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#1 2024-12-17 04:09:37

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

Hi Folks,

Which Hardware and Software platform combinations are effective in combating System Penetration by Deep State Actors when streaming and recording podcasts?

Various people in the Freedom Movement are having their Laptops tampered with whilst Live streaming News and Informative Podcasts about what is really happening in our world. It can be happening to a single Laptop or to multiple geographically separated Laptops used by different people all of whom can be talking and video streaming during the same podcast.



#2 2024-12-17 08:23:25

Registered: 2023-11-27
Posts: 283  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

much the same as with wikipedia, it is best to provide sufficient documentation/information/references so that others may confirm or perhaps arrive at different hypotheses.

Be Excellent to each other and Party On!
Do unto others as you would have them do instantaneously back to you!


#3 2024-12-17 08:30:06

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

Watch some of the videos from this channel and you will get the drift.

Sometimes they have to switch Internet connections in order to keep the podcast going.

The next time it occurs, I will post the link.


#4 2024-12-17 19:17:54

Registered: 2020-03-16
Posts: 143  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

"...disintegration of Australians' fundamental rights and freedoms, into a totalitarian communist state"

I stopped reading there, as would most reasonably intelligently people.

Any "deep state actors" you may refer to aren't interested in this kind of group - in fact those kinds of groups, including far right, nationalist and white supremecist groups, are understood to be utilised and nurtured by theoretical deep states around the world.

This is likely a combination of paranoia, computer illiteracy, existing unrelated malware, the platform itself, i.e. server load, or those clients trying to connect using Tor Browser for example. You should examine the far more credible causes first.


#5 2024-12-17 21:33:04

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

blackhole wrote:

I stopped reading there

Well you need to read on then mate. You probably think the convid jabs are safe and effective too.


#6 2024-12-17 22:59:15

From: Australia
Registered: 2022-04-14
Posts: 64  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming


My tips

- Use Older Intel CPUS that can be firmware patched with opensource Bios
- Use AMD Ryzen instead of latest Intel CPU's

- Use BSD or Linux
- Use Linux without Wayland, Pipewire , SystemD

- Use Opensource, not closed source

  Use LibreOffice instead of MS Office

  Use LibreWolf instead of Default Firefox

- Use SearX instead of DDG/Google
  Use Openstreetmap instead of Google mail
  Use Protonmail instead of Google Mail
  Use Self hosted cloud drive instead of icloud/google drive

- Free Speech, Alt Tech and self hosted platforms/services/products

-  Look into self hosting video content
   Look into self hosting streaming
- Use a VPN provider
  - Mullvad
  - IPVN
  - Self host using VPS using wireguard/openVPN

- Pay for Internet , VPS , VPN's using phsyical cash

- Use Mastodon/Fediverse instead of fakebook/Twatter
  Self Host your own Mastodon/Fediverse server

- Self Host your own
  Mailing list
  RSS feed
  I2P Site

- Dont expect top make money via content creation
  Look into self hosting a ecommerce ,
  drop ship store for external income

- Expect the mainstream to shun , de platform and kick/censor you
   for talking unappoved points/facts/truths

- Loads of know bad sites/platforms that censor/deplatform
   regularly eg

- I recommend using
  Subscribestar + Entropy + Librepay instead of

- I recommend using
Odysee + Rumble
instead of censortube

- I recommend using
  XMPP or Delta Chat instead

- I recommend using separate email/websites/bank account
for your streaming / podcast / content creation


Most of the people that I see effected are
- Not using a VPN
- Not using Linux
- Not using Ryzen
- Not using opensource
- Not self hosting their own livestreaming server


You can self host your own streaming server via
- Peertube -
- Owncast -


If you look at the CEO's of companies you will notice a trend


Anything that goes against the International State Narrative is deemed

Truth fears NO investigation

Facts dont care about your feelings


Look into
IME chip
5 Eyes alliance
PRISM program


* Email       -
* Videos     -
* Social    -


#7 2024-12-18 01:10:25

Registered: 2020-03-16
Posts: 143  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

Yes ... I think you flatter yourself that the "deep state" would be interested in your "politics".  This is right down there with "just stop oil" et al. I.e. there are no teams of professional "hackers" working around the clock to bring down your operation...

