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I have no sound on discord on ratpoison.
Sound is working on everything but discord flatpak.
On XFCE, no problem.
When I go to the sound & voice option in the app, I can't list my devices.
Does somebody can help me ? : )
Thanks : *
Devuan Daedalus 64bits - Ryzen 7 5700X - Radeon RX 7600 - 16Go RAM
A Flatpak problem?
If it's a Flatpak problem, why does it work on XFCE but not on Ratpoison ? Oo
Devuan Daedalus 64bits - Ryzen 7 5700X - Radeon RX 7600 - 16Go RAM
Are you using pipewire audio?
There are usually 3 programs to start with the X session (pipewire, pipewire-pulse, wireplumber. There is a forum thread).
Maybe, these are auto-started on XFCE, but not on Ratpoison?
I don't know what Devuan use by default. It's a fresh install.
I will check it out in few days, I can't for the moment. : )
Devuan Daedalus 64bits - Ryzen 7 5700X - Radeon RX 7600 - 16Go RAM
By default, with xfce, Devuan uses pulse audio.
I want to ask, how does the ratpoison window manager start? From display manager, or with startx?
By default, with xfce, Devuan uses pulse audio.
Huh? I have been using Devuan with xfce since 2015 and NEVER had to use pulse audio. apulse has always been there so alsa worked ootb.
You may post output of these commands:
cat /proc/asound/cards
aplay -l
arecord -l
lsmod | grep snd
find /dev/snd -type c
fuser -av $(find /dev/snd -type c 2>/dev/null)
You may also run alsamixer (on terminal) and unmute sound devices:
man alsamixer
You may try
see: … chitecture
How to Install Discord on Ubuntu or debian … ian-linux/
It works without pulseaudio:
Devuan Mate Desktop (pulseaudio was removed),
ALSA + ALSA fftrate plugin
$ arateconf | grep Plug-ins -A3
M - Plug-ins:
[X] Convert, [ ] Expand, [X] Asym
[ ] Play Vol, [X] Dmix
[ ] Rec. Vol, [X] Dsnoop
discord-0.0.54.deb from
apulse discord --no-sandbox
apulse discord
Sound test (mic and playback) – everything works.
Last edited by igorzwx (2024-05-25 16:12:22)
If you installed package
(Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment), it depends on xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin. xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin recommends
And in Devuan, by default, recommended packages are installed automatically.
Last edited by stopAI (2024-05-25 15:46:54)
I'm launching Ratpoison with SLim login manager. I wrote a .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions
I installed Discord from flatpak repo, I'm not going to add a ppa to my installation.
Discord works normally on XFCE, sound works on Firefox on Ratpoison but not with Discord.
Pavucontrol on Ratpoison works normally.
When I go in the sound configuration menu in Discord, there is nothing in the mic/output menus.
(Sorry, I don't know how to quote someone while answering ^^')
Devuan Daedalus 64bits - Ryzen 7 5700X - Radeon RX 7600 - 16Go RAM
I installed Discord from flatpak repo, I'm not going to add a ppa to my installation.
Which "ppa"? It is a proprietary spyware.
Try to run Discord through apulse
sudo apt install apulse
apulse discord --no-sandbox
apulse discord
Playback may work, but mic is not likely to work, if you do not have a special .asoundrc
I have already tested this on a sort of Fedora with Discord (flatpak) and pipewire installed.
To understand the problem with Ratpoison one may need output of those Linux command (see my previous post).
In a word, Ubuntu Universe Repository is a standard Ubuntu repository which is usually enabled by default (on Ubunty, of course).
All dependencies are available in Devuan repositories:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gcc git gconf2 libasound2 libnotify4 libnspr4
apt show gcc git gconf2 libasound2 libnotify4 libnspr4
They are in Daedalus main repository:
$ apt show gcc git gconf2 libasound2 libnotify4 libnspr4 | grep /main
APT-Sources: daedalus/main amd64 Packages
APT-Sources: daedalus/main amd64 Packages
APT-Sources: daedalus/main amd64 Packages
APT-Sources: daedalus/main amd64 Packages
APT-Sources: daedalus/main amd64 Packages
APT-Sources: daedalus/main amd64 Packages
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb daedalus main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb-src daedalus main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-security main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb-src daedalus-security main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-updates main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb-src daedalus-updates main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
discord-0.0.54.deb is available for download on Discord website
I don't know how to quote someone
[quote=jeudi]I don't know how to quote someone[/quote]
Last edited by igorzwx (2024-05-28 17:58:59)
(Sorry, I don't know how to quote someone while answering ^^')
Please use the options on the "Quick reply" line immediately above the input box.
sound works on Firefox on Ratpoison but not with Discord.
