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#26 2018-04-19 04:52:58

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

MiyoLinux wrote:

1. ...this bad boy is awesome!

I like the many options, but gotta learn the 'Handlers & Protocol' stuff for mounting, but still don't mind!

fsmithred wrote:

Then run refractainstaller.

I only got the snapshot part learnt right now...I thought the installer part is what I used with Miyo & Vuu-do.
I'll have to try this at some point, to use the iso I just got.
Question: the iso does not have the installer as miyo does? (not included/automatic?) I need to do more?  smile

fsmithred wrote:

Next step is to change to beowulf repo and upgrade again.

Did you not go thru all the mess I went thru?? HOW???  smile

Edit:: to save space tongue

$uname -a
Linux parrot 4.15.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.15.11-1~bpo9+1 (2018-04-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux

and NO systemd mentioned in grub menu anymore!!

Time to join fsmithred and move to beowulf yikes  yeeeha ~ hmm

Last edited by stanz (2018-04-19 06:10:45)



#27 2018-04-19 14:15:17

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

a little off-topic but, spacefm...root's editor - i got geany - but doesn't ask for password or open as root,
still read-only (files)??
need sudo or gksu in there somewhere?? Thx



#28 2018-04-19 14:21:54

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

No, I went through a different mess. 14GB is not big enough. During the upgrade, there were points when free space got down to 130MB. Um, no. There was a point where it got to zero. I was able to manually delete packages in /var/cache/apt/archives to make enough space to run some other commands, like 'apt-get remove libreoffice'.

Also, the upgrade took 12 hours. (OK, I slept through most of that, so it might have been shorter..)
I would recommend getting rid of mate before you upgrade. It will be messy. I installed openbox, lxpanel and lxterminal before removing mate, and I still had to reinstall xorg, xinit, xserver-xorg-video-all after removing mate.

A couple of things are broken. I have to type 'disable' during bootup. I get messages about some parrot-specific package needing attention as user, not root (inet-something). And I would guess that some other special parrot sauce is broken, too.

Anyway, once I finished the dist-upgrade, I also did an 'apt-get autoremove' and also removed systemd. I lost lightdm in the whole process, but startx works.


#29 2018-04-19 14:25:13

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

Open a terminal, 'su' to get root, then run geany. Or nano. Or whatever you want.
Or use gksu if it's installed. If there's no root account, use gksudo. (or 'sudo -i' for a root terminal)

I never set the root editor in spacefm, but I think it's somewhere around the last tab in preferences.


#30 2018-04-19 14:35:39

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

On my phone, so I'm doing this from memory...might miss something. tongue

I made an entry in my openbox menu for Spacefm as root...with gksu spacefm as the command to open it.

While in spacefm as root, I just right-click a file and choose to open it with leafpad. That's just the way I like to do it.

Have you checked the Permissions of the file(s)? I think that's at the bottom of the menu when you right-click a file. I've had to change several files' permissions that way to add write to them.

Regarding mounting devices...all I installed was spacefm and udevil. USBs mount automatically and open automatically in a new tab. smile

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#31 2018-04-20 18:50:55

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

SpaceFM::: Thx fsmithred & MiyoLinux...those are good alternatives, and after some duckduck`ing - my cure is:
In toolbar, under, "View-->Preferences" "Advanced" tab, at: "Root's Editor", input "sudo nano", tick "Run root's editor in terminal".
When root is needed, right-click to "Open" choose, "Edit As Root", terminal opens asking for password, nano opens editable file! smile
I grew up with nano wink

On to the hobby venture...
ditto ~ fsmithred ... " 'apt-get remove libreoffice"...
Yeppers! ~ I did remove pkgs I won't use - I couldn't see upgrading bloated, useless pkgs also. tongue

fsmithred wrote:

I would recommend getting rid of mate before you upgrade. It will be messy. I installed openbox, lxpanel and lxterminal before removing mate, and I still had to reinstall xorg, xinit, xserver-xorg-video-all after removing mate.

Yes - that was part of my experience as well, in post #14, it was totally unexpected! Was reason for losing network, etc..
That will become part of the first-steps!

and I still had to reinstall xorg, xinit, xserver-xorg-video-all after removing mate.

I'll give attention to that.
I did notice, for how I went thru that, mate-desktop & common stayed in...might not remember that right, but once I removed 2 remaining 'mate', pkgs, I lost panel - desktop icons..!?
But kewl, progress!! Thx fsmithred, for your time here!! Big help not roaming this desert smile

I have to type 'disable' during bootup

Same here, not sure what started that. I cannot boot into regular grub menu entry - gotta go into "Advanced" section & use any "Recovery"
mode option, for 4.14 image, thats when I get to the:

calling: /sbin/tomoyo-init to load policy. Please wait..
TOMOYO: Default profile doesn't exist.
TOMOYO: Select a profile from the following list.
APPARMOR Profiles: Mounting Securityfs on /sys/kernel/security
[info] Insufficient privileges to change profiles.. Failed! 

and after login, I'm greeted with a error window:
Unable to lookup session information for process '2414'

At that time, using Htop, 2414 was;

PID      user    pri   ni     virt      res      command
2414    stanz   20   0     354m    25028     lxpolkit

Last edited by stanz (2018-04-20 18:56:43)



#32 2018-04-20 22:44:06

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

I was getting that error in lxde until I upgraded it today. You can probably just remove lxpolkit. You're not running the whole lxde desktop, right?

