse the web, because Firefox is damn slow.
hi guys,,
I am in a hurry. ... so far, DEVUAN is very slow and Chromium is not there.
DEVUAN is so far not optimized for Raspberrry piiiiiiiiiii 3
Well, Chromium armhf is not there neither in Debian 8, not even in Raspbian repo, but you might try Chromium from RPi Fondation repo:
Don't have RPi to test it might or might not work, looks like it should... so just suggestion
Last edited by smoki (2017-06-09 20:55:08)
The PC is slower than the default raspbian
I see it especially when I compile hte PI3 with devuan and the PI3 with debian.
Debian compiles very fast, while devuan on PI3 takes ages.
besides, there is a bug on devuan on pi3. GCC does not compile correctly. Getting seg. fault often on most time. (not space )
It seems that something is not normal with gcc since I can compile anywhere (debian, slack, bsd,...).
The PC is slower than the default raspbian
Well i would expect that, even if no one tells me As Raspbian is the RPi Foundation’s official supported operating system, they i guess take care there about that one default.
Last edited by smoki (2017-06-09 22:34:45)
spartrekus wrote:The PC is slower than the default raspbian
Well i would expect that, even if no one tells me
As Raspbian is the RPi Foundation’s official supported operating system, they i guess take care there about that one default.
I am a bit more wondering why RASPBIAN is actually faster ... althgouh bogomips is the same, nproc gives 4 and so on.
The most curious is why gcc cannot compile well on devuan. I thought that a compiler such as gcc is a stable stuff.
I am a bit more wondering why RASPBIAN is actually faster ...
Was wondering this too, then found this:
Last edited by cayenne (2021-03-19 17:19:27)
Pages: 1