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normal shutdown through GUI doesn't work.
i have to manually force shutdown. i have lost some data doing this, and it's been super annoying.
i go to logout menu and hit shutdown, then screen goes black then it shows a bunch of text data, like unmounting, some errors, and various processes then the text says the name of "[computer name] login:" and then a blinking cursor. That's it. Nothing I type in has any effect whatsoever, and it doesn't finish shutting down even after like 1 hour.
i have latest Devuan installed, running an X1 Carbon Gen1.
i can post a link to a photo of the screen, because obviously can't do a screenshot
Last edited by malvoisin (2023-06-25 07:13:47)
I would fix /etc/fstab first:
a) the error in line 1
b) temporary comment-out all non-linux filesystems
And try a live system (knoppix, or whatever you prefer) to confirm the hardware is ok.
Are there other OS'es, and if so do they show errors too?
Is it a new or an old installation?
If it is new one, I probably would just re-install. Or maybe trying to update to daedalus.
i fixed the fstab error but that didn't help.
at some point i shut down through terminal with 'sudo shutdown now' and it went back to the recovery screen and asked me to enter root password (or control+D) and then it just shows a blinking cursor. i typed in 'poweroff' and that did the trick. once
now the above work around stopped working and it just tells me it can't quit the slim manager, whatever the hell that is.
this installation is only a couple months old and this problem might be about two weeks old.
thinking of just wiping everything and going with another distro entirely
The messages shown indicate that the laptop is rebooting instead of shutting down.
ACPI problem? Is the latest Bios installed? Which desktop are you using? Slim is the display manager that generates the graphical login screen. Maybe replacing Slim (deprecated) by LightDM helps?
Are there any bootup messages talking about missing firmware?
Have you changed anything in the bios settings recently?
BTW: I don't think this is a distribution specific issue.
Last edited by rolfie (2023-06-27 08:37:46)
Maybe replacing Slim (deprecated) by LightDM helps?
AFAIK Slim is still alive and well and installed with the default Xfce desktop but it does lack some features that are provided LightDM.
Hi, my system is no longer using the login/out screens as well.
I find shutdown by staying logged-in, and away from those screens...
open a terminal/console and type with sudo or as root...
shutdown -h now # -h=halt (-r = reboot)
If I do it this way I only have to do it once. (I don't have sudo)
pic from 1993, new guitar day.