The theoretical deep state is only concerned about credible socialist/communist political parties/movements, as they pose the potential threat to the wealth and power of the ruling classes. They are not concerned about right wing nationalist, white supremacist, "alt right" or similar nationalist groups.

Anyway, if the "deep state" are out to get you, then your choice of OS would probably be largely irrelevant. Best if you all stay offline and buy a job lot of pagers...

Last edited by blackhole (2024-12-18 01:14:35)


#8 2024-12-18 02:41:32

Registered: 2017-05-15
Posts: 227  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

Live streaming seems problematic to me if the sessions are announced in advance publicly since this lets potential adversaries know when to carry out their attacks (or attempted attacks). If possible, coordination should be carried out using encrypted chat (including encrypted voice calls), rather than using insecure communication methods like email, public websites, regular telephone calls, and SMS text messages.

Some resources that may be useful:


Security & Privacy Evaluations

Rob Braxman Tech

Freespoke is a new search engine that respects user privacy and does not engage in censorship.
Another one is called Luxxle.


#9 2024-12-18 02:58:06

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

charliebrownau wrote:


My tips

Thanks for the detailed information mate!

Quite a bit I already knew about.

I used to have a Lenovo B590 Laptop with a 3rd Gen Intel Chipset that didn't have TPM etc and I made sure that the Lenovo L540 4th Gen Intel Chipset also didn't have such stuff. Some could though. I had to get the Serial Number of the Laptop first, before buying, in order to get its full specifications so as to know whether to buy it or not.

The reason I am asking about this is not for myself but for others to whom I will pass on this information.

I thought AMD was compromised also. Are some of the Ryzen Chipsets also compromised at all? What do you need to look for in order to determine which Ryzen Chips are "safe"?

Protonmail can't be fully trusted neither the last I knew according to a report by Derek Broze who you can find via the website of The Last American Vagabond.

Yep, the CEOs whom are part of the scum cabal are being taken down by the White Hat World Wide Military Operation which you may already know about. DUMBs and Tunnels and related infrastructure are still being destroyed in Oz and around the world.

Take Care brother!


#10 2024-12-18 03:23:55

Registered: 2020-06-29
Posts: 130  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

Assume all Intel CPUs since the end of the Core2 Duo/Quad era to be backdoored. AMD CPUs started doing something very similar just a handful of years later, but it's a different term -- and yes, it affects the popular Ryzen lines.

In terms of a "secure" OS, there isn't one. Not by default, at least. On the other hand, my understanding is that the less lines of redundant code, the less likely there will be tampering. It's a good idea to phase out the Linux kernel and embrace OpenBSD. If you can't do that, then Alpine Linux might be a good carryover for now. Note that these might not be as fast or as responsive as Devuan, but they are tailored to the paranoid among us.

For a good list on the pros and cons of each e-mail provider, Dig Deeper laid it out on this article. It's definitely a good idea to not put all your eggs in one basket, so use a mixture of different providers for different use cases. Better yet, self-host your own e-mail accounts if you have an unmanaged hosting service. Always assume that someday, an attacker might read all of your e-mails (in which case, start encrypting your messages).

Similarly, Dig Deeper also posted his article on which Web browsers to use. Just as I mentioned back there with using multiple e-mail providers, the same would be recommended for the browsers (especially since not all Web sites will work correctly on a lighter browser such as Pale Moon or SeaMonkey, but Ungoogled Chromium or LibreWolf could be a good middle ground between privacy and "convenience"). Might not even be a good idea to rely on Tor Browser anymore.

Also, have a look at Spyware Watchdog for some spyware mitigation tutorials. The Web site also talks about non-browser software spyware risks.

It's highly recommended to use a stable VPN that has been routinely audited. Mullvad for paid and Riseup VPN for free (they are GPL-compliant) services. NordVPN is alright, but like I said, never put all your eggs in one basket.

Get your own router (don't use your ISP's), install OpenBSD on it, tinker with it, and keep as many connections strictly wired. Only exception would be if you are on the move with a laptop, but anything that sits on your desk is much more worth it to have Ethernet extension cords all over your walls hooked up to them. Encrypt and store away all sensitive data.

