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#51 2020-09-21 18:57:09

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

this is the kind of response when users said the true

larsH wrote:

Hi again

With the above reasons Devuan is not meant for you. So go and look somewhere else. Stop trolling, please.

Have a nice day
Lars H


#52 2020-09-21 19:25:26

Registered: 2020-09-21
Posts: 3  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

Sad to read responses like that one. I hope common sense is not dead yet, and when @larsH gets home and drinks a beer[or a tea it doesn't matter], think about his way to write others.

We are not trolling, we just want to try to understand, and need a little help from de admins. Not trolling, we are not kids, come on...

Having a forum on the internet and doing support from a linux distro, comes with certain responsability and attachment to users, never forget that. Kind regards to all.


#53 2020-09-21 19:28:53

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

the problem is that DVA (devuan veterant administrators bla bla bla ) are like "PICCORO mckaygerhard".. so experts.. so improvement.. so great..

but a little difference: PICCORO does not need help and are not mantaining a distro.. those DVA need help, manpowers and support for Devuan users..

so .. i guess devuan administrators.. need changes.. so Devuan need hard changes..

Last edited by mckaygerhard (2020-09-21 19:31:04)


#54 2020-09-21 20:29:58

From: basque country
Registered: 2016-12-03
Posts: 244  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

mckaygerhard wrote:

the problem is that DVA (devuan veterant administrators bla bla bla ) are so experts.. so improvement.. so great..

This is not the first time you use this tone referring to the administrators.

If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)


#55 2020-09-25 18:09:39

Registered: 2019-01-02
Posts: 365  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

why has debian fallen? what is the problem with debian?


#56 2020-09-25 18:26:36

Registered: 2020-06-29
Posts: 127  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

I think Debian's problems are more than just "embracing" Systemd. The current operations aren't as "traditional-minded" as once in the past. Speaking highly of things such as Wayland, GNOME, and other modern atrocities to GNU/Linux would entail that what passes off for "Debian" is primarily by influence of Red Hat and Canonical.


#57 2020-09-26 07:46:20

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 993  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

mckaygerhard wrote:

the problem is that DVA (devuan veterant administrators bla bla bla ) are like "PICCORO mckaygerhard".. so experts.. so improvement.. so great..

but a little difference: PICCORO does not need help and are not mantaining a distro.. those DVA need help, manpowers and support for Devuan users..

so .. i guess devuan administrators.. need changes.. so Devuan need hard changes..

Judging by this thread alone, you really seem angry, try to calm down. If you don't like devuan, why not use debian?

Trolling doesn't really benefit anyone. I have done my share of trolling, but these people have done nothing to deserve it, so please don't...

Reserve trolling against other trolls if you have to,

Just my two cents...

Try not to take this personally, but this is going nowhere.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#58 2020-11-23 22:48:29

Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 533  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

Came across this via Distrowatch. I think this proves that Debian's vote about init systems was a complete farce. … 03782.html


#59 2021-01-28 01:37:52

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

Ron wrote:

Came across this via Distrowatch. I think this proves that Debian's vote about init systems was a complete farce. … 03782.html

this is incredible! still wants to block init diversity

zapper wrote:

Trolling doesn't really benefit anyone. I have done my share of trolling, but these people have done nothing to deserve it, so please don't...

you only understand "trolling" but is a sad true.. i currently cooperate with two packagin issues in debian that in debian DEVUAN was just marked as "works for me" but well..

as always users are the only afected.. linux dont need more and more distros need more a better packagin and cooperation that seems here are not managed.. by example tdenetwork provided good php packages that are not merged into main devuan repositories.. that will help most deployers

Last edited by mckaygerhard (2021-01-30 04:39:33)


#60 2021-01-28 02:58:17

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

Ron wrote:

Came across this via Distrowatch. I think this proves that Debian's vote about init systems was a complete farce. … 03782.html

We've been headed there for a very long time.  It started in 2014 with the GR vote on init diversity that inspired the creation of Devuan.  This excellent post-mortem by dasein analyzes all the gory details.  A must read if you want to understand how we have gotten to where we are:

Combatting revisionist history


#61 2021-01-29 10:01:36

Registered: 2016-11-28
Posts: 33  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

Amazing historical trace, thanks for keeping that around. Problems in Debian's governance and its lack of integrity are well known and have motivated us to fork a project that seems too big to fail, dasein's posts are the resource number one to explain why.

