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#1 2023-05-15 13:57:22

From: Fragle Rock
Registered: 2023-04-19
Posts: 3  

Interest probing: Devuan Conference

Greetings Dev1 Galaxy!

This is my first post here, so to contextualize my lil' self; i come in peace from and am also known as Setto. While i don't have a lot to bring to the table in terms of development, I'm looking in to ways to increase interest for Devuan and amplify the awareness of the project with the ambition to help bring more contributors.

Plentyn reached out to golinux, jaromil and myself recently, with the great idea to organize a Devuan conference that would take place in central Europe. This would be a great opportunity to get together, hack, but also to create awareness for the project and potentially attract more contributors.

However, before we go ahead and take the steps necessary to make that happen, it would be interesting to probe the interest for such an event among the regulars of the project.

Which leads me to the purpose of this post, more specifically this question:
Would you be interested in attending a Devuan Conference?

Looking forward to read you, with warm regards from blossoming Stockholm!


#2 2023-05-15 20:16:34

Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 1,655  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference



sakrecoer wrote:

... come in peace from ...

As expected.  8^D

sakrecoer wrote:

... before we go ahead ...

Indeed ...

I'd say that the organisers would have to first have a go at defining conference in terms of how many atendees/speakers actually configure one and would be feasible to get running as such, given the number obtained.

It could well be that you get 200/300 Dev1-ers able | willing | in-condition to attend, mingle and listen/exchange views with two to five speakers.

That is a level of activity that can probably be covered in a morning and an afternoon with maybe another morning for extras.

Just an idea.



* BTW: I'd love to attend but for me, Stockholm is ~12.537 km away, can't possibly afford it.

Last edited by Altoid (2023-05-15 20:21:24)


#3 2023-05-15 20:41:12

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,403  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference

I wonder how many attendees would incur travel/accommodation costs for a  one day event . . .

So the first questions might be  "Who is our target audience?" and "What do we want to accomplish?" besides kumbaya. Would it be a "speaker/audience" or "hands on to learn how to do this for Devuan" focus or a bit of both.

There are many ways it could be structured depending on what users prefer so please let us know what would entice YOU to come to a Devuan Conference.


#4 2023-05-15 22:30:37

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2019-07-18
Posts: 667  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference

... I wish.
dito Altoid, 15,096.92 km from here. I'd love to have a reason to go overseas. :-)

pic from 1993, new guitar day.


#5 2023-05-16 07:30:28

Registered: 2019-11-19
Posts: 454  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference

Probably better to have an online get together, more people could afford to attend such a meeting - Zoom is a popular program for doing that.


#6 2023-05-16 08:37:03

Registered: 2017-11-15
Posts: 179  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference

Could be nice, a good idea. Certainly if it's somewhere in Central Europe I'd be interested. Depending on the type of conference as well (speeches, workshops, exchange of experiences, future developments and directions where Devuan goes...). Lovely.
I'm committed to Devuan.


#7 2023-05-16 16:30:36

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,403  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference

Camtaf wrote:

Probably better to have an online get together, more people could afford to attend such a meeting - Zoom is a popular program for doing that.

The last conference was live streamed and there was a chat associated with it . . . but those folks missed the human experience of camaraderie which is what made the experience so special.  wink

That being said . . . you can't step into the same stream twice . . .


#8 2023-05-16 20:14:05

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference

If this proposal is pushed through, I'll be in Stockholm.

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#9 2023-05-17 06:39:55

From: Fragle Rock
Registered: 2023-04-19
Posts: 3  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference

Thanks for your input everyone! smile

To clarify, while i am saluting you from Stockholm, the event will most likely not take place in Stockholm.

The question of attendance vs line-up is a bit of a chicken and egg one; no-one wants to attend an event without a program, and no one wants to make a program for 0 attendance big_smile Since it is likely most of the speakers and activities would come from the community, i chose to probe for attendance first.

It could well be that you get 200/300 Dev1-ers able | willing | in-condition to attend, mingle and listen/exchange views with two to five speakers.

That is a level of activity that can probably be covered in a morning and an afternoon with maybe another morning for extras.

From my personal experience in event creation i have derived that is generally easier to come up with interesting activities than it is to gather interest for said activities. It would be nice to have interesting talks, round-tables, brainstorms and workshops. We don't need to aim for a marathon event anyways. 2 to 3 days would be magnificent.

I'll give a little more time for everyone who wishes to come forward about their position in the initial question to do so, meanwhile i thank everyone who already did. <3

Last edited by sakrecoer (2023-05-17 06:41:40)


#10 2023-05-17 11:13:26

Registered: 2023-04-30
Posts: 142  

Re: Interest probing: Devuan Conference

I would love to attend a Devuan conference but live in a country far away from central Europe. It would be cool if there was an online presence to participate as well via something like zoom or a live feed where people all over the world could comment and contribute somehow.


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