I see dbus and/or gtk errors almost every time I run any graphical program in a terminal. I ignore them if things are working.


#33 2018-04-20 23:16:09

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

I noticed 10 pkgs to upgrade earlier, only did 7 so far.
I see i got lxpolkit -- will remove & check.
Running the whole lxde desktop? -- that {lxde}pkg isn't installed. Search "lxde", shows I got::

libmenu-cache-bin, libmenu-cache3, lxappearance, lxappearance-obconf, lxde-common,
lxde-core, lxde-settings-daemon, lxinput, lxlock, lxmenu-data, lxpanel, lxpanel-data,
lxpolkit, lxrandr, lxsession, lxsession-edit, lxsession-logout, lxtask,
openbox-lxde-desktop, openbox-lxde-session

I did install openbox - obmenu - obconf - openbox-menu, when I realized I was losing mate desktop pkgs -- openbox
replacement was my first thought...that didn't go to good, lxde gave parrot menu items back!

I see dbus and/or gtk errors almost every time I run any graphical program in a terminal.

Me to! good to hear it ain't a big worry.

I'll continue update & hope it fixs boot problem...then test some pkgs - take notes - and do it all over again! smile
I'll install refracta pkgs and make iso, when things look exciting.

Have you used {or want to} any programs yet? ...Tor, anonsurf, ...? Mine fail. sad



#34 2018-04-24 05:35:06

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

Ok folks, this way of doing things is nothing but problems for me, and it isn't FUN anymore! tongue
While re-installing parrot again...I read other options from fsmithred, and decided to try another option mentioned.

Sooo, I installed Miyo ascii on another partition. yikes  because...
It's Devuan...its minimal ~ it got refractainstall & snapshot in works, and I likes the Openbox.
I got quickly started & grabbed Anonsurf from GitHub and ran its
It went smoothly & I was surfing as soon as I checked my ip, and with different ip's every few minutes.
Thats with Pale Moon, Tor Browser, and using Synaptic.

I'm still unable to create a launcher in the menu. I copied the details over from parrot's install - but that's all Mate desktop stuff.
Soo, I figured to & did a Devuan ascii Mate install, on another partition. hmm
Will post when that gets working.

I'm supposed to have a .deb package, created during install, but unable to find it.
It isn't in /var/cache/apt/archives, so maybe,

dpkg-deb -b kali-anonsurf-deb-src/ kali-anonsurf.deb

Dumps the built deb package after install? Maybe I should try adding:

dpkg-deb -b kali-anonsurf-deb-src/ Downloads/kali-anonsurf.deb

? maybe next try...I'd like to keep that .deb available!  cool

dpkg -i kali-anonsurf.deb || (apt-get -f install && dpkg -i kali-anonsurf.deb) # this will automatically install the required packages

Last edited by stanz (2018-04-24 23:17:11)



#35 2018-04-24 12:25:26

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

Have you used {or want to} any programs yet? ...Tor, anonsurf, ...? Mine fail.

No, I didn't try anything. Did they work for you in a live session?

I had to wipe that install to make room for other stuff. I'll keep checking in on you, though.

dpkg-deb puts the package in the current directory. I just cloned the repo and ran ./ and the deb is right there in the same directory. Can't go anywhere in my browser when it's running - dns is not working. And if I try to go to a numerical IP address, I get a warning that the connection is not secure. (tested in a fresh Refracta install) Is this only supposed to work with tor browser?

Installing and using refracta tools should work ok. I did it once in the past with kali.


#36 2018-04-24 23:12:42

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

fsmithred wrote:

the deb is right there in the same directory.

And you are right on, it's there..! ..Why was I looking for it on the wrong partition? tongue

you wrote:

Did they work for you in a live session?

I guess I should have tried live session hmm  will do soon.

you wrote:

Can't go anywhere in my browser when it's running - dns is not working.

Yeah...That's what I get when something ain't working right. That's only happened with the parrot pkg - not with Und3rf10w/kali-anonsurf just worked.
I didn't even think of using numerical ip...and not got to 'connection not secure'..that's like "almost there, but not" tongue

So, you were running Refracta. Think I can install and test ( meaning - try to figure it out! ha).
Also, I'm still trying to progress with that Mate install...might as well start using that .deb file I - found. lol

Sent from my laptop, while using anonsurf... tongue


Last edited by stanz (2018-04-24 23:19:17)



#37 2018-04-25 19:32:28

From: Northern Earth ~ Brrrr
Registered: 2018-01-14
Posts: 162  

Re: ParrotSec OS, 'considered', switch to Devuan

fsmithred wrote:

Did they work for you in a live session?

I only had time for a quick check.
Anonsurf worked - i2p did not.

Disappointed that:
1,044 pkgs to upgrade
97 pkgs to install
4 pkgs to downgrade
2 pkgs to remove
917MB to download ( after installing 1.5GB iso?) yikes

I wanna stay Devuan'd!
Continuing this Post with install/working success/failures.

Last edited by stanz (2018-04-25 21:43:45)



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