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discovered this while browsing the sourceforge site today
Good Life Linux was made so that users with older hardware could install a minimal and base system in order to make their system into what they need without any additional bloat to remove. Featuring the artwork of Ghost Sixtyseven, you get an attractive, stable, and base system (that's low on resources) which allows you to add only what you want or need. What goes on your system is up to you.
There are no major applications preinstalled; such as, Firefox, Chromium, LibreOffice, Abiword, VLC, etc. No major applications are forced on you. They can easily be installed with the Synaptic Package Manager or the terminal. Aside from including some preinstalled wireless firmware, all that you get are a few essential tools and a couple of applications that are required by LXDE. Other than that, you're free to install what you want on your system.
* Low resource usage
* Based on Devuan
* 32bit and 64bit versions
* LXDE Desktop Environmentgoodlife-32bit-20170324.iso
421.5 MBgoodlife-64bit-20170324.iso
413.1 MB
Downloading, will give it a test drive. It being Devuan and a minimalistic distro has my attention!
easier to light a candle, yet curse the dark instead / experience life, or simply ...merely exist / ride the serpent / molon labe / III%ers / oath keepers
This kind of distro is what a lot of experienced users require, enough to get up & running with internet, especially wifi, which some leave out.
The Good-Life-Linux SourceForge project was the first Devuan derivative distro that could successfully reload from repository for me.
[added 2017APR06] Could be a temporary outage issue; other ISOs are starting to work too.
[added 2014JUN13] Have all the spins updated their sources?
[added 2017APR07] First ISOs used XFCE - perhaps topic title needs update?
Last edited by Somewhat Reticent (2017-06-13 07:14:57)
Refracta is worth trying. Devuan based and has useful tools also. You may be running into the expired certs problem as far as devuan downloads. A temporary condition I'm certain.
Last edited by catprints (2017-04-06 13:47:24)
"The obstacle is the path."
Good Life has refractainstaller and refractasnapshot. The video on the sf site is too small to read anything. Here it is on youtube, showing the install process (with refractainstaller). My thanks to whoever is repsonsible for that video. People have been asking me to make one, and I never did. Is the text guide available anywhere?
This kind of distro is what a lot of experienced users require, enough to get up & running
So true, more and more I see folks like me who don't want a full iso with a lot of pre-selected programs. I'm really liking seeing all the mini's popping up using a Devuan base. The live-SDK is really gonna kick this trend into high gear I think.
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!
Running this on my Asus F5R. Runs better than puppy. In Short very nice so far.
Last edited by darry1966 (2017-06-16 07:58:52)