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#1 2024-12-02 23:19:54

Azuma Hazuki
From: Western NY, USA
Registered: 2023-01-30
Posts: 9  

Devuan LXQt themes (again)

Heya smile It's been ages but I finally got around to redoing the Devuan-style LXQt themes:
Hoping someone finds these useful!


#2 2024-12-06 22:36:39

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,403  

Re: Devuan LXQt themes (again)

Just now investigating these themes and would like to thank Azuma Hazuki for creating them. Well done! They should make some lxqt users very happy. big_smile


#3 2024-12-08 20:15:01

Azuma Hazuki
From: Western NY, USA
Registered: 2023-01-30
Posts: 9  

Re: Devuan LXQt themes (again)

Would you be interested in having these as part of Devuan itself? I think they're free of bugs, at least. And I'd be happy to add one for Excalibur once the corresponding Clearlooks-Phenix theme (Death Metal?) is completed as well.


#4 2024-12-08 21:11:23

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,403  

Re: Devuan LXQt themes (again)

The answer to your kind offer is a bit complicated . . .

About a year ago I put together a wallpaper mock-up for the excalibur color palette titled "deathmetal"* with which you seem to be familiar. Problem is that at 82, I don't have it in me to do another full theme as there are just too many moving parts with possible changes in gtk3 etc to deal with. I am also still on chimaera where life is comfortable and predictable.

Sooooo . . . I put out a call for someone to take over a while ago. A few poked at it but no one stepped up to take it on.

We discussed what to do and decided to just keep the Daedalus theme for Excalibur as we have more important tasks needing attention.

That being said . . . if anyone has an interest to take on the task, please do get in touch.

* deathmetal is a visual commentary across centuries on the darkness of war with a touch of gangrene and/or the matrix. Note that it needs to be viewed full-screen as any brightness kills the subtle palette.


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