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As mentioned in a previous thread, I'm installing LAMP stuff on a new headless server (a VM) that was installed as ascii 2.1 and upgraded to beowulf.
For various reasons, I'd like to install mysql-server and the mysql client etc, as apposed to mariadb, but it doesn't appear to be available, unless I'm misunderstanding something. I see that there are meta package named default-mysql-server and default-mysql-server-core, but those appear to want to pull in mariadb. Maybe I'm missing something there.
I also notice that in the search actually has mysql-server packages for Jessie and Ascii, but not for Beowulf.
Thanks in advance!
Mariadb = MySQL, but with less baggage strapped to it. Oracle didn't play nice, so MySQL was forked and became Mariadb.
Mariadb = MySQL, but with less baggage strapped to it. Oracle didn't play nice, so MySQL was forked and became Mariadb.
I understand exactly what Mariadb is, but my company already has installs in the field using MySQL and, for a list of reasons, we want to stick with that. We're using MySQL with Devuan Jessie servers for example.
Again as I pointed out, MySQL is in fact an option in Jessie and Ascii, but it doesn't appear to be an option in Beowulf, at least as it stands now. I was hoping to find out if that's the case, or if I'm missing something. I do have the non-free option enabled for my sources, so it's apparently not related to that.
For whatever reasons, mysql-* are not avaiable in beowulf. You might need to try version 5.7.26-1 from unstable. Note that mysql is not forked and that Devuan reflects Debian in these packages.
Thanks! Yea, I just tried adding the unstable branch to my sources.list and I can see that. It's a bit scary though and wants 13 upgrades and 25 new installs all from unstable, including some pretty significant stuff.
Does anyone know whether mysql will eventually be available in Beowulf?
Thanks again.
It might be available in the beowulf backports which aren't available yet but will be soon.
It might be available in the beowulf backports which aren't available yet but will be soon.
Awesome. I'll check back on that. Thanks!
A few things (somewhat OT) that I meant to ask: As mentioned above I did an install of ascii 2.1 and then changed my sources to beowulf and updated. That by the way went flawlessly. Great work on everyone's part there!
Am I correct in assuming that once beowulf goes stable and I update after that, what I'll end up with should be basically identical as if I had installed using the actual beowulf ISO that will then be available? That is, that there's no compelling reason to reinstall etc?
The other thing I was curious about is the fact that I currently see this:
cat /etc/devuan_version
Am I correct in assuming that after an update to a stable beowulf, that will show just "beowulf" as apposed to "beowulf/ceres"?
Thanks in advance, and thanks again for all your hard work fighting the good fight!
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