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#1 2025-02-23 09:33:26

Registered: 2019-09-24
Posts: 139  

curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

A package is a social software. @.

It needs libraries , and it may suggest other software.

But when a Devuan user establishes a certain workflows it creates also dependecies among software (and among file-types).

So i propose a format for curared - eso-devuan workflows where user can publish those interdepencies.


apt-get install-workflow  johh:lowlevelrprogramming
apt-get install-workflow olga:digitalpainting-begginer

Last edited by chomwitt (2025-02-23 09:33:47)

Devuan(Chimaera)(Daedalus)  DS+WM: XorgX11server+StumpVM


#2 2025-03-22 19:09:19

Registered: 2024-07-17
Posts: 21  

Re: curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

Look, I get the idea behind it, but honestly, it just feels like overcomplicating things. Linux is about flexibility, not pre-configured workflows. If you need a low-level programming environment, just install the tools you need and get on with it. Why add another layer of complexity with workflows? That’s just going to lead to more problems down the line when things break or packages get outdated.

The whole point of Linux is that you have the freedom to set things up how you want. You don’t need some workflow package telling you how to do it. If you really want to help people, just share your setup, share your dotfiles, maybe make a script—let others figure out how they want to configure things. Predefined workflows are a shortcut, but shortcuts rarely work in the long run.

So yeah, I’d say skip this workflow idea. Linux is about choice, not about boxing people into some “easy” solution.

Hey, it's lynchian9.
Feel free to reach out via email.


#3 2025-03-24 01:25:16

Registered: 2020-12-12
Posts: 106  

Re: curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

maybe the wording of "workflows" is worse than "pico-distributions" and the term chomwitt was searching for is "flavours" a-la ubuntu or "respins" a la manjaro.

to give an example some such respin could be an openbox + thunar + tint2 + jgmenu to provide an alternative to the xfce, gnome and kde desktops, call the metapackage something like "bunsen desktop" as those 4 component are what bunsenlabs linux builds their desktop with, another metapackage could be an equivalent of the "ubuntu studio", something like a "devuan studio" package that pulls other 4 metapackages for "audio" "graphics" "photography" and "video"

to such an assortment of metapackages we could then come and define multiple community maintained metapackages to provide various desktop experiences and workflows.

tho there would require some standarization to have all this metapackages depend on standar xdg-destktop features so that there won't be a package that "implodes and doesn't work" unless someone goes out of the way to do something super custom, at which point installing these "workflows" and "pico-distro" metapackages would be counterproductive.


#4 2025-03-24 15:40:30

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 782  

Re: curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

@EDX-0 I think as you mentioned there might be some issues with a "studio" meta-package like you describe, it might be even better to put out a "community" collaborated iso with these things already installed and configured to work with the system smoothly.

Thought several times about doing one myself, but a lot of the stuff like video-editing and hardcore sound things are not an area i'm familiar with, would really need someone who's very experienced using such to lay out a basic framework of what works well and choose the packages accordingly. And some of that stuff is very heavy on system resources, probably need to be able to define some minimum computer specs that would be able to handle the load. New Vuu-do isos uploaded March 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded. Now a Vuu-do-mate-mini as well.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too! 100% no-vuu-do. wink
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#5 2025-03-24 21:40:08

Registered: 2019-09-24
Posts: 139  

Re: curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

Thank you for your views.

Althought i understand the overcomplication argument i tend to like the idea and the examples presented by EDX-0.   

For now when devuan installer present to us certain desktop enviroment to choose i think that that list of choices in a certain degree reflect choosen desktop workflows that are there not due to a stable consensus building process inside a community but in a certain degree to trends and inertia. 

So in that light my proposal could take another form. Establish a community process where curated-package-workflows are proposed, tested and if stable enough pass to the installer or
similar utilities .

Last edited by chomwitt (2025-03-24 21:41:06)

Devuan(Chimaera)(Daedalus)  DS+WM: XorgX11server+StumpVM


#6 2025-03-24 23:47:01

Registered: 2020-12-12
Posts: 106  

Re: curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

well the "sudio" metapackage would certainly be the more complex and hard to create package but something like a "bunsen desktop" would be an easier package to create, after all it would require to package in devuan is a diver for thunar … r.postinst and set of configs

again that is purely as an example.


#7 2025-03-26 07:19:57

Registered: 2019-09-24
Posts: 139  

Re: curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

In the general view of my general proposal (establishing community workflows of testing curated-workflow-metapackages ) i want to add two more arguments:
1. In the web developement it is common to propose to new developers , not single packages but 'bundles' .The classic example being LAMP .
2. Devuan installer includes the step done by tasksel   :

Tasksel package provides a simple interface for users who want to configure their system to perform a specific task

$ tasksel --list-tasks 
u desktop	Devuan desktop environment
u xfce-desktop	Xfce
u mate-desktop	MATE
u cinnamon-desktop	Cinnamon
u gnome-desktop	GNOME
u kde-desktop	KDE
u lxde-desktop	LXDE
u lxqt-desktop	LXQt
u gnome-flashback-desktop	GNOME Flashback
u web-server	web server
u console-productivity	Console productivity
u ssh-server	SSH server
u laptop	laptop

So we see that already during installation there is a logic of proposing workflows to the user. It could be argued that that is for the benefit of the less experienced user. But the list doesnt seem focused on that use case. It has also :web-server,console-productivity,ssh-server. So does that selection makes sense ?  Or is it an abandonded dead file lingering forgetten in a repo missing any integration to community practices ?

(ps: bunsen laptop seem cool).
(ps2: i wonder if other distros have similar to tasksel utilities).

Last edited by chomwitt (2025-03-26 07:27:20)

Devuan(Chimaera)(Daedalus)  DS+WM: XorgX11server+StumpVM


#8 2025-03-27 14:05:25

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 782  

Re: curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

(ps: bunsen laptop seem cool).

The BunsenLabs crew are great folks, they've helped me out several times lately, they're doing some cool innovative things over there. New Vuu-do isos uploaded March 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded. Now a Vuu-do-mate-mini as well.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too! 100% no-vuu-do. wink
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#9 2025-03-27 21:49:31

Registered: 2024-07-17
Posts: 21  

Re: curated pico-distributions (aka curated workflows)

The challenge, as EDX-0 said, would be ensuring that these metapackages adhere to a certain level of standardization (e.g., following XDG Desktop standards). Otherwise, there's a risk that, for example, an Openbox-based "Bunsen Desktop" might clash with other desktop environments or not play nicely with certain XDG apps. But if these guidelines and standards are in place, it could offer a robust and flexible alternative to larger desktop environments like XFCE, GNOME, or KDE, while still maintaining a level of coherence and cross-compatibility. Assuming all this is desirable by the user.

A framework could be created. It should aim to provide a lightweight, modular desktop environment that adheres strictly to XDG Desktop standards for maximum compatibility and flexibility. The core package would install essential components like a minimal window manager, app launcher, and file manager, all adhering to XDG Base Directory and autostart specifications. From there, users could install specific modules for different window managers (e.g., Openbox, i3, Fluxbox), panels (XDE-Panel), docks (XDE-Dock), and XDG-compliant applications. This modular approach would ensure that components can be swapped without breaking system coherence. The framework would support seamless integration of both lightweight and full-featured applications, with automated testing and community-driven contributions ensuring ongoing compatibility. This structure allows users to build a highly customizable, performance-efficient desktop while maintaining cross-environment consistency and low overhead, providing a minimal yet robust alternative to heavier desktop environments like GNOME or KDE.

Hey, it's lynchian9.
Feel free to reach out via email.


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