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#1 Hardware & System Configuration » How to restrict WLAN access? » 2024-06-24 19:39:50

Replies: 1

Hi there!

How can I restrict WLAN access to a defined list of SSIDs?



#2 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » How to set default desktop? » 2023-11-02 16:55:59

vanbinsbergen wrote:

How is setting a default desktop done in devuan?

I think you should be able to do this by installing a login manager that lets you choose which desktop environment to use. I think gdm may be a good choice.



#3 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [done][S] Keyboard-/trackpad-lock » 2023-10-06 12:59:26

Thanks for your replies!
For now I have enough to read and to try out. If I need further assistance, I'll start another Thread.


#4 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [done][S] Keyboard-/trackpad-lock » 2023-10-05 20:25:04

Thanks so far. I already have the synaptics(4) manpage printed out. I'll read this very soon.

#5 Hardware & System Configuration » [done][S] Keyboard-/trackpad-lock » 2023-10-05 18:50:55

Replies: 7

Hi there!

I'm looking for a piece of software to turn the keyboard and/or trackpad off.

Since my laptop often runs unattended while it is open, a cat could accidentially* enter 'rm -rf /' by walking over it. And while I'm typing my thumbs often hit the trackpad (very annoying).

Does anyone here know a piece of software that can help?



*well, maybe not-that-accidentially - it's a cat ...

PS: I made a similar posting on As soon I have a solution I will "close" this topic.

#6 Re: Installation » Archiving it -all- » 2023-09-22 21:28:15

To me this sounds like you want to build something like a single-purpose-distro. I'd dive into the docs on distribution-building.

#7 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Browsers won't launch » 2023-09-14 20:42:41

What does

which firefox

On my computer it tells me ...



#8 Re: Installation » Trying to install wine32 results in deleting all gnome and xfce » 2023-08-29 21:00:03

recklessswing wrote:

... now login loop. ...

I only got login loops when the hard disk was full. I'd suggest

df -h


#9 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [Solved] Howto hibernate » 2023-08-28 20:21:55

rolfie wrote:

When I wait long enough, the computer goes down, the power LED of the case is blinking, and I can wake up again with a keystroke. More or less what I wanted to see.

I'm no specialist in power saving things, but AFAIK your computer doesn't hibernate (AKA 'suspend to disk') but suspend (AKA 'suspend to RAM'). 'Hibernate' means that you can disconnect the machine from main power completely.

#10 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Devuan 5.0 VLC cannot play some mp4 files well, many mosaics. » 2023-08-25 09:09:28

HelenSmith wrote:

...  used ffmpeg to cut the mp4 file to the first 30 seconds. ...

Playing the file with ffplay gives me a clear picture. See
Same picture with vlc here.

#12 Re: Forum Feedback » Let's make this forum multilingual! (Calling for language authors) » 2023-08-25 04:15:30

ralph.ronnquist wrote:

That should be possible...

Well, just let me know...


#13 Re: Forum Feedback » Let's make this forum multilingual! (Calling for language authors) » 2023-08-24 22:34:35

Is this thread still alive?

I would like to 'polish' the German translation.


#14 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [Solved] Howto hibernate » 2023-08-24 22:24:07

For the first requirement: AFAIK this requires a BIOS that supports this.
For the second: Startup is simple, but takes time because from the computer's point of view it is a 'cold' boot - the computer has to go through its normal hardware startup including GRUB. So don't expect a surprisingly speed until GRUB's countdown has ended.

I use hibernation on my 'main' box, e.g. I can continue watching a movie from where I left the day before.



#15 Re: Installation » Installing ISC-DHCP-SERVER on Daedalus » 2023-08-24 18:50:48

Thanks for that information!

Now I know that I was right to dislike Network-Manager at first sight.

#16 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] (username) is not in the sudoers file. » 2023-08-23 15:54:37

I don't use sudo. If I have to do something only root can do I use "su -",



#17 Re: Forum Feedback » [SOLVED] Theme request » 2023-08-20 22:44:20

ralph.ronnquist wrote:

@Gregors, if you make a theme and email to me I can probably stuff it in as an option.

Thank you – but I think the zoom feature of FF is the right solution for me. I didn't try that at first because I thought that zooming would be applied to all pages I go to. But FF seems to remember which zoom factor to use for each forum I visit.

#18 Re: Forum Feedback » [SOLVED] Theme request » 2023-08-20 19:16:29

Oh, I think there is an misunderstanding. Sorry. I am talking about this forum, not Devuan.

But I think I already found a way to make things more confortable for me – I am using the zoom feature of Firefox.

Sorry to bother ...


#19 Forum Feedback » [SOLVED] Theme request » 2023-08-20 17:00:01

Replies: 6

Hi there,

I've tried all the forum themes - but I didn't find one that really suits my specific needs. Right now I am using one of the dark themes (cobalt I think).
So,to make it short, is there a chance there will a theme where the text size is at least doubled?

Or, can I use some kind of personal css file? Well, this question might be one for the guys who take care of fluxBB.



#20 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] "Powered by Devuan" icons? » 2023-08-19 02:52:48

I think that swoosh-like 'D' should have its own space ... eh ... room around it. Quick and dirty:

just my 2 ct


#21 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Error: Package lsb is not installed ...?! » 2022-08-31 14:58:36

Thanks a lot!

It prove the printer drivers were not installed. Silly me ... as usual ...


#22 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Error: Package lsb is not installed ...?! » 2022-08-28 09:17:34

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

You could use equivs to create a fake lsb ...

Thanks! I'll try that.


#23 Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Error: Package lsb is not installed ...?! » 2022-08-28 07:47:35

Replies: 5

Hi there,

I have trouble installing my printer (Epson ET-M1140):

Searching epson support I found an
package that has „unmet dependencies“:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 : Depends: lsb (>= 3.2) which is a virtual package and is not provided by any available package

The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

     Remove the following packages:                      
1)     epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 [1.1.49-1lsb3.2 (now)]

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] n       

When I try to compile that from source make complains about several „undefined references (e.g. „undefined reference to `ppdOpenFile'“)

So, what can I do to make my printer print?



#25 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [done] Hibernate not working » 2022-08-25 15:23:16

Oh, you're right.

'cat /proc/swaps' gives me

root@mimi:/home/gszaktilla# cat /proc/swaps 
Filename                                Type            Size            Used            Priority

and 'free -h' tells

root@mimi:/home/gszaktilla# free -h
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7.8Gi       1.3Gi       5.6Gi        16Mi       900Mi       6.2Gi
Swap:             0B          0B          0B

So i'll try to fix that. Thanks a lot so far!


PS: After changing the fstab line to use the PARTUUID everything works fine. Thanks for the help!

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