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#1 2017-05-04 23:53:27

Registered: 2017-05-04
Posts: 232  

Slim - no user, password field titles

The slim purpy theme does not show any titles for the user and password entry fields.  This can be confusing if you enter the wrong user or password; you then do not know what field you are currently entering.  I tested with the other slim theme under the default directory and and it shows titles, so its something about the purpy theme.  Could this theme be changed to show field titles? 

I may add that the entire purpy theme set is attractive, very nice.


#2 2017-05-05 01:58:38

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: Slim - no user, password field titles

Welcome to the forum!  Happy to hear you like the purpy theme. I just had a look at the slim.theme.  The problem was that the username_color was identical to the curve background color so the text was there but 'invisible'. Can't remember why we did it that way . . . maybe for a less cluttered look.  Anyway, the revised slim devuan-curve-purpy theme with a visible username and password prompt should be in the repos shortly.


#3 2017-05-05 17:46:05

Registered: 2017-05-04
Posts: 232  

Re: Slim - no user, password field titles

Thanks very much.  I am using Devuan as the sole OS on 2 machines, very happy with it.  Have had no major problems, working solid here.

Yes, I changed the various colors in the theme and the titles as well as the session now show up.  Much better and not too cluttered.


#4 2017-05-05 19:16:41

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: Slim - no user, password field titles

FTR, the 'official' color that will be used for the username/password text in the revised devuan-curve-purpy theme is #DAD9DC.  The file is here /usr/share/slim/themes/devuan-curve-purpy/slim.theme.  Change username_color to #DAD9DC


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