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#62 2021-01-29 21:53:17

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 993  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

mckaygerhard wrote:
Ron wrote:

Came across this via Distrowatch. I think this proves that Debian's vote about init systems was a complete farce. … 03782.html

this is incredible! still wants to block init diversity

zapper wrote:

Trolling doesn't really benefit anyone. I have done my share of trolling, but these people have done nothing to deserve it, so please don't...

you only understand "trolling" but is a sad true.. i currently cooperate with two packagin issues in debian that in debian was just marked as "works for me" but well..

as always users are the only afected.. linux dont need more and more distros need more a better packagin and cooperation that seems here are not managed.. by example tdenetwork provided good php packages that are not merged into main devuan repositories.. that will help most deployers

Trinity Desktop is okay in my opinion, (Gnome/KDE go away tongue)

That being said,  I have seen my share of crazy stuff on the internet, and your comments remind me of stuff that is a bit trollish.

That aside though, if more distros cooperate, its possible they might become redhatted to death with systemd and other crap.

The opposite of course could also be true.  But I don't want to hold my breath.  The future is very cloudy at the moment as to what would actually happen.  Although the clouds are probably more dark then light.

PS, I don't troll 100% of the time, but when I do, I try to keep it mostly harmless.  This is an example of it.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#63 2021-01-29 21:55:40

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 993  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

golinux wrote:
Ron wrote:

Came across this via Distrowatch. I think this proves that Debian's vote about init systems was a complete farce. … 03782.html

We've been headed there for a very long time.  It started in 2014 with the GR vote on init diversity that inspired the creation of Devuan.  This excellent post-mortem by dasein analyzes all the gory details.  A must read if you want to understand how we have gotten to where we are:

Combatting revisionist history

I hope you guys can overcome the crap debian keeps doing, I think they trying to redhat their distro...

That would make a good word to describe them trying to integrate systemd to death into their stuff.

Among other stuff...

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#64 2021-01-30 05:06:16

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

zapper wrote:


Trinity Desktop is okay in my opinion, (Gnome/KDE go away tongue)

That being said,  I have seen my share of crazy stuff on the internet, and your comments remind me of stuff that is a bit trollish.

That aside though, if more distros cooperate, its possible they might become redhatted to death with systemd and other crap.

The opposite of course could also be true.  But I don't want to hold my breath.  The future is very cloudy at the moment as to what would actually happen.  Although the clouds are probably more dark then light.

PS, I don't troll 100% of the time, but when I do, I try to keep it mostly harmless.  This is an example of it.

i dont know what is "troll" but taking in consideration that sentence around trinity desktop.. was double ironic.. cos is also kde so trinity will go away also..

but  @zapper maybe we take in consideration your words.. carefully, centos disapears and redhat is paid.. so debian could be converted in a kind of shitntos.. i mean centos.. take note:

1. added suppoort and the keyword of LTS liek winbuntu looks like centos right?
2. have expernal extra repositories like deb-multimedia and now that crap of sury? like centos right?
3. now increase development and releases and have support for oldstable adn ALSO OLD OLD OLSTABLE !!! (in old days just archived and only one are used) like centos right?

puff debian the new centos.. we must take this seriusly


#65 2021-01-30 10:10:13

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 993  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

KDE is based on qt5 and past,

Trinity is based on an old version of qt3.

So...  yeah,

Trinity can easily survive without KDE.

Unless I am missing something.

PS, qt3 is being maintained by the trinity devs also.

Last edited by zapper (2021-01-30 10:10:43)

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#66 2021-01-30 21:39:08

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

zapper wrote:

KDE is based on qt5 and past,

Trinity is based on an old version of qt3.

So...  yeah,

Trinity can easily survive without KDE.

trinity are away of KDE now.. a lot.. inclusivelly begins a muslc integration (very poor but there is).. in fact there's some plans to tqt3 (that you named qt3) integrates to qt4 and qt5 (partially right now with qt4)

Unless I am missing something.
PS, qt3 is being maintained by the trinity devs also.

yeah you missing a lot.. now is named tqt3 .. they changed a lot and still use /opt path to install until the naming space are complete (from kde to tde)

another of my proposal was make the trinity desktop the default in devuan but as aways rejected and without interes


#67 2021-02-04 12:18:23

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 993  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

mckaygerhard wrote:
zapper wrote:

KDE is based on qt5 and past,

Trinity is based on an old version of qt3.

So...  yeah,

Trinity can easily survive without KDE.

trinity are away of KDE now.. a lot.. inclusivelly begins a muslc integration (very poor but there is).. in fact there's some plans to tqt3 (that you named qt3) integrates to qt4 and qt5 (partially right now with qt4)

Unless I am missing something.
PS, qt3 is being maintained by the trinity devs also.

yeah you missing a lot.. now is named tqt3 .. they changed a lot and still use /opt path to install until the naming space are complete (from kde to tde)

another of my proposal was make the trinity desktop the default in devuan but as aways rejected and without interes

That is a shame,  trinity desktop looks better visually then kde or gnome in my opinion...

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#68 2021-02-05 10:25:08

From: Madrid, Spain
Registered: 2019-01-13
Posts: 276  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

zapper wrote:

trinity desktop looks better visually then kde or gnome in my opinion...

I don't argue about personal tastes, but I think that we have to take into account that any of them are highly themable.


#69 2021-02-05 11:11:01

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 993  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

PedroReina wrote:
zapper wrote:

trinity desktop looks better visually then kde or gnome in my opinion...

I don't argue about personal tastes, buy I think that we have to take into account that any of them are highly themable.

Well to be honest, my favorite DE is Lumina Desktop.

And my favorite overall desktop whether it be window manager or desktop environment...

i3-wm tongue

I like the fact its lightweight, easy to modify keybindings, etc...

And it has a status bar and it focuses on minimalism in general. But not too minimalistic... like dwm.


Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#70 2021-02-05 12:32:35

Registered: 2017-04-21
Posts: 283  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

take into account that all the post that said somethig hard but true.. is banned as "are you tyrolling" .. interesting from Devuan forum administrations..

the problem is not Debian .. the problem is the position of the Devuan conclave.. it must work aside with Debian cos it depends of debian ..

antix team is a good aproach.. +1 for.. but i guess is more an idea of anitx/mxlinux team rather an idea of devuan teams.. that's the point

CAN YOU GUYS CHANGE THEIR MIND, well i back to work.. i must talk with tdenetwork packagers.. i found some details in the php packages.. and i remade many of them fixed for Devuan


#71 2021-07-28 13:32:01

Registered: 2017-04-03
Posts: 67  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

another of my proposal was make the trinity desktop the default in devuan but as aways rejected and without interes

The reson given was that the TDE build sould run iside the devuan buildbot environment. As there is not enough manpower to do this (and from the TDE side there's no need to do this) it will not happen in the "near" future.

That is a shame,  trinity desktop looks better visually then kde or gnome in my opinion...

Definitly. But it's just 5 lines to install TDE on devuan smile


#72 2021-08-07 18:41:38

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 993  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

mckaygerhard wrote:

take into account that all the post that said somethig hard but true.. is banned as "are you tyrolling" .. interesting from Devuan forum administrations..

the problem is not Debian .. the problem is the position of the Devuan conclave.. it must work aside with Debian cos it depends of debian ..

antix team is a good aproach.. +1 for.. but i guess is more an idea of anitx/mxlinux team rather an idea of devuan teams.. that's the point

CAN YOU GUYS CHANGE THEIR MIND, well i back to work.. i must talk with tdenetwork packagers.. i found some details in the php packages.. and i remade many of them fixed for Devuan


I must have missed something...

Although it would be awesome if devuan had enough devs to maintain devuan without needing to fork debian.

Not the reality yet though, but someday maybe!

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#73 2021-09-07 16:13:52

Registered: 2020-12-01
Posts: 10  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

I don't know if I should be speaking up here as I have only been using Devuan for about 2 years, but I'm loving it and feel guilty that I'm not doing anything to help. I only came because I ran foul of systemd with some networking which they were taking over and limiting. So yes I'm putting my hand up if something needs doing, and I kind of figure there's a few more of us around too. So cheers to something really good.


#74 2021-09-07 17:48:53

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,382  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

cafinux wrote:

So yes I'm putting my hand up if something needs doing . . .

Good intentions without action bears no fruit.  He who seeks, finds.  You are most welcome to offer solutions to posts on this forum or perhaps fix a bug.  Only you know your skillset and abilities and can choose to offer them to the community.  smile


#75 2021-09-08 08:56:48

Registered: 2019-11-19
Posts: 448  

Re: Debian has fallen. What now?

All help will be gratefully received, I have no doubt, if I could be more useful, I would, but I'm just an end user, so I promote Devuan where I can, without making myself into a zealot. wink


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