Firefox can play sound with ALSA without PulseAudio or apulse.
Discord needs PulseAudio or apulse to work with ALSA.
This may mean that ALSA works on your Ratpoison, but PulseAudio seems to fail.
A solution might be: "apulse discord" and .asoundrc (for mic to work with Discord and Firefox).
If you do not have "arateconf" to generate .asoundrc, you may try to create it manually, although, of course, it might be an exercise in masochism. One may presume that it might be much easier to compile arateconf and fftrate
In any case, you may try something like this:
pcm.snd_card { type hw card 0 device 0 } ctl.snd_card { type hw card 0 device 0 } # Das dmix-Plugin wird definiert. pcm.dmixer { type dmix # pcm.NAME: der Name jedes Gerätes kann angepasst werden ipc_key 1024 ipc_perm 0666 # Andere Benutzer können ebenfalls dmix gleichzeitig nutzen slave.pcm "snd_card" slave { channels 2 } } ctl.dmixer { type hw card 0 } # Das dsnoop-Plugin, welches es erlaubt, mehrere Programme gleichzeitig aufnehmen zu lassen. pcm.dsnooper { type dsnoop ipc_key 2048 ipc_perm 0666 slave.pcm "snd_card" slave { channels 2 } } # Dies definiert unser Fullduplex-Plugin als Standard für alle ALSA-Programme. pcm.duplex { type asym playback.pcm "dmixer" #natürlich muss dann auch das passende Gegenstück angepasst werden capture.pcm "dsnooper" } pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "duplex" }
arateconf was created in 2009
asoundconf was depricated in 2009 (or 2008)
But a fork of it is still available in Arch Linux AUR repository
Package Details: asoundconf 1:1.2-8
Package Base: asoundconf
Description: utility to read and change the user's ALSA library configuration
Upstream URL:
Licenses: GPL
First Submitted: 2022-04-01 16:35 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-02-27 15:52 (UTC)
This is asoundconf-gtk, the GTK+ applet to allow you to select your default sound card. It is licenced under the GPLv2, which you can find in COPYING, and is (C) 2006 Toby Smithe. The projects which code has been taken from are also subject to copyright, and this is further detailed in the source file. It is Python, so you can execute it from source, which is found in asoundconf-gtk/asoundconf-gtk, but you can install it as well, using This places the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications as well, which on a GNOME system should place an icon in System->Preferences.
One may wonder why it is not available in Devuan repositories.
Gnome2 was also depricated in 2009, but a fork of it is available in Devuan repositories (it is now Mate desktop).
Last edited by igorzwx (2024-05-28 23:48:40)
First, thank you for the help.
A solution might be: "apulse discord" and .asoundrc (for mic to work with Discord and Firefox).
If you do not have "arateconf" to generate .asoundrc, you may try to create it manually, although, of course, it might be an exercise in masochism. One may presume that it might be much easier to compile arateconf and fftrate
I don't know if I want to try some computing BSDM stuffs for the moment. x)
I need Discord to detect dynamically if I use my speakers or my headphones. Your solution
seems a bit complicated for my needs. Probably it worth to give it a try for the sport but
not at this time. For some personnal reason I don't want to try some handy stuffs now.
Probably later.
Thanks again, but for now, I give up (and as I know myself, in few days I will just come back on this problem).
P.S.: if I remember right, I had Discord working on sdorfehs, which is a fork of Ratpoison. But I
can't remember if it was on Debian or Arch Linux (Flatpak/Official package)
Devuan Daedalus 64bits - Ryzen 7 5700X - Radeon RX 7600 - 16Go RAM
I don't know if I want to try some computing BSDM stuffs for the moment
I do not know whether ALSA was created by sadomasochists or not, but PulseAudio, PipeWire, and systemd certainly were.
Fixed !
I had to add
wireplumber &
pipewire &
pipewire-pulse &
to my .xinitrc
(I did a minimal installation and installed dwm and ratpoison. So I launch my X session with startx now and I found this solution)
[edit] If we want to autostart Discord from .xinitrc, we need to launch this command :
flatpak run com.discorapp.Discord --socket=pulseaudio &
Also, Discord needs a DBus session instance to start.
Last edited by jeudi (2024-06-01 09:14:43)
Devuan Daedalus 64bits - Ryzen 7 5700X - Radeon RX 7600 - 16Go RAM