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I doubt you will get an argument from anyone in the Devuan camp . . .
... and NOT a Devuan invention ...
Last edited by rolfie (2024-04-25 18:46:48)
I wasn't going to input until tomorrow, but things change.
I didn't expect nothing.
So I am very pleasantly surprised indeed to see input from golinux and rolfie, I was sceptical of such bravery.
golinux and rolfie are, amongst others, two hardcore superlative benefits to this forum, big time.
Now, as rolfie stated on another post, I smart person will spin it from a netinstall iso and build it from there.
And now we have testing iso, thanks to 'ralph down under superior' (superior because he's island mentality,) and him and me making that iso good.
Some years back, I was rooting an Android telephone and the Chinese developer said it was no fugu.
Some I'm searching the web for the fugu program, no fugu is no fucking good shey shey thank you.
I used to work for Mitac Synnex.
Today on top of Excalibur I installed refracta and dummy-logind and Xwrapper.config and usrmerge see you later.
If I create a script program, say modprobe cdc-acm
I touch & chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/motorola
or I can dot forward slash from anywhere
golinux & rolfie, I am touched.
usrmerge is wrong
Last edited by bilhook (2024-04-25 19:22:42)
this post is going to rock, tip of the iceberg.
A clever person can ascertain, regardless of masquerade, priority, who is spinning the Devuan testing iso right now, and that's the MSS and come backwards. offline. no shit
funny the democracy, I'm an artist, between my ears is a chief salad.
what about yours golinux!
give me a word between twinkie and chief salad!!!
Last edited by bilhook (2024-04-25 19:50:00)
Does anybody need to usrmerge.
For you'se who's box is so complex and complicated, you know how to fix it.
Does anybody need to usrmerge.
is usrmerge innovation growth, or reduntant obsolete service economy earning money under false pretences parasite killing the host entrophy evil.
Go to Debian an bitch at them ...
if I had 5 lifetimes I might waste a lifetime giving Debian flak, maybe.
I only do one forum blogging, and this is it, and I know I can be hard to bear.
Devuan is vanguard.
I just see this jerking off about usrmerge and it is annoying.
and as you stated rolfie on another post, build from netinstall.
It's just more confusion,
starting off in Linux installing not knowing what a mount point is,
building modules to get your usb frog modem to work.
I don't know what newbies spin thesedays, mint, not knoppix.
what do newbies do in 2024 who are sceptical of identity theft.
Just to make you fully aware: Devuan is nothing but a Debian deriviate. It makes sure you have init freedom, i.e. you can simply use the same kind of routines that did exist before Jessie and systemd introduction, and that you are NOT forced to use systemd. Inits supported like sysvinit, openrc, runit, ... All the rest of the SW is Debian, like this usrmerge topic. Too much to convert back by the small Devuan team.
I am absolutely happy that I have found Devuan, and that I can use the same kind of procedures to encrypt and decrypt my installations as used back in Etch, Lenny, Squeeze, Wheezy.
Make sure you understand who is responsible for what ... you are wasting your and our time here.
Last edited by rolfie (2024-04-25 21:01:58)
Sincerely thank you for informing me that this usrmerge topic is a joke.
Now me and ralph down under got that first testing iso to work thankyou, I was the individual who worked with ralph and his third upload works, thanks to me.
So your first present Devuan testing iso that works, is thanks to me, wasting your time.
Last edited by bilhook (2024-04-25 21:13:25)
rolfie, you have no right to flame me,
you see my participation,
I would be interested to know your nationality,
your behaviour is something like a defective retiscent british quarter wit.
we don't actually say quarter wit in britain,
thats polish, poogoovek shey shey eifaristo muchas gracias falimindiri merci boucoup shukran danke i will not write 80 because i have better things to do
this post is solved, albeit it took a fuckwit as reticent as a british savage to determine that.
/me wonders if the ghost of andyp67 has returned . . .