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Greetings fellow Devuaneers!
Today marks 10 years since the first Devuan installation isos were released. Jaromil posted the "pre alpha valentine (secret love declaration)" announcement to the DNG mailing list: … 77.en.html
So take a trip down memory lane and feel the love for the Devuan team and our users and celebrate their dogged determination which has beaten the odds!
May the fork be with you!
The Devuan Team
Source: … 42.en.html
Congratulations on Devuan's 10th year anniversary.
(As always, my thanks to all those who made it possible.)
Last edited by Camtaf (2025-02-14 09:33:34)
Thank you and Congratulations to the Devuan devs and users for making a fantastic distribution.
pic from 1993, new guitar day.
Thank you so much to all the developer/contributors/committers etc..
Linux noob, plz be kind