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#3 Re: Devuan Derivatives » New Vendefoul Wolf Re-spin | Devuan 5 » 2023-10-23 12:16:26

Gracias, tengo una instalación de devuan con runit que hice desde el net-install, me refería que estaba intentando hacer un respin de antiX, este con sysVinit, pero me queda por aprender tongue
Gracias tb por los enlaces

#4 Re: Devuan Derivatives » New Vendefoul Wolf Re-spin | Devuan 5 » 2023-10-22 17:22:20

Genial tongue Estoy en lo mismo con antiX , tendré que probar con Devuan

#5 Re: Other Issues » video not waking up after suspend » 2023-10-21 14:54:22

Hi, si guardas tu sessión de xfce, puedes apagar y cuando vuelvas a a arrancar, te abrirá las apps que tenías funcionando
Un saludo

#6 Re: Installation » Nvidia Problem (again) » 2023-09-25 11:50:40

Personal opinion: with the nvidia drivers, few jokes...
Installing and uninstalling with .run is easy and usually safe, at least for me, it is what has worked best for me.
Sometimes, I don't know why, there is no way and it is better to stay with Nouveau
Good luck.

#7 Re: Off-topic » Ads on YouTube » 2023-09-25 11:07:04

I don't use Firefox, I use Chromium and Vivaldi, Chromium stops everything with almost any blocker that you put as an extension and Vivaldi brings one that works perfectly and stops everything too.
All the best

#8 Re: Off-topic » Show your desktop (rebooted) » 2023-09-24 19:37:16

Devuan Daedalus with Xfce4+Compiz

#9 Re: Devuan » A report about systemd on » 2023-09-24 17:24:31

"systemd löst Probleme, die wir ohne systemd nicht hätten. " XDXDXDXDXD
Marvelous tongue

#10 Re: Installation » apt install kde-plasma-desktop recommends systemd » 2023-09-24 17:17:52

An recommended package is not a mandatory package

#11 Re: Devuan » Thank you for doing an awesome distro » 2023-09-24 17:04:56

Devuan Daedalus is really accomplished, I share my time on the PC between her and Void, which is also really good.
The rest that I have tried (and I have tried many) is as you say, so many silly mistakes become annoying.
I read you here, greetings cool

#12 Hardware & System Configuration » Benchmark » 2023-09-15 23:16:52

Replies: 0

Benchmark  homemade ~~> Devuan // Debian // Lubuntu // Endeavours // Slackware … asdeDaniel...

#13 Re: Other Issues » no update » 2023-09-14 17:45:16

ralph.ronnquist wrote:

@yemuyin presumably the computer clock is off by 51.5 hours. You'll need to correct that.

Muchas gracias, ya se solucionó smile

#14 Re: Other Issues » no update » 2023-09-14 17:44:29

rolfie wrote:

Try again, just did an apt update that worked fine.

Gracias smile

#15 Other Issues » no update » 2023-09-14 09:53:55

Replies: 5

Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 1d 17h 35min 49s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
Este mensaje me devuelve Synaptic, supongo que tiene una solución no muy complicada, he buscado por el foro pero no encuentro nada (es mi primer día e igual no lo hice bien tongue )
Antes de ponerme a trastear, prefiero preguntar aquí, a ver si podéis ayudarme smile
Gracias de antemano
Un saludo a tod@s

#16 Devuan » Hi » 2023-09-14 09:43:28

Replies: 4

Hola a tod@s
Es mi primer post para saludar a la comunidad, espero aprender y colaborar juntos con este estupendo SO Devuan Daedalus
Un saludo cordial

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