There are more tips, but I think these should cover the base of things. Just use common sense whenever applicable (hint: always). The parasites that shall not be named are working diligently to brush this information off, giving the masses the illusion that they have no freedom to begin with. I'd rather have enemies for sticking to my guns than to have "friends" for going with what the mainstream narrative tells us to believe.


#11 2024-12-18 04:10:26

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

blackhole wrote:

Yes ...

Nothing theoretical about the Deep State. Pull your head out of the sand. The DS are the communists. Big Oil (Rockefellers et al, Banksters et al, Bill Gates et al) are the communists (Khazarian Cabal) which are being taken by the Military Alliance with DJT who has President and Wartime C-i-C (Commander-in-Chief) since 2016.

You just need to know about Laws and Orders, The Law of War Manual (revised May 2016) and the Executive Orders that DJT signed and are still in effect as they have not been rescinded by the "Joe Biden" who grew a few inches a few months back, funny that.

The White House is closed and has been for some time. The Federal Reserve is gutted and the IRS is all boarded up too.


#12 2024-12-18 04:51:34

From: Australia
Registered: 2022-04-14
Posts: 64  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

Gday MTbvfr

I cant go into full length details on this or
99% of Linux/Opensource forums

If you want to talk more ,
contact me over at


#13 2024-12-18 20:29:09

From: Germany
Registered: 2018-01-23
Posts: 160  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

i dont thnink i can follow any of this, but  nothing is stopping you from setting up pfsense or opnsense and blocking EVERYTHING
collect you logs and come back when you have evidence
otherwise there is nothing you can do, if your isp wants to pull your plug, no software will help you


#14 2024-12-18 22:41:50

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

pcalvert wrote:

Rob Braxman Tech

Thanks for your input. I know of Rob Braxman from the Corbett Report. Need to look at his site again to see what the latest is.


#15 2024-12-19 00:14:38

Registered: 2022-10-03
Posts: 70  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

Short answer - IMPOSIBLE.

Use clean hardware. Clean not only from ME but from hardware spy tools. Use this hardware only for this purpose.
Use VPN chain (Tor is too slow for streaming).
OS must be immutable. No traces.
Do not use smartphone.
Avoid 14 eyes.
Use somebody else's internet.
Random time, random mac, host, random everything.

Or simply don't do it.


#16 2024-12-19 09:54:55

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

brocashelm wrote:

There are more tips …

The major scum, that be not much longer, are already being taken down. Some (like HRC apparently) have already been executed. The mopping up of the low level useful idiots (e.g. Freemason Filth and other psychopaths, in the Police, Academia, Polity, Media, Education, Judiciary et al) will be one of the last tasks to be done but it's going to be ongoing for decades.

Where does Core2 Duo/Quad line up in the chronological order in relation to Gen 1, 2, 3, etc?


#17 2024-12-19 15:05:08

Registered: 2020-03-16
Posts: 143  

Re: Preventing System Penetration by Deep State Actors when Live Streaming

Nothing theoretical about the Deep State. Pull your head out of the sand. The DS are the communists. Big Oil (Rockefellers et al, Banksters et al, Bill Gates et al) are the communists (Khazarian Cabal) which are being taken by the Military Alliance with DJT who has President and Wartime C-i-C (Commander-in-Chief) since 2016.

The "deep state", has to be theoretical, in order to be the deep state...  you cannot prove it exists, even though there are several theories.  Yes there are theories, but most are what amounts to bullshit spread by the misinformed, or disinformation spread by "conspiracy theorists" wanting to make money out of gullible people / amass followers / all of the above.

It seems that you actually believe that the "deep state" and tech billionaires such as Bill Gates are "communists" (rather than capitalists).  You must have a very poor understanding of communism.  It appears to me that you are subscribing to the popular US idea of a "left", i.e. a left which isn't a left at all, but some form of "right wing authoritarian" politics.

The anti zionist conspiracy, fueled by the "Khazar hypothesis", has long since been dis-proven (via genetic testing) and has no basis at all.


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