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#1 2017-07-16 01:10:19

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,354  

Devuan is a purpy beast

miroR wrote:

Purple/violet is fine. Devuan is a purple beast... Well, to me. Or it's more like purpy, but one would have to ask the chief Devuan web/logo/other-stuff designer, one golinux for details smile.

@miroR . . . You make me blush.  But please remember that our dear friend hellekin was also involved.  He and I spent hours upon hours creating the look and feel of Devuan.  We were a formidable team!


#2 2017-07-16 06:03:29

From: Zagreb, Croatia
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 217  

Re: Devuan is a purpy beast

golinux wrote:

@miroR . . . You make me blush.  But please remember that our dear friend hellekin was also involved.  He and I spent hours upon hours creating the look and feel of Devuan.  We were a formidable team!

Yes, I recall the name hellekin was also much heard in the DNG ML and other of our places at the time of logo creation and Devuan look and feel creation, which I followed only by skim-reading about the events. smile But the result is, yes, the fruit of that discussion, and it is pleasing to the eye and makes members proud. Keep up the good work.

And always open and transparent, like Rick Moen and me suggested these days on the Devuan DNG ML: … 14.en.html

Rick Moen wrote:

So, I offer that as a creative solution to the problem of being
effective as a listadmin, getting the administrative noise away from the
affected main discussion forums, and at the same time achieving extreme
transparency and accountability to the subscribers. And I can also say
that restraint on my part, carefully doing absolutely minimal responses
to problems, has been good policy. … ed.en.html

I myself wrote:

...And (unless there are, but those are exceptions and vanity hurt is not such,
reasons to the contrary), that's not openness that is promised in the Devuan
constitution-in-the-making: … nstitution … 7c.en.html

I myself wrote:

I even like the fonts too, but, golinux, do you know that they're allegedly (by
Google, that's why I said "even"; if they were true FOSS opensource, which
Google never has been nor is expected to be, I would just love them) gzip'd,

[Do you know] the Google fonts used on Dev1Galaxy are [allegedly gzip'd], but
can not be really extracted with gunzip. From traffic dump, I'm saying... What
Google puts in there can be anything, even some aid in there witchcraft-like
methods and tools to intrude into people's machine sad .

Long term, this needs to be solved... I could try and find time to demonstrate that is was the case when I analyzed the traces
( I always dump network from the moment I go online to the moment I disconnect, with my (primitive) program. )...
[I could try and find time to demonstrate that is was the case], which is not a little time, but a major effort for a non-expert... and I'm not sure how soon, but if it's needed...
Openness and transparency will be very truthful then, in this case, in Devuan.
Longer term this needs to be solved... No one says right away, but it has, kind of, a medium urgency at least, well, in my eyes...

If we should discuss this, maybe you should split this part away, because it is not related to the topic anymore... neutral
( I am a little tired from successful day of tweaking Devuan yesterday; God I got total encryption working on a 15 yrs old system, and other things... I'm running a perfectly, well few glitches, but few left, fine working Devuan booting in OpenRC, and I'm installing in Air-Gapped since some 20 days age, and using cloned, dispensable system for online, all of this stuff is what I long had dreamed of... And it came true!. But, pls allow for a little slowliness, if I would need... )

Devs/testers/users of FOSS, what might be ahead for GNU/Linux after we lost PaX Team and spender? spender wrote: … 699#p17127
Google made the choice to engage in underhanded competition against us with our own code...
grsecurity ripoff by Google, w/ Linus approval … 4b.en.html


#3 2017-07-16 07:20:31

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,354  

Re: Devuan is a purpy beast

@miroR . . . just a quick note as it is very late.

The FiraSans font was dropped last year.  I never liked it because it was 'unreliable' and the spacing was strange.  But I do believe that the logo was created by reorienting FiraSans characters.  The fonts currently used on the site are OpenSans and SourceCodePro. You can see the source here. … /css/fonts

*edit* As to fonts on this forum . . . they could probably use some revision.


#4 2017-07-18 21:48:35

From: Zagreb, Croatia
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 217  

Re: Devuan is a purpy beast

golinux wrote:

@miroR . . .
The FiraSans font was dropped last year.  I never liked it because it was 'unreliable' and the spacing was strange.

I looked at it, and reported it (whichever fonts that those were --days now since--) as undecryptable (I would --if I had time any time soon-- be willing to place it openly for analysis in public; remembering back: those fonts were nominally gzip, but weren't gunzip'able... )

"I would --if I had time..." I wrote, because I'm a little downcast from the recent thread on The Devuan DNG Mailing List, were I may have  digressed on two pages too many, but there are points, related to Devuan that remain to be asked/said, related, related. Yes, related to Devuan, and do have some points in there...

A little downcast, and worked less, and am late with things. So... I don't have time soon for that...

But I do believe that the logo was created by reorienting FiraSans characters.  The fonts currently used on the site are OpenSans and SourceCodePro. You can see the source here. … /css/fonts

*edit* As to fonts on this forum . . . they could probably use some revision.

I did look up the sources... But I was talking about fonts, from Google (apparently FiraSans was from Google, and isn't linked anymore from Dev1Galaxy, IIU you C), nominally gzip'ed but which can not be gunzip'ed from the network trace, or dump whichever word you like better.

The fact is that browsing Dev1Galaxy my Palemoon linked to Google, and downloaded fonts these few days ago... Not last year.

While I surely don't like anything Google, I don't impose my dislike to anybody. But it must be decryptable, anything that I get from Google, because Google is a known intruder into people's machine. It's proven to be such. (If citation is missing, allow time.)

There is the caveat to the above report of mine, that I'm not an expert, and lots of things are missing in my understanding.

The dump could have errors itself (but not in three-four or more places, where I found gzip'd but not gunzip'able fonts... )...

It could be some finesse in the way those are gzip'ed... And I would need to ask, say people on Wireshark, about it...

But for now, due to lack of time, I suggest to leave this matter for now.

If, the next time I analyze traffic from Dev1Galaxy, I find things undecryptable that should be decryptable, I'll upload them, likely to:
under a new dir with the timestamp of the day, and link to it from here.

In this topic. That may happen weeks, or months from now!

What I like is the openness when we face potential problems, and I congratulate you for that!

True openness in the face of problems means that  Devuan is living up to the declared standards.

Devs/testers/users of FOSS, what might be ahead for GNU/Linux after we lost PaX Team and spender? spender wrote: … 699#p17127
Google made the choice to engage in underhanded competition against us with our own code...
grsecurity ripoff by Google, w/ Linus approval … 4b.